1850 U.S. Census - Mackinac County, Michigan
Source Information
Original data: Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National
Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau
of the Census, Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Alphabetical listing converted back to page listing and
audited by ManitouIslandArchives.Org, May-June 2010, with
notations indicating known locations of listed persons.
(A work in progress until eventually completed.)
Corrections and Additions
Your assistance will be appreciated. If you have information about
persons listed, such as correct name spellings, and especially with
respect to their location at the time of this census, please help by
submitting your comments to gwarner@manitouislandsarchives.org
Page 1
Monday - July 22, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
1 1 Stringham Henry T. 35 M Wood Dealer St. Croix
1 1 Stringham S. J. 27 F N.Y.
1 1 Stringham Joseph 8 M Michigan [11]
1 1 Stringham Henry 7 M Michigan [11]
1 1 Stringham E. 3 F N.Y.
1 1 Pickard N. 33 M Wood Dealer N.Y. (North Manitou Island)
1 1 Pickard N. 29 F N.Y.
1 1 Pickard C. 2 F N.Y.
1 1 Pickard M. W. 1 M N.Y.
1 1 Lorain S. 33 F Ohio
1 1 Lorain C. 14 F Ohio
1 1 Lorain C. 11 F Ohio [11]
1 1 Lorain Frances 11 F N.Y.
1 1 Pickard S. 25 M Laborer N.Y.
1 1 Clark J. N. 25 M Laborer N.Y.
2 2 Sabins C. N. 31 M Carpenter & Joiner N.Y.
2 2 Downey Sydney 28 M Fisherman Vermont
2 2 Kipp Henry 22 M Lumberman Canada [12]
3 3 Dexter Moses H. 46 M Blacksmith Vermont
3 3 Dexter A. 39 F Vermont
3 3 Dexter Judson 18 M Blacksmith N.Y.
3 3 Dexter A. R. 15 F Vermont
3 3 Dexter H. 10 F N.Y.
3 3 Dexter M. 8 M N.Y.
3 3 Dexter Jane 6 F N.Y.
3 3 Dexter Josephine 3 F N.Y.
3 3 Dexter Isaac 1 M N.Y.
4 4 Barnett Patrick 40 M Fisherman Ireland [12]
4 4 Barnett Matilda 35 F Ireland [12]
4 4 Barnett John 25 M Fisherman Ireland
4 4 Hill William 18 M Fisherman Ireland
4 4 Barnett Mary 7 F Canada
4 4 Barnett John 3 M Michigan
4 4 Barnett Edward 2 M Michigan
4 4 Barnett Richard 4/12 M Michigan
5 5 McIntosh Ann 40 F N.Y.
5 5 Carmichael Dougald 18 M Teamster N.Y.
5 5 Carmichael Catherine 15 F N.Y.
5 5 Carmichael Flora 12 F N.Y.
5 5 Carmichael Daniel 10 M N.Y.
Page 2
Monday - July 22, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
5 5 Carmichael Alex 8 M N.Y.
5 5 McIntosh James 5 M N.Y.
5 5 McIntosh Jane 3 F N.Y.
6 6 Millery Tellman P. 40 M Wood Chopper Penna. [10]
6 6 Hillery Mary 16 F N.Y. [10]
7 7 Lyman A. 35 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
7 7 Lyman Sarah 26 F N.Y.
7 7 Lyman Mary Jane 8 F Ohio
7 7 Lyman Olive C. 5 F Ohio
8 8 Higgins Benjamin 39 M Seaman Maine
8 8 Higgins Mary Ann 32 F NJ
8 8 Higgins Joseph 6 M N.Y.
8 8 Durie Antoine 19 M Wood Chopper Canada [12]
9 9 Gallagher Charles 25 M Fisherman Ireland
9 9 Kaverly John 24 M Fisherman Germany
10 10 Reynolds S. 45 M Wood Chopper Maine
11 11 Kepfiler C. 25 M Wood Chopper Germany
11 11 Kepfiler C. 19 F Germany
12 12 Junal K. 35 M Wood Chopper Germany
12 12 Junal B. 23 M Wood Chopper Germany
12 12 Framel B. 36 M Wood Chopper Germany
12 12 Carr John 29 M Teamster N.Y. [12]
13 13 Dona N. 55 M Fisherman Canada [12]
13 13 Hancheon F. 35 M Fisherman Germany
14 14 Reynolds Simeon 45 M Wood Chopper Maine
15 15 Korval John 40 M Wood Chopper Germany
15 15 Clintworth Henry 35 M Wood Chopper Germany
15 15 Seymour Ira 45 M Carpenter & Joiner N.Y.
15 15 Keough John 35 M Fisherman Ireland
15 15 Dalton John 23 M Teamster N.Y.
15 15 Holady I. 38 M Wood Chopper Ireland
15 15 Spink Henry 23 M Teamster Germany
15 15 Currigan E. 35 M Fisherman Ireland
16 16 Lerue John 36 M Merchant N.Y. (South Manitou/Glen Arbor)
16 16 Cooper William 18 M Fisherman N.Y.
16 16 Gallup Calom 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
17 17 Gear John 29 M Wood Chopper Germany
17 17 Gear Ann 29 F Germany
17 17 Gear David 5/12 M N.Y.
17 17 Myer Martin 31 M Wood Chopper Germany
Page 3
Tuesday - July 23, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
17 17 Huntington Ralph 50 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
18 18 Rockwell C. J. 22 M Teamster N.Y.
18 18 Rockwell H. M. 19 F N.Y.
18 18 Rockwell A. I. 4/12 M Michigan
18 18 O'Neal Hannah 18 F N.Y.
18 18 Stodman T. 23 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
18 18 Carry John J. 24 M Cooper Ohio
19 19 Burton E. E. 31 M Wood Merchant Vermont (South Manitou Island)
19 19 Burton J. C. 20 M Wood Merchant Vermont
19 19 Burton A. H. 27 F N.Y.
19 19 Burton Catherine 4 F Michigan
19 19 Burton M. E. 5/12 F Michigan
19 19 Bart Jane E. 28 F N.Y.
20 20 Barry A. 40 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
20 20 Barry Daniel 30 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
20 20 Barry George 20 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
20 20 Barry Sarah 22 F Ohio
20 20 Barry Aa 5 F Ohio
20 20 Barry Albert 3 M Wisconsin
20 20 Stedman Thomas 24 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
20 20 Brown George 24 M Teamster N.Y.
20 20 Scruby George 2 M Teamster N.Y.
20 20 Frazier James 28 M Teamster Scotland
21 21 Ross Benjamin 37 M Lighthouse Keeper Canada (South Manitou Island Light)
21 21 Ross Mary Ann 36 F N.Y.
21 21 Ross Charles H. 15 M Ohio
22 22 Graham Lemuet 60 M Wood Chopper N.Y.
23 23 Oliver Joseph 31 M Fisherman Pennsylvania
23 23 Oliver Wassage 27 F Michigan [12]
23 23 Oliver Joseph 2 M Michigan
23 23 Ryarson Mary 7 F Michigan
23 23 Dean John 23 M Fisherman Canada
23 23 Miller J. B. 25 M Carpenter Canada
24 24 Stronsh Joseph 36 M Lumberman Scotland (probably "Stronach" - saw mill operator)
24 24 Stronsh Jane 39 F Canada
24 24 Stronsh Joseph 5 M Canada
24 24 Stronsh Elizabeth 2 F Canada
24 24 Brady James M. 22 M Sawyer Scotland
24 24 Brown John 22 M Sawyer Ireland [12]
24 24 Taylor Alvin 18 M Sawyer Penna.
Page 4
Thursday - July 25, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
24 24 Warren James 64 M Lumberman N.Y.
24 24 Curtis F. W. 45 M Sawyer Vermont
24 24 Robinson Martin 20 M Teamster Ireland
25 25 Dean Lewis D. 30 M Sawyer Vermont
25 25 Dean A. H. 29 F Vermont
25 25 Dean Ellen J. 4 F Michigan
25 25 Rathbon Anthony 50 M Teamster Rhode Island
26 26 O'Neal James 25 M Lumberman Ireland [12]
26 26 O'Neal Catherine 25 F Ireland [12]
26 26 Gisneys Casle 27 M Lumberman Norway
26 26 Van Son William 2? M Lumberman Norway [12]
26 26 Glaston Samuel 28 M Lumberman Scotland [12]
27 27 Mason Antoine 39 M Carpenter Canada [12](Antoine Manseau - North Manitou)
27 27 Mason Ialia 38 F Canada [12]
27 27 Mason Antoine Jr. 16 M Carpenter Canada [11]
27 27 Mason Catherine 15 F Canada [11]
27 27 Mason Julia 13 F Wisconsin
27 27 Mason Emily 11 F Wisconsin
27 27 Mason Odel 8 F Wisconsin
27 27 Mason Filemin 6 F Wisconsin
27 27 Mason Joseph 3 M Wisconsin
28 28 Mateland Henry 24 M Lumberman Scotland
28 28 Mateland John 23 M Lumberman Canada
29 29 Stronach John 55 M Lumberman Scotland
29 29 Stronach Isabella 50 F Scotland
30 30 Stronach James 30 M Lumberman Canada
30 30 Stronach Sarah 18 F Canada
31 31 Stronach Adam 26 M Lumberman N.Y.
31 31 Stronach Lucy 17 F Canada
31 31 Stronach John 16 M Lumberman Canada
31 31 Stronach Isabella 15 F Canada
31 31 Swan Robert 25 M Lumberman England
31 31 Stronach Eliza 3/12 F Michigan
31 31 Collins Jer 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
31 31 Quin John 52 M Lumberman Ireland
31 31 Duts Augustus 21 M Lumberman Germany
31 31 Sher William 19 M Lumberman Germany
31 31 O'Connel James 19 M Lumberman Ireland
31 31 O'Neal James 23 M Lumberman N.Y. [12]
31 31 Dufo Francis 24 M Lumberman not known [12]
Page 5
Saturday - July 27, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
31 31 Cassady F. 22 M Lumberman Ireland [12]
31 31 Clemens John 25 M Lumberman Germany
31 31 Smith Peter 25 M Lumberman Germany
32 32 Rapet Felix 34 M Lumberman Canada [12]
32 32 Rasset Mary 23 F N.Y.
32 32 Rasset Isabel 3 F Michigan
32 32 Rasset John 4 M Michigan
32 32 Rapet Adam 1 M Michigan
32 32 Milo Joseph 30 M Lumberman Germany
33 33 Bond Michael 27 M Lumberman France [12]
33 33 Bond Ellen 19 F N.Y.
33 33 Bodet Thomas 20 M Lumberman Canada [12]
34 34 Harper Joseph 48 M Lumberman Canada [12]
34 34 Harper Julia 24 F N.Y. [12]
34 34 Harper Julia 7/12 F Michigan
35 35 Morrice J. B. 33 M Canada [12]
35 35 Morrice C. 27 F N.Y.
35 35 Morrice Esther 7 F Wisconsin
35 35 Morrice Mary 3/12 F Michigan
35 35 Coveon Antoine 27 M Lumberman Canada [12]
35 35 Coutour Casmen 47 M Lumberman Canada [12]
36 36 Dixon John 29 M Lumberman England
36 36 Dixon M. A. 13 F Canada
36 36 Dixon Ellen 11 F Canada
36 36 Dixon Mary 5 F Illinois
36 36 Dixon Benjamin R. 3 M Illinois
36 36 Warren Thomas B 26 M Lumberman N.Y.
36 36 McNeal Morris 41 M Lumberman New Brunswick [12]
36 36 Diley Davie 25 M Lumberman Wales [12]
36 36 Diley Hugh 60 M Lumberman Wales
36 36 Aisle Peter 28 M Lumberman Germany
36 36 Crawford Hugh 21 M Lumberman Ireland
36 36 McCorwin Archy 38 M Lumberman Scotland
37 37 Miller Oliver 34 M Lumberman & Farmer N.Y.
37 37 Miller Jane 30 F N.Y.
37 37 Miller John 8 M N.Y.
37 37 Miller Cora 3 F Wisconsin
37 37 Miller Elizabeth 6/12 F Michigan
37 37 Altrenger Christopher 25 M Laborer Germany
38 38 Humble Joseph A. 37 M Lumberman England
Page 6
Sunday - July 28, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
38 38 Johnson S. C. 25 M Lumberman N.Y.
38 38 Johnson E. O. 25 F N.Y.
38 38 Murphy Mary 22 F Ireland
38 38 Flanders Richard 27 M Lumberman N.Y. [12]
38 38 Williams James 19 M Lumberman Norway
38 38 Williams Thomas 17 M Lumberman Norway [12]
38 38 Elmsile Gordon 24 M Engineer Scotland
38 38 Pico Dand 35 M Lumberman N.Y.
38 38 Smith George 41 M Lumberman Germany
38 38 O'Connel Peter 35 M Lumberman Ireland
38 38 Kroner Faid 25 M Teamster Germany
38 38 Fitzhenry Michael 21 M Lumberman Ireland
38 38 Fitzhenry John 50 M Lumberman Ireland
38 38 O'Dond Patrick 28 M Lumberman Ireland
38 38 Bloonbole Andrew 25 M Lumberman Germany
39 39 Meitzer Sebastian 35 M Germany
39 39 Meitzer Emily 26 F England
39 39 Meitzer Ann 8 F England
39 39 Meitzer Martha 5 F England
40 40 Brown H. 37 M Fireman N.Y.
40 40 Brown Ann 28 F N.Y.
40 40 Linvanter John 25 M Laborer Ireland
40 40 Dolen Edw 33 M Laborer Ireland
41 41 Joslin D. R. 33 M Sawyer N.Y.
41 41 Joslin Sarah 28 F England
41 41 Joslin William H. 10 M N.Y.
41 41 Joslin M. Louise 8 F Michigan
41 41 Joslin Daniel D. 2 M Michigan
41 41 Joslin Alice 5/12 F Michigan
42 42 Finin Owen 36 M Lumberman Ireland
42 42 Finin Bridget 24 F Ireland
42 42 Finin Michael 28 M Lumberman Ireland
42 42 McCormick Frances 22 M Lumberman Canada
42 42 Baxter Andrew 30 M Lumberman Ireland
42 42 Finin Catherine 24 F Ireland
42 42 Finin Bridget 1 F Conn.
43 43 Carmichael John 24 M Lumberman Scotland
43 43 Mayhew John 35 M Lumberman Virginia
43 43 Mayhew Mary 30 F N.Y.
43 43 Mayhew Henry 5 M N.Y.
Page 7
Sunday - July 28, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
43 43 Garey James 30 M Lumberman Ireland
43 43 Garey Miles 21 M Lumberman Ireland
43 43 Garey Francis 24 M Lumberman Ireland
43 43 Strong Frederick 25 M Lumberman Germany
44 44 Smith Joseph 54 M Lumberman N.H.
44 44 Smith Lucy 48 F Maine
44 44 Smith Gardner B. 18 M Lumberman Maine
44 44 Smith Adelaide 16 F Maine
44 44 Smith Augustus 13 M Maine
44 44 Ford George W. 22 M Seaman N.Y.
44 44 Ford Sarah 21 F Maine
44 44 Ford L. 2 F Wisconsin
44 44 RobertS G. 20 M Lumberman Wales
44 44 Roberts William 19 M Lumberman Wales
44 44 Pritchard Hugh 19 M Lumberman Wales
44 44 McGill William 22 M Lumberman N.Y.
44 44 Straffin Frederic 19 M Laborer Germany
44 44 Borts Charles 23 M Lumberman Germany
44 44 Rainer Margaret 20 F Germany [12]
44 44 Wilmot John 50 M Laborer Mass.
45 45 Smith Stephen 28 M Lumberman Maine
45 45 Hebard William 26 M Laborer England
45 45 Murphy Bart? 25 M Laborer Ireland
45 45 Thabe Thomas 22 M Lumberman Ireland
45 45 Williams William 19 M Lumberman Norway
45 45 Doyle Corneaus 28 M Lumberman Ireland
45 45 Reoir Peter 23 M Lumberman Germany [12]
45 45 Bolus George 23 M Lumberman Germany
45 45 Rogers John 22 M Laborer Ohio
46 46 Rogers Eben 40 M Blacksmith Mass.
46 46 Rogers Sarah 40 F Vermont
46 46 Rogers Charlotte 20 F Ohio
46 46 Rogers Edward 16 M Blacksmith Ohio
46 46 Rogers Frances M. 15 F N.Y.
46 46 Rogers Helen 8 F Wisconsin
46 46 Sherwood C. 24 M Carpenter & Joiner Wisconsin
46 46 Sprague 40 M Carpenter & Joiner Ireland
46 46 Mitchell George 40 M Mill Wright Canada
46 46 Ogilby John 34 M Lumberman Scotland
47 47 Sims James 38 M Engineer Scotland
Page 8
Sunday - July 28, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
47 47 Sims Helen 38 F Scotland
47 47 Sims James 13 M Scotland
47 47 Sims Isabel 6 F Scotland
47 47 Sims Mary 8 F Scotland
47 47 Mayville John 29 M Sawyer Vermont
47 47 Leavenworth J. H. 28 M Mill Wright Vermont
48 48 Shoar John 28 M Engineer Canada
48 48 Shoar Catherine 27 F Canada [12]
48 48 Shoar John M. 4 M Michigan
48 48 Shoar Margaret Ann 2 F Wisconsin
48 48 Hall William R. 34 M Lumberman Canada
49 49 Bours Evert 28 M Lumberman Germany [12]
49 49 Bours Burngel 44 F Germany [12]
49 49 Otley Henrietta 20 F Germany
49 49 Otley George J. 34 M Fisherman N.Y.
49 49 Otley James 6/12 M Michigan
49 49 Lansing Caroline 15 F Germany [12]
49 49 Lansing John 8 M Germany
49 49 Lansing Garrett 7 M Germany
49 49 Lansing Henry 3 M N.Y.
49 49 Lansing Mary 16 F Germany [12]
50 50 Bentley Eli S. 30 M Lumberman N.Y.
50 50 Bentley Charles 30 M N.Y.
50 50 Bentley James 3 M Illinois
50 50 O'Brien John 35 M Lumberman Ireland
51 51 Johnson Ain 48 M Grocer Ohio
51 51 Johnson Aitimesia 36 F N.Y.
51 51 Johnson Edward 16 M Fisherman Ohio
51 51 Johnson Edwin 16 M Seaman Ohio
51 51 Johnson Wealthy 12 F Ohio
51 51 Johnson Emily 7 F Ohio
51 51 Johnson Ezra 9 M Ohio
51 51 Johnson George 3 M Wisconsin
51 51 Johnson Mary 1 F Wisconsin
52 52 Barnett John 32 M Tavern Keeper Ireland [10]
52 52 Barnett Amanda 25 F Penna. [10]
52 52 Barnett Francis 40 M Tavern Keeper Ireland
52 52 Barnett James 28 M Bar Keeper Ireland
52 52 Booker David 30 M Servant Missouori [6B][12]
52 52 Booker Cynthia 25 F Missouori [6B][12]
Page 9
Monday - July 29, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
52 52 Booker George 10 M Missouori [6B]
52 52 Baldwin Joseph 32 M Lumberman Mass.
53 53 Mason William 38 M Fisherman N.Y.
53 53 Mason Sophia 37 F N.Y.
53 53 Mason Eliza Ann 16 F N.Y.
53 53 Mason Ira 10 M Ohio
53 53 Mason Mary 9 F N.Y.
53 53 Mason Frances 1 F Wisconsin
54 54 Potter Samuel 28 M Lumberman Maine
54 54 Potter Ann 21 F Ohio
54 54 Potter E. 1 M Wisconsin
54 54 Albright James 25 M Laborer not known
54 54 Larkin Artis 35 M Laborer not known [6B][12]
54 54 Billings Alonzo 30 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Ponn John 21 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Batzan Peter 20 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Brigham James 24 M Laborer Mass.
54 54 Cook O. C. 31 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Casiman William 23 M Laborer not known
54 54 Child Jas. H. 28 M Laborer Penna.
54 54 Cooper J. B. 23 M Laborer not known
54 54 Danforth Charles 26 M Mechanic not known
54 54 Denton William 23 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Donald George 22 M Laborer Scotland
54 54 Friend Edward 23 M Laborer Maine
54 54 Graves Gordon 22 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Davis William 30 M Laborer Wales
54 54 Guthrey Jer. 22 M Laborer not known
54 54 Jones Thomas 32 M Laborer Wales
54 54 Hatch S. E. 25 M Engineer Mass.
54 54 McMillon Robert 35 M Laborer Scotland
54 54 Laron William 31 M Laborer Penna.
54 54 Lawrence Casper 18 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Macey Henry 35 M Laborer not known
54 54 McKey William 25 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Myers Ferdinand 24 M Carpenter Germany
54 54 Newcomb Hazel 22 M Laborer Penna.
54 54 Potter Joseph 33 M Laborer Maine
54 54 Potter Erastus 21 M Laborer Maine
54 54 Rail Richard 32 M Laborer Ireland
Page 10
Monday - July 29, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
54 54 Round Charles 20 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Tyler S. E. 23 M Carpenter N.Y.
54 54 Williams William D. 30 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 Williams Owen 4 M Wisconsin
54 54 Willis James 3 M Laborer N.Y.
54 54 York H. E. 24 M Carpenter Vermont
54 54 Yorton Jasper 25 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Young John 27 M Laborer Germany
54 54 Potter Stimson 73 M Laborer Maine
55 55 Denton David 41 M Laborer N.Y.
55 55 Denton Margaret 40 F N.Y.
55 55 Denton Joseph 14 M Indiana [11]
55 55 Denton H. S. 12 M Indiana [11]
55 55 Denton Mary Eliza 9 F Indiana [11]
55 55 Denton Martha Ann 7 F Indiana
55 55 Delia Julia 26 F N.Y.
55 55 Delia Marion 4 F Indiana
56 56 Thomas Edward 28 M Sawyer Wales [12]
56 56 Thomas Margaret 31 F Wales [12]
56 56 Thomas Evan 1 F Wisconsin
57 57 Bunch William 35 M Sawyer Indiana [6M][12]
57 57 Bunch Eliza 33 F Indiana [6M][12]
57 57 Bunch Clayborn 13 M Indiana [6M]
57 57 Bunch Joseph 10 M Indiana [6M]
57 57 Bunch Harden 6 M Indiana [6M]
57 57 Bunch Isaac 4 M Indiana [6M]
57 57 Bunch William 2 M Illinois [6M]
58 58 Cook Henry O. 34 M Boardinghouse N.Y. (Migrated to Leeland in 1853 - North Manitou)
58 58 Cook Maria 30 F Mass.
58 58 Cook T. M. 6 F Mass.
58 58 Cook J. H. 1 M Mass.
58 58 Hollister Mary 28 F Mass.
59 59 Flinn Martin 22 M Lumberman Ireland
59 59 Flinn Mary 20 F Ireland
59 59 Fand Henry 7 M Wisconsin
60 60 Billings Alonzo 30 M Sawyer N.Y.
60 60 Billings S. I. 23 F N.Y.
60 60 Billings John 6 M N.Y.
60 60 Billings Caroline 3 F N.Y.
60 60 Rubal Henry 14 M N.Y.
Page 11
Monday - July 29, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
61 61 Piper Freeman 28 M Sawyer N.Y.
61 61 Piper Mary 24 F Hew Jersey
61 61 Piper Eli H. 4 M Penna.
62 62 Purbeck Samuel 38 M Blacksmith Penna.
62 62 Purbeck Abigail 36 F N.Y.
62 62 Purbeck Matilda 15 F N.Y.
62 62 Purbeck Stephen 12 M N.Y.
63 63 Ward William 27 M Lumberman England
63 63 Ward Margaret 21 F N.Y. [12]
63 63 Ward Mary Ann 2 F Wisconsin
63 63 Ward Harriet 1/12 F Michigan
63 63 Williams James 20 M Lumberman Norway
63 63 Rutleff James 40 M Lumberman England
63 63 Williams Thomas 17 M Lumberman Norway [12]
63 63 Thomas Eli 43 M Lumberman Norway
63 63 Buckner Mary 12 F Indiana [6B][12]
63 63 Chelson Covert 30 M Lumberman Norway
64 64 Thompson Germain 36 M Lumberman Norway
64 64 Thompson Turner 44 F Norway
64 64 Thompson Oliver 10 M Norway
64 64 Thompson Thomas 8 M Norway
64 64 Thompson Gunel 6 F Wisconsin
64 64 Thompson Mary 4 F Wisconsin
64 64 Christian Nelson 20 M Lumberman Norway [12]
64 64 Holston Horace 23 M Lumberman Norway [12]
65 65 Graves John S. 23 M Lumberman N.Y. [12]
65 65 Secor E. W. 21 M Lumberman N.Y.
65 65 Graves Eliza 63 F N.Y.
65 65 Secor Charles 18 M Lumberman N.Y.
65 65 Search Ezra 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
65 65 Wood Harriet L. 17 F Michigan
65 65 Reed Hannah E. 13 F N.Y.
66 66 Brown Edward 33 M Lumberman Ireland
66 66 Brown David 28 M Lumberman Ireland
66 66 Brown Hannah 26 F Ireland
66 66 Brown Hannah 1 F Michigan
67 67 Mayhew John 30 M Laborer Virginia
67 67 Mayhew L. 24 F Virginia
67 67 Mayhew H. 6 M Virginia
68 68 Bachelor Frances 61 M Lumberman N.H.
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Monday - July 29, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
68 68 Bachelor Sarah 52 F Mass.
68 68 Bachelor Stephen 26 M Lumberman Mass.
68 68 Biznel William 22 M Lumberman Germany
68 68 Gawsbaker Chas. 24 M Lumberman Germany
68 68 Miller John 30 M Lumberman Germany (North Manitou - Antoine Manseau Son in Law )
68 68 Plimpton James 24 M Lumberman Ohio
68 68 Chipler John 50 M Lumberman Germany [12]
69 69 Freeman Charles 32 M Lumberman N.Y.
69 69 Freeman Hannah 28 F N.Y.
69 69 Dodge William 24 M Lumberman N.Y.
69 69 Warren Horace 18 M Lumberman Ohio [12]
69 69 Downing George 20 M Lumberman not known
70 70 Freeman Alvah 57 M Lumberman N.Y.
70 70 Freeman Theresa 55 F N.Y.
70 70 Freeman John 17 M Lumberman N.Y.
71 71 Whitsom Aaron 35 M Lumberman not known
71 71 Whitsom Joel 14 M not known
72 72 Demick Amos 33 M Lumberman Conn. [12]
72 72 Verdick Christopher 32 M Lumberman Ireland
73 73 Canfield A. 32 M Fisherman N.Y. [10]
73 73 Wells William 27 M Fisherman N.Y.
73 73 Spring James 25 M Fisherman N.Y.
73 73 Kimball Carpenter 25 M Fisherman N.Y.
74 74 Nans Peter 23 M Lumberman N.Y. (Peter Nenno - North Manitou)
74 74 Nans Mary Ann 25 F France (Mary Ann Nenno)
75 75 Miller Louis A. 25 M Merchant Canada (from Mission Harbor)
75 75 Miller Catherine 26 F Ireland
75 75 Miller Henry 4 M Michigan
75 75 Miller Edward 3 M Michigan
75 75 Miller Archibald 6/12 M Michigan
75 75 Kelly Margaret 60 F Ireland
76 76 Fair Bernard 29 M Carpenter Maryland
76 76 Fair Esther 25 F N.Y.
76 76 Fair R. 5 F Michigan
76 76 Fair Robert F. 2 M Michigan
76 76 Stone William 34 M Indian Farmer N.Y. (Mission Harbor Post Office - formerly with the Indian Agency)
77 77 Hill Jonathan 48 M Cooper Maine
77 77 Hill Almira 45 F Maine
77 77 Hill Thomas 21 M Lumberman Maine
77 77 Hill Henrietta 4 F Wisconsin
Page 13
Friday - August 2, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
77 77 Dame Joseph 54 M Merchant N.H. ("Deacon Dame" - Appointed Indian Farmer at Mission Harbor)
77 77 Dame Ursula 48 F Maine
77 77 Dame Usebius 21 M Merchant Maine (actually Eusebius)
78 78 McGulpin Mary 40 F Michigan [12]
78 78 Bourassa John B. 30 M Seaman Michigan
78 78 McGulpin Frederic 19 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
78 78 McGulpin Isaac 16 M Farmer Michigan
78 78 McGulpin Elizabeth 11 F Michigan
78 78 McGulpin George 6 M Michigan
78 78 McGulpin Ursula 8 F Michigan
79 79 Campbell Robert 32 M Merchant Michigan (Mission Harbor Indian Agent and merchant)
79 79 Campbell Mary 25 F Michigan
79 79 Campbell Maria E. 4 F Michigan
79 79 Campbell Rosalie 2 F Michigan
79 79 Campbell Isabella H. 1 F Michigan
79 79 Rolette Mary 42 F Michigan
79 79 Rolette Frederic 18 M Seaman Michigan
80 80 Cowles H. K. 33 M Merchant N.Y. (Mission Harbor)
80 80 Cowles Hannah W. 23 F Michigan
80 80 Cowles James C. 3 M Michigan
80 80 Cowles Emily J. 1 F Michigan
80 80 Campbell John 63 M Blacksmith Michigan (Mission Harbor)
80 80 Campbell Elizabeth 53 F Michigan
80 80 Campbell Elizabeth 19 F Michigan
80 80 Campbell Henry 16 M Clerk Wisconsin
80 80 Campbell Hiram P 10 M Wisconsin
80 80 Morgan Jesse 21 M Laborer Wisconsin
80 80 Valentine Patrick 24 M Cooper Ireland
81 81 Rodd Daniel 25 M Interpreter Michigan
81 81 Rodd Ann 22 F Michigan
82 82 Pratt J. M. 30 M Indian Farmer Ohio (Mission Harbor)
82 82 Pratt Araminta 26 F N.Y.
82 82 Pratt Mortimer 3 M Michigan
82 82 Pratt Mary 1 F Michigan
82 82 Pratt Roxanna 60 F Mass.
83 83 Wadsworth Abraham L. 38 M Lumberman Conn.
83 83 Wadsworth Martha A. 28 F Mass.
83 83 Wadsworth James M. 8 M Michigan
83 83 Wadsworth Frances L. 4 F Michigan
83 83 Northam Samual 24 M Lumberman Mass.
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Friday - August 2, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
83 83 Yatcher Joseph 19 M Lumberman not known
84 84 Whicher Isaac 44 M Lumberman Vermont
84 84 Whicher Rachael I. 33 F Indiana
84 84 Whicher Sol I. 13 M Illinois
84 84 Whicher William 2 M Illinois
85 85 Hughson O. P. 24 M Teacher N.Y.
85 85 Hughson D. D. 24 F N.Y.
85 85 Hughson A. 1/12 M Michigan
86 86 Dongherty Peter 45 M Minister O.P.S. N.Y. (Mission Harbor - Traverse Bay)
86 86 Dongherty Maria S. 33 F Hew Jersey
86 86 Dongherty Henrietta 9 F Michigan [11]
86 86 Dongherty Susan A 7 F Michigan [11]
86 86 Dongherty Isabel J. 5 F Michigan [11]
86 86 Dongherty Sarah C. 2 F Michigan
86 86 Dongherty Marcus H. 1/12 M Michigan
86 86 Van Amburgh Ann 22 F Michigan
87 87 Boardman Horace 30 M Lumberman N.Y. [10]
87 87 Boardman Emily 32 F N.Y. [10]
87 87 Van Brunt Robert 18 M Lumberman not known
87 87 Germain Kyler 24 M Lumberman N.Y.
87 87 Kimball Erastus 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
87 87 Trachel David 20 M Lumberman not known
87 87 Wyman John 25 M Lumberman N.Y.
87 87 O'Connor John 27 M Lumberman Ireland
87 87 O'Connor Catherine 25 F Ireland
87 87 Barker Greeley 20 M Lumberman not known
87 87 Boisvart Antoine 50 M Laborer Canada [12]
87 87 Renno Oliver 25 M Lumberman India
87 87 Burell Peter 25 M Lumberman Canada [12]
88 88 Garey Mitchell 27 M Lumberman Canada
88 88 Gay Elizabeth 19 F Michigan [12]
88 88 Gay Matilda 3 F Michigan
88 88 Gay Joseph 1 M Michigan
89 89 Gale Hiram 35 M Lumberman N.Y.
89 89 Gale Elizabeth 30 F N.Y.
89 89 Gale Benjamin 13 M N.Y.
89 89 Gale Alson 11 M N.Y.
89 89 Gale Eathenlenty E.8 F N.Y.
89 89 Gale Hiram 5 M N.Y.
89 89 Gale Mary 2 F Michigan
Page 15
Sunday - August 4, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
89 89 Cody Thomas 27 M Lumberman Ireland
89 89 Barrow Willis 47 M Lumberman N.Y.
89 89 Pricket David 25 M Lumberman Kentucky
89 89 Flanders Benjamin 45 M Lumberman N.Y.
89 89 Loomis Robert 21 M Lumberman N.Y.
89 89 Rull Horace 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
89 89 Parrish Charles 20 M Lumberman Indiana
90 90 Black John B 40 M Lumberman Michigan [12]
90 90 Trembly Joseph 59 M Lumberman Canada [12]
91 91 Guthrie Thomas 71 M Farmer Michigan
92 92 McGlauthlin James 55 M Indian Farmer Maine (actually McLaughlin - Northport)
92 92 McGlauthlin Lydia Ann 25 F N.Y.
92 92 McGlauthlin James J. 15 M Farmer N.Y.
92 92 McGlauthlin Robert W. 12 M Michigan
92 92 McGlauthlin Charles A. 10 M Michigan
92 92 McGlauthlin Laura A. 2 F Michigan
93 93 Case William H. 27 M Blacksmith N.Y.
93 93 Case Mary A. 24 F N.Y.
93 93 Case Lydia A. 1 F Michigan
93 93 Smith George N. 42 M Minister Cong. Vermont (Northport founder - 1848)
94 94 Smith Arvilla A. 41 F Vermont (Northport settler)
94 94 Smith George A. 18 M Vermont [11]
94 94 Smith Mary J. 14 F Michigan [11]
94 94 Smith Arvilla A. 12 F Michigan [11]
94 94 Smith Esther A. E. 4 F Michigan
95 95 Pirez Francis 63 M Minister R. C. Australia (Mission at L’Arbre Croche - now Middle Village)
96 96 Beaubin Louis 18 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
96 96 Beaubin Mary 16 F Michigan
96 96 Beaubin Christina 16 F Michigan
96 96 Beaubin Charles 14 M Michigan
96 96 Beaubin Joseph 8 M Michigan
97 97 Maston Louis 39 M Fisherman Canada [12]
97 97 Maston Mary 25 F Michigan [12]
97 97 Maston Louis Jr. 8 M Michigan
97 97 Maston Charles 6 M Michigan
97 97 Maston Christell 3 M Michigan
97 97 Maston John 1 M Michigan
98 98 Maston Charles 22 M Canada [12]
98 98 Maston Margaret 22 F Michigan [12]
98 98 Maston Mary 1/12 F Michigan
Page 16
Tuesday - August 6, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
99 99 Lasley Edward 27 M Fisherman Michigan
99 99 Lasley Therese 20 F Michigan [11]
99 99 Lasley Therese 1 F Michigan
100 100 McGulpin Nancy M. 45 F Michigan [11]
101 101 Mrak Ignas 40 M R. C. Priest Austria (actually Ignatius - at L’Arbre Croche)
102 102 Frotochaw John B 46 M Fisherman Canada [11]
103 103 Hill William 29 M Fisherman Canada [11]
103 103 Caldwell Samuel 23 M Fisherman Ohio
103 103 Henry William 22 M Fisherman Hew Jersey
103 103 Dow George 26 M Fisherman N.Y.
103 103 Dow Mary 25 F Scotland
103 103 Herring Elbert 21 M Fisherman N.Y. [11]
103 103 Rathbow Hugh 24 M Fisherman Canada
103 103 Henry Coland 23 M Fisherman Canada
103 103 Booker Ira 18 M Fisherman France
103 103 Dibble Darius 20 M Fisherman Ohio [11]
103 103 Matthews James 18 M Fisherman N.Y.
103 103 Cantline Catherine 21 F Canada
103 103 Clendenning Henry 20 M Fisherman Canada
103 103 McCarty Robert 22 M Cooper Canada
104 104 Hambleton Edmund 24 M Fisherman N.Y. [10]
104 104 Hambleton Harriet L 21 F Michigan [10]
104 104 Hambleton Ann 19 F N.Y.
104 104 Phelps Walter 19 M Fisherman Michigan
104 104 Hall Alonson 23 M Fisherman N.Y.
104 104 Harris John 23 M Fisherman Michigan
104 104 McKinney Patrick 22 M Cooper Canada
104 104 Hall Nathan 28 M Cooper N.Y.
105 105 Malden J. J. 52 M Lighthouse Keeper England (Thunder Bay Island - off Alpena)
105 105 Palmer L. A. 24 F Newfoundland
105 105 Palmer J. J. 6 M Michigan
105 105 Palmer C. M. 4 M Michigan
105 105 Hoyt C. 64 M Laborer Vermont
105 105 Hoyt P. 44 F Vermont
105 105 Hoyt Tracie 14 M N.Y.
105 105 Hoyt Wareham 7 M Ohio
105 105 Mimcey John 3 M Michigan
106 106 McDonald A. 26 M Fisherman Scotland
106 106 McDonald C. 23 F Ireland
106 106 McDonald Donald 3 M Michigan
Page 17
Monday - August 12, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
106 106 McDonald Alex 1 M Michigan
106 106 Eaton Henry 46 M Cooper N.Y.
106 106 Fassett George 23 M Fisherman N.Y.
106 106 Walker William 22 M Fisherman Kentucky [6B]
106 106 VanTopell Oliver 28 M Fisherman N.Y.
106 106 VanTopell Jason 23 M Fisherman N.Y.
106 106 Ellis H. D. 20 M Fisherman England
106 106 Gould George 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
106 106 Woolston Jer. 30 M Fisherman Ohio [6B][12]
106 106 Neacham Daniel 40 M Fisherman Ireland
106 106 Gould Rubin 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
106 106 Hall Amona 20 F N.Y.
107 107 Harwood Henry 23 M Fisherman Ohio
107 107 Harwood Helen 19 F Canada
107 107 Bentley William 22 M Fisherman
107 107 Fox Peter 30 M Fisherman
107 107 Laframbouis Antoine 16 M Fisherman Michigan
108 108 Oliver Dand. D. 36 M Lumberman N.Y.
108 108 Odell Elizabeth 36 F France
108 108 Banon Thomas 30 M Lumberman Ireland
108 108 Banon Elizabeth 27 F Ireland
108 108 McIntire Archibald 19 M Lumberman Scotland
108 108 Skinner H. V. 23 M Lumberman N.Y.
108 108 Curtis George 20 M Lumberman Vermont
108 108 Reaker Elias 24 M Lumberman Canada
108 108 Shaver George 25 M Lumberman N.Y.
109 109 McMullen Robert 45 M Cooper N.H.
109 109 Cameron John 27 M Fisherman Scotland
109 109 Lockwood William 25 M Fisherman Michigan
109 109 Burley Thomas 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
109 109 Burley Mary E. 22 F N.Y.
109 109 Burley Hannah J 3 F Michigan
109 109 Burley Malden F. 1 M Michigan
109 109 Barber George 32 M Cooper N.Y.
110 110 Fox Anial 37 M non Canada [12]
110 110 Fox Sarah A. 37 F N.Y. [12]
110 110 Eaton Watson 22 M non N.Y.
111 111 Parkson Joseph 25 M Fisherman Ireland
111 111 Van Buren Gilbert 24 M Fisherman N.Y.
111 111 Irr Andrew 22 M Cooper France
Page 18
Tuesday - August 13, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
111 111 Rowe Willis 23 M Fisherman N.Y.
111 111 Taylor George W. 23 M Fisherman Canada
111 111 Stevenson Carleton 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
112 112 Holden Simon M. 30 M Fisherman N.Y.
112 112 Holden Ann 30 F N.Y.
112 112 Holden Lewn D. 8 M Michigan
112 112 Holden Maria 5 F Michigan
112 112 Holden Renza 4 M Michigan
112 112 Holden Eugene 2 M Michigan
112 112 Holden John 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
112 112 Brush George 28 M Cooper Vermont
112 112 Moore Rufus L. 26 M Fisherman N.Y.
112 112 Moore Dure 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
112 112 Wormsted Andrew 19 M Fisherman Ohio
112 112 Kenyon Caroline 19 F N.Y.
113 113 Holland James 58 M Fisherman Maine
113 113 Wickham John 22 M Fisherman England [11]
113 113 Baldwin Schyler 18 M Fisherman N.Y.
113 113 McLane Robert 17 M Fisherman N.Y. [11]
113 113 Chapman Truman 20 M Laborer Michigan
113 113 Beebee James 23 M Fisherman Michigan
113 113 Beebee E. 20 M Fisherman Michigan
113 113 Wyman Charles 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
113 113 Wyman Daniel 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
113 113 Harris George 21 M Fisherman N.Y.
114 114 Wilson Isaac 29 M Fisherman N.Y.
114 114 Wilson Sarah 24 F Rhode Island
114 114 Wilson Charles 6 M Michigan
114 114 Wilson Isaac D. 1 M Michigan
114 114 Hudson Joseph E. 28 M Fisherman Maine
114 114 Rogers Acholas 20 M Fisherman Vermont
114 114 Dixon James 24 M Fisherman Ireland
114 114 Smith Agnes 22 F England
114 114 Trembly Leona 30 M Fisherman Michigan
115 115 Fairchild H. E 34 M Fisherman Vermont
115 115 Darling William 28 M Fisherman Virginia
115 115 Vilard Gilbert 21 M Fisherman Michigan
115 115 Fairchild J. B. 16 M Fisherman Canada
116 116 McKinley James 32 M Fisherman N.Y.
116 116 McKinley Sarah Ann 32 F N.Y.
Page 19
Monday - August 19, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
116 116 McKinley James D. 9 M Ohio
116 116 McKinley William A. 8 M Michigan
116 116 McKinley Mary E. 5 F Michigan
116 116 McKinley Martha A. 3 F Ohio
116 116 Christie John 35 M Fisherman Isle Of Man
116 116 Rouse George 18 M Fisherman not known
116 116 Belote Adelaide 18 F Canada
117 117 Maxen Stephen 21 M Fisherman N.Y. [10][12]
117 117 Maxen Betsy 17 F Michigan [10]
117 117 O'Neal Peter 18 M Fisherman Penna.
117 117 Rogers Patrick 22 M Fisherman Ireland
117 117 Silverthorn Rubin 22 M Fisherman Ohio
117 117 Silverthorn Redy 20 M Fisherman Ohio
117 117 Ives Noah 30 M Fisherman N.Y.
118 118 Muncey George 19 M Fisherman Michigan [11]
118 118 Muncey Thomas N. 17 M Fisherman Michigan [11]
118 118 Vaughn George 18 M Fisherman N.Y.
118 118 Vaughn Sarah A. 18 F Michigan
119 119 Park E. 27 M Cooper N.Y.
119 119 Horton W. 25 M Fisherman N.Y.
119 119 Horton Catherine 25 F N.Y.
119 119 Horton Lemuel 2 M Michigan
119 119 Frasy S. 24 M Cooper N.Y.
119 119 Hunter William 24 M Cooper N.Y.
119 119 Cox Leonard 22 M Cooper Vermont
119 119 Knight Perry 28 M Cooper N.Y.
119 119 Kenny James 25 M Cooper Ireland
119 119 Tate John 22 M Fisherman Michigan
119 119 Pierce C. 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
119 119 Alexander F. 32 M Cooper N.Y.
119 119 Hambleton George 17 M Fisherman Maine
120 120 Philbrick Dola N. 26 F N.Y.
120 120 Philbrick David G. 36 M Fisherman N.Y.
120 120 Philbrick Rosetta 6 F Michigan
120 120 Philbrick Franklin 2 M Michigan
120 120 Evans David 19 M Fisherman not known
120 120 Vaughn Eunice 18 F N.Y.
120 120 Vaughn Carlos 16 M Fisherman N.Y.
121 121 Duell Halet 39 M Fisherman N.Y.
121 121 Duell Ann 28 F Holland
Page 20
Monday - August 19, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
121 121 Duell Jessie 12 M Michigan
121 121 Duell Charles 10 M Michigan
121 121 Duell Wallace 1 M Michigan
121 121 Simmons Thomas 24 M Fisherman England
121 121 Field J. 22 M Fisherman Michigan
121 121 Hall A. 22 M Fisherman Michigan
122 122 Terry Allen 26 M Fisherman N.Y.
122 122 Taylor Orson 23 M Fisherman not known
122 122 Comadore John 23 M Fisherman not known
122 122 Terry Edel 20 F N.Y.
122 122 Terry Averella 18 F Michigan
123 123 Humsted Enoch 50 M Fisherman Canada
123 123 Humsted Sarah 44 F Canada
123 123 Humsted Richard 22 M Fisherman Ohio
123 123 Humsted Paryander 18 M Fisherman Ohio
123 123 Humsted Charlotte 14 F Michigan
123 123 Humsted Gardner 12 M Michigan
123 123 Humsted Enoch 10 M Michigan
123 123 Humsted Clarissa 7 F Michigan
123 123 Humsted Williams 3 M Michigan
123 123 Humsted Sarah 18 F Ohio
123 123 Humsted Elizabeth 4 F Michigan
123 123 Rice Milton 28 M Fisherman not known
124 124 Jewell Leonan 31 M Fisherman N.Y.
124 124 Habbano Perry 21 M Fisherman Michigan
124 124 Stropes Byron 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
124 124 Tays Wilson 22 M Fisherman N.Y.
124 124 Gilmore John 21 M Fisherman Ireland
125 125 Hickey Squire 30 M Fisherman not known
125 125 Hickey Olive 30 F N.Y.
125 125 Hickey Seymour 2 M Michigan
126 126 Panette Patrick 23 M Cooper Ireland [10]
126 126 Panette Elizabeth 24 F Michigan [10]
126 126 Angle Richard 20 M Fisherman N.Y.
126 126 Field Ami 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
126 126 Gough Francis 17 M Fisherman not known
126 126 Stevens Oliver 20 M Fisherman not known
126 126 Kinney James 21 M Cooper Canada
126 126 McGuire William 19 M Cooper Canada
126 126 Winter Stephen 20 M Cooper England
Page 21
Monday - August 19, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
126 126 Panette Osmond 56 M Cooper Ireland
126 126 Panette John 12 M Indiana
126 126 Panette Hannah 20 F Ireland
126 126 Rogers Highel 19 M Fisherman Canada
126 126 Rogers Peter 20 M Fisherman Canada
126 126 Pierce Cyrenius 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
126 126 Pierce Charles 27 M Fisherman N.Y.
126 126 Ormstead Richard 23 M Fisherman not known
126 126 Chambers Robert 25 M Fisherman Canada
126 126 Chambers John 18 M Fisherman Canada
126 126 Coman Dexter 30 M Clerk N.Y.
126 126 Coman Emily 19 F N.Y.
126 126 Pierce Nathan 64 M Farmer N.Y.
126 126 Pierce Joshua 13 M N.Y.
126 126 Winchell Minzo 22 M Laborer N.Y.
126 126 Pierce Benjamin F 37 M Seaman N.Y.
127 127 Miller P G 39 M Fisherman Canada
127 127 Taylor William 22 M Fisherman Canada
127 127 Dewhirst Alfred 23 M Fisherman Ohio
127 127 Miller J. E. 17 F Michigan [11]
127 127 Miller Maria A. 15 F Michigan
127 127 Miller Alanson J. 12 M Michigan
127 127 Miller Benjamin 6 M Michigan
127 127 Taylor Alexander 28 M Canada
128 128 Davison Closier 29 M Fisherman England
128 128 Davison Mary J. 19 F N.Y.
128 128 Davison William H. 2 M Michigan
128 128 Sexton Charles 23 M Fisherman not known
128 128 Dibble Doc 24 M Fisherman not known
128 128 Langdon Robert 19 M Fisherman Michigan
128 128 Bradley Jackson 19 M Fisherman Michigan
128 128 Odell Charlotte 16 F Ohio
129 129 Chase M. H. 30 M Cooper N.Y.
129 129 Chase Mary 28 F N.H.
129 129 Chase William H. 7 M Michigan
129 129 Hambleton Oliver 26 M Cooper N.H.
130 130 Dean A 29 M Fisherman N.Y.
130 130 Dean Eliza 23 F England
130 130 Dean Elizabeth 6 F Michigan [11]
130 130 Dean Laura 4 F Michigan
Page 22
Tuesday - August 20, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
130 130 Dean Mial 1 M Michigan
131 131 Bagley Charles 23 M Fisherman N.Y.
131 131 Collins William 38 M Fisherman England
132 132 Hamel Joseph 29 M Wood Chopper Canada
132 132 Hamel Julia 19 F N.Y.
132 132 Hamel Henry J. 5/12 M Michigan
132 132 Miner John 25 M Wood Chopper Canada
132 132 Miner Sylvester 22 M Wood Chopper Canada
132 132 Robbarge Joseph 23 M Wood Chopper Canada
133 133 Latel Aaron 45 M Wood Merchant N.Y.
133 133 Latel Eliza 36 F Conn.
133 133 Latel Eugene R. 8 M N.Y.
133 133 Latel Frances M. 6 F N.Y.
133 133 Latel Aaron J. 5 M N.Y.
133 133 Latel Mary J. 2 F Michigan
134 134 VanBrocklin Henry 27 M Wood Merchant N.Y.
134 134 VanBrocklin Ann 23 F Michigan
134 134 VanBrocklin Harriet 2 F Michigan (born on Presque Isle May 1847)
134 134 Burnham F. 26 M Fisherman Ohio
134 134 Robbage Alex 24 M Wood Chopper Canada [12]
134 134 Woolsey M. 60 F N.Y.
134 134 Clark Julia 18 F Michigan
135 135 Page James 27 M Teamster N.Y.
135 135 Page Sarah 20 F N.Y.
135 135 Page Mary 1 F Michigan
135 135 Kelly John 21 M Teamster N.Y.
136 136 Henderson William 28 M Cooper N.Y.
136 136 Henderson Betsey 25 F N.Y.
136 136 Henderson Edward 4 M Michigan
137 137 Thornton Stephen V. 40 M Lighthouse Keeper N.Y. (Presque Isle)
137 137 Thornton Susan 35 F N.Y.
137 137 Thornton Levi 15 M Michigan
137 137 Thornton Abel 6 F Michigan
137 137 Thornton Sarah J. 4 F Michigan
137 137 Gedd James 25 M Laborer Michigan
137 137 Young Alex 30 M Shoemaker Scotland
137 137 Smith J. 20 M N.Y.
138 138 Dagnow Hannah 18 F Ireland
138 138 Dagnow Thomas 28 M Lumberman Ireland
138 138 Connell John 21 M Lumberman Ireland
Page 23
Thursday - September 12, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
138 138 Connell Mary 21 F Ireland [10]
139 139 Charponter Joseph 33 M Lumberman Canada
139 139 Charponter Josette 33 F Canada [12]
139 139 Charponter Joseph Jr. 4 M Canada
139 139 Bruyet Charles 34 M Sawyer Canada [12]
139 139 Bruyet Emily 27 F Canada [12]
139 139 Bruyet Charles Jr. 8 M Canada
139 139 Bruyet Cordeil 4 F Canada
139 139 Bruyet Louis 2 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet Antoine 40 M Lumberman Canada [12]
140 140 Bruyet Harriet 36 F Canada [12]
140 140 Bruyet Antoine 14 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet Louis 12 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet George 10 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet Phillip 8 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet Adolph 6 M Canada
140 140 Bruyet Napoleon 2 M Canada
140 140 LeDuc Antoine 19 M Sawyer Canada
141 141 Gordon Patrick 30 M Sawyer Ireland
141 141 Gordon Ann 29 F Ireland [12]
141 141 Gordon Thomas 6 M Canada
141 141 Gordon Catherine 4 F Canada
141 141 Gordon Edward 1 M Illinois
141 141 Morrow James 23 M Sawyer Ireland
141 141 Gorman Thomas 23 M Sawyer Ireland
141 141 Austin Richard 27 M Sawyer Ireland
141 141 Ferguson John 25 M Sawyer Ireland
141 141 Lyne Anthony 23 M Sawyer France
142 142 Wilson Adolph 39 M Shoemaker Sweden
142 142 Wilson Margaret 42 F Sweden
142 142 Wilson Elizabeth 6 F Sweden
142 142 Wilson Margaret 2 F Sweden
143 143 Brown John 22 M Sawyer New Brunswick
143 143 Brown Alice 41 F Ireland
143 143 Brown Bentham 17 M Sawyer New Brunswick
143 143 Brown Thomas 14 M New Brunswick
143 143 Brown Daniel 12 M New Brunswick
143 143 Brown James 8 M New Brunswick
143 143 Brown Michael 5 M New Brunswick
143 143 Mills John 25 M Sawyer New Brunswick [12]
Page 24
Thursday - September 12, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
144 144 Hoffman G. 57 M Gentleman Canada
144 144 Hoffman Charlotte 46 F England
144 144 McLeod Charles 38 M Laborer N.Y.
144 144 Buby Marshall 37 M Sawyer Vermont
144 144 Nadlehofer S 37 M Laborer Germany (probably Nadelhoffer)
144 144 Hebert E. 24 M Sawyer Canada
144 144 Couterion P. 36 M Sawyer Canada [12]
144 144 La Blanc G. 22 M Sawyer Canada
144 144 Chignac Oliver 22 M Laborer Canada [12]
144 144 Smith Phineas 23 M Sawyer N.Y.
144 144 Noble William 21 M Laborer England
144 144 Shanks D 25 M Teamster Scotland
144 144 Waller L. 36 M Laborer Canada
144 144 Miles J. 22 M Sawyer New Brunswick
144 144 Seart John 24 M Sawyer Germany
144 144 Streeter T 23 M Sawyer Illinois
144 144 Morrin Isaac 37 M Laborer Canada [12]
144 144 Mayon Charles 22 M Sawyer Canada
144 144 Millon I. 25 M Sawyer Ireland
144 144 Brum D. 35 M Butcher N.Y.
144 144 Oisten J. 22 M Laborer Ireland
144 144 Gantier Andrew 30 M Sawyer Canada
144 144 Testerant Peter 34 M Carpenter Canada
144 144 Palmer Niles 23 M Sawyer N.Y.
144 144 Mohan William 25 M Sawyer not known
144 144 Dolton Thomas 21 M Sawyer Ireland
144 144 Curny Andy 26 M Sawyer Scotland
144 144 Ober Samuel 25 M Sawyer Mass.
144 144 Doyle Michael 26 M Raftsman Ireland
144 144 Austin Richard 25 M Sawyer Ireland
144 144 Olison William 36 M Carpenter Norway
144 144 Morgan Patrick 30 M Carpenter Vermont
144 144 Emon James 23 M Laborer N.Y.
145 145 Croke Hugh 29 M Lumberman Ireland
145 145 Croke Margaret 20 F Ireland
145 145 Croke Edward 5 M Prince Edward Island
145 145 Croke Catherine 4 F New Brunswick
145 145 Croke Fentin 4/12 M Illinois
146 146 Lamar Peter 33 M Sawyer Canada [12]
146 146 Lamar Mary 26 F Wisconsin [12]
Page 25
Friday - September 13, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
146 146 Lamar Therese 11 F Wisconsin
146 146 Lamar Peter 5 M Wisconsin
146 146 Lamar John B. 4 M Wisconsin
146 146 Lamar Mary A. 2 F Wisconsin
147 147 Chappeau J B 90 M Trader Canada
147 147 Dereau William 50 M Laborer Canada [12]
147 147 Chappeau Hein 6 F Michigan
147 147 Chappeau Louis 11 M Michigan
148 148 Patrick William 25 M Blacksmith N.Y. [10]
148 148 Patrick Matilda 22 M N.Y. [10]
149 149 Morgan Porter J. 28 M Seaman U.S.
149 149 Morgan Sarah 25 F N.Y.
149 149 Morgan Amanda 6/12 F Michigan
149 149 Curran J. 25 M Foreman/Fireman France
150 150 Woodruff W. 28 M Mill Wright N.Y.
150 150 Woodruff Frank 6 M Michigan
151 151 Kitson John 40 M Trader Canada
151 151 Kitson Margaret 21 F Wisconsin [12]
151 151 Kitson Elizabeth 15 F Michigan
151 151 Kitson John Jr. 13 M Michigan
151 151 Kitson Margaret 11 F Michigan
151 151 Kitson Mary Ann 9 F Michigan
151 151 Kitson George 7 M Michigan
152 152 Premo Baptiste 40 M Trader Canada [12]
152 152 Premo Therese 13 F Michigan
152 152 Premo Geome 11 M Michigan
152 152 Premo William 9 M Michigan
152 152 Premo Moses 30 M Trader Canada
152 152 Premo Mary 1 F Michigan
153 153 Decoto J. B. 32 M Laborer Canada [12]
153 153 Decoto Geome 10 M Michigan
153 153 Decoto Joseph 8 M Michigan
153 153 Decoto Antoine 6 M Michigan
153 153 Decoto Michel 4 M Michigan
153 153 Decoto George 2 M Michigan
154 154 Quemby John 41 M Fisherman N.Y.
154 154 Quemby Almira 39 F Mass.
154 154 Quemby John 10 M Ohio
154 154 Quemby Charles 8 M Ohio
154 154 Quemby Christine 7 F Ohio
Page 26
Friday - September 13, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
154 154 Quemby Carrom 5 M Ohio
154 154 Tastivon Peter 41 M Carpenter Canada
154 154 Blank Antonie 28 M Fisherman Germany
154 154 Hembeck Julius 27 M Fisherman Germany
155 155 Everland Andrew 35 M Fisherman Canada
155 155 Everland Lavina 25 F Ohio
155 155 Everland Melissa 5 F Wisconsin
155 155 Everland Henrietta 3 F Wisconsin
155 155 Brown Abraham 14 M Wisconsin
156 156 Bailey Erastus 41 M Lumberman Vermont
156 156 Bailey Charlotte 21 F N.Y.
156 156 Bailey Isidore 3 M Wisconsin
157 157 Rosbell John 39 M Laborer England
157 157 Rosbell Roseanna 30 F Ireland
157 157 Rosbell Caroline 7 F Canada
157 157 Rosbell Anna 3 F Maine
157 157 McBride A. 28 M Lumberman Ireland
157 157 Goodrich H. 17 M Farmer N.Y.
157 157 Dunlap George 22 M Farmer N.Y.
157 157 Sanson A. 20 M Lumberman Canada
157 157 Lamar T. 20 M Lumberman Canada
157 157 Hewitt A. 22 M Carpenter N.Y.
157 157 Billings N. 30 M Lumberman N.Y.
157 157 Dunlap J. H. 20 M Farmer N.Y.
157 157 Ashby T. 18 M Lumber Michigan
157 157 Demont S. 25 M Lumber Canada
157 157 Turner A. 23 M Lumber Penna.
157 157 Wirtzer P. V. 22 M Lumber N.Y.
157 157 McKay J. H. 30 M Lumber Penna.
157 157 Pierce L. 30 M Lumber Vermont
157 157 Grocer H. 18 M Blacksmith Maine
157 157 King T. 24 M Lumber Ireland
157 157 Boyle M. 25 M Lumber Ireland
157 157 Conny M. 22 M Lumber Ireland
157 157 Teller John 24 M Lumber Ireland
157 157 Mahony T. 22 M Lumber Ireland
158 158 Dunlop R. C. 27 M Lumber N.Y.
158 158 Dunlop Alma 24 F N.Y.
158 158 Dunlop Marcus 2 M Illinois
158 158 Hambleton S. 25 M Lumber Ireland
Page 27
Sunday - September 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
158 158 Briggs 23 M Lumberman Maine (no given name)
159 159 Ashby Thompson 49 M Farmer Ohio [12]
159 159 Ashby Benntha 33 F Ohio
159 159 Ashby Almira 12 F Michigan
159 159 Ashby Catherine 11 F Michigan
159 159 Ashby Mary Ann 9 F Michigan
159 159 Ashby Sarah 5 F Wisconsin
159 159 Ashby Joe C. 4 M Wisconsin
159 159 Ashby Helen 2 F Wisconsin
159 159 Ashby Catherine 8/12 F Michigan
160 160 Boyle Mary 25 F Ireland
160 160 Boyle Ambrose 6/12 M Michigan
161 161 Duronson Baptiste 46 M Sawyer Canada [12]
161 161 Duronson Marion 47 F Canada [12]
161 161 Duronson Baptiste Jr. 15 M Lumberman Canada
161 161 Duronson Louis 13 M Canada
161 161 Duronson Amable 5 M Canada
161 161 Duronson Mary 20 F Canada [12]
162 162 Billings Silas 35 M Mass.
162 162 Lathrop A. B. 23 M Lumberman Maine
162 162 Whitman A. B. 23 M Lumber N.Y.
162 162 Vance James 24 M Carpenter N.Y.
162 162 Barron Hezeakiah 43 M Carpenter Vermont
162 162 Steffen William 19 M Sawyer Germany
162 162 Donald Edward 26 M Lumber Ireland [12]
162 162 Roney Thomas 22 M Lumber Ireland
162 162 Jerdin Dawn 26 M Lumber Penna.
162 162 Stickle Henry 36 M Lumber Holland
162 162 O'Donell James 27 M Lumber Canada [12]
162 162 Smith Peter 28 M Lumber Norway [12]
162 162 Cone Frederic 23 M Lumber Michigan
162 162 Moore John 22 M Lumber N.Y.
162 162 Hamlin George 24 M Lumber Michigan
162 162 Parabone John Allyn 28 M Lumber Holland
162 162 Hine Garratt 24 M Lumber Holland
162 162 Winchell Isaac 28 M Lumber N.Y.
162 162 Marshall Willis 36 M Lumber N.Y.
162 162 Higgins Margaret 20 F Ireland
162 162 Kenney Michael 26 M Lumber Ireland
162 162 Manson Gilbert 28 M Lumber Nova Scotia [11]
Page 28
Sunday - September 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
162 162 Manson Cahtarine 20 F Michigan [11]
162 162 Osborn Thomas 30 M Lumberman Ireland
162 162 Friday Martin 28 M Lumberman Holland
162 162 Rain Michael 28 M Lumberman Iceland/Ireland
162 162 Rose George 35 M Lumberman N.Y.
162 162 Blany John 23 M Lumber Canada
162 162 Gerrit Norman 22 M Lumberman N.Y.
162 162 McDow Asa 18 M Lumberman Michigan
162 162 Woodbury Eliza 34 M Maine
162 162 Churchill Newton 23 M Lumberman N.Y.
162 162 Cowen Jane 25 F Ireland
163 163 Chandler Aden 42 M Lumberman Maine
163 163 Chandler Dorcus 35 F Maine
163 163 Chandler Frederic W. 18 M Lumberman Maine
163 163 Chandler Abigail 16 F Maine
163 163 Chandler Gustavus 12 M Maine
163 163 Chandler Mary 3 F Wisconsin
163 163 Chandler Ellen 2 F Wisconsin
163 163 Chandler Flora 3/12 F Michigan
163 163 Bailock Angustus 35 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Bailock Mina 33 F Germany
163 163 Bounel Antoine 22 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Doe Peter 35 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Katizen Nicholas 26 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Miller John 26 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Brier Marquis 25 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Wertz Joseph 23 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Dent Martin 23 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Penny John 26 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Girman Jacob 24 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Burch John 25 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Dutch Antoine 27 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Finison Peter 25 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Phelps William D. 22 M Laborer N.Y.
163 163 Githley Jacob 22 M Laborer Germany
163 163 McCasely William 22 M Laborer Maine
163 163 Duch Joseph 20 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Dutch John 20 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Doherty Elmith 40 M Farmer Maine
Page 29
Monday - September 16, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
163 163 Higgins John 27 M Laborer Ireland
163 163 Higgins Ann 40 F Ireland [12]
163 163 Stivens Martin 30 M Farmer Canada
163 163 Barney Antoine 24 M Laborer Germany
163 163 Norway Peter 26 M Laborer Norway
163 163 Cassady Thomas 10 M Ireland
164 164 Blaizidel Robert 48 M Lumberman Vermont
164 164 Blaizidel Mary 49 F Maine
164 164 Blaizidel Caroline C. 24 F Maine
164 164 Blaizidel Robert Jr. 18 M Lumber Maine
164 164 Blaizidel William 16 M Lumber Maine
164 164 Blaizidel Isaac C. 14 M Lumber Maine
164 164 Blaizidel Hannah 12 F Maine
164 164 Blaizidel Rachael 10 F Maine
164 164 Langley Daniel 27 M Lumber Maine
165 165 St. Clair Jefferson 49 M Lumber Maine
165 165 St. Clair Celinda 39 F Maine
165 165 St. Clair Alv. 16 F Maine [11]
165 165 St. Clair Jefferson 12 M Maine [11]
165 165 St. Clair Helen M. 8 F Maine [11]
165 165 St. Clair Maria 4 F Maine [11]
165 166 Chase Caleb 31 M Lumber Maine
165 166 Chase Ann 23 F Maine
165 167 Bagley Jefferson S. 32 M Lumber Maine
165 167 Bagley Nancy B. 27 F Maine
165 168 Kunnorson Peter 24 M Lumber Norway
165 168 Kunnorson Anna 25 F Norway
165 168 Colborn Alex 30 M Lumber New Brunswick
165 168 McIntire Daniel 27 M Blacksmith Maine
165 168 Bilds Joseph 22 M Lumber Canada [12]
165 168 Marshall Charles 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
165 168 Flinn Patrick 22 M Lumber Canada [12]
165 168 Ward James 20 M Lumber Ireland [12]
165 168 Barney Antoine 23 M Lumber Germany
165 168 Cortes John 22 M Lumber Germany
165 168 Collins James 23 M Lumber Germany [12]
165 168 VanVicker Daniel 26 M Lumber Germany
165 168 Capris John 24 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Capris Abraham 19 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Casley William 19 M Lumber Maine
Page 30
Monday - September 16, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
165 168 Stevenson Andrew 26 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Stevenson Isaac 21 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Stevenson Samuel 19 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Stimpson Samuel 23 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Stimson Sammons 26 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Anderson Hulber 24 M Lumberman Norway
165 168 Anderson Oley 22 M Blacksmith Norway
165 168 Gibson Joseph B. 24 M Clerk England
165 168 Luddington Samuel 21 M Lumber N.Y.
165 168 Cudro George 24 M Lumber Norway
165 168 Singer Frederic 26 M Cook Germany
165 168 Kun George 24 M Lumber Maine
165 168 Egner Joseph 21 M Lumber Germany
165 168 Londolph John 26 M Lumber Germany
165 168 Carty John 26 M Lumber Germany
166 169 Douglas Francis 27 M Lumber Maine
166 169 Douglas Evanlett 28 F Vermont
166 169 Douglas Ann Eliza 6/12 F Wisconsin
167 170 Dyson Thomas 38 M Cook England
167 170 Dyson Sarah 37 F England
167 170 Brown Joseph 24 M Mill Wright Maine
167 170 Hutchins J.C. 26 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Worthington J. 38 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Dusty Peter 28 M Lumber Canada [12]
167 170 Prescott Isarah 26 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Cork Henry 27 M Lumber Germany
167 170 Carreck George 25 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Carrick Eli W. 20 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Anderson Halver 22 M Lumber Norway
167 170 Andrews Aslack 23 M Lumber Norway
167 170 St. Clair Calvin D. 17 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Lawrence F. 21 M Lumber Maine
167 170 Roberts Alonzo 21 M Lumber N.Y.
167 170 Johnson Loss 24 M Lumber Norway
168 171 McMillon Malcolm 30 M Lumber Nova Scotia
168 171 McMillon Margary 30 F Nova Scotia [12]
168 171 McMillon Hugh 7 M Nova Scotia
168 171 McMillon Catherine 5 F Wisconsin
168 171 McMillon Margaret 2 F Michigan
168 171 McMillon Rosanna 6/12 F Michigan
Page 31
Tuesday - September 17, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
169 172 Heath Isaac 40 M Lumberman Canada
169 172 Gorman David 28 M Lumber Canada
169 172 WitherFord Alex 22 M Lumber N.Y.
169 172 Finch Clinton 28 M Lumber N.Y.
169 172 Croton John 28 M Lumber Ireland
169 172 Norton John H. 22 M Lumber Canada
169 172 Norton Laura A. 18 F N.Y.
169 172 Norton Letitia A. 2/12 F Michigan
169 172 Norton William 19 M Lumber Canada
171 174 Clark D. 34 M Lumber N.Y.
171 174 Clark Susan A. 28 F Michigan
171 174 Clark Abigail L. 10 F Michigan
171 174 Clark Maria J. 7 F Michigan
172 175 Bodin Patrick 26 M Lumber Ireland
172 175 Bodin Elizabeth 17 F Ireland
173 176 Cook John P. 28 M Lumber Germany [10]
173 176 Cook Karoline 25 F Norway [10]
174 177 O'Brien John 23 M Lumber Ireland [10]
174 177 O'Brien Margaret 16 F N.Y.
175 178 Hiles John 23 M Lumber England
175 178 Tate Ezra 24 M Lumber Michigan
175 178 Nutlas William 36 M Lumber N.Y.
175 178 Nelson William 22 M Lumber Canada
175 178 Stockwell Ezra 23 M Sawyer Penna.
175 178 Wood George 14 M Ohio
175 178 Curney Owen 26 M Teamster Ireland
175 178 Curney Mary 21 F Ireland [12]
175 178 Deas Michael 19 M Sawyer Ireland
175 178 Brale James 25 M Teamster Canada [12]
175 178 Jeanerean Peter 18 M Lumber Canada [12]
175 178 Minneneau Nigle 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
175 178 Concheine Henry 22 M Lumber Canada
176 179 Sanderson Jort 37 M Lumber N.H.
176 179 Hannah M. 28 M Lumber Ireland [12]
177 180 Fitch M. E. 38 M Lumber N.Y.
177 180 Cook Richard 50 M Cook Ireland [12]
177 180 Campbell John 23 M Sawyer Prince Edward Island
177 180 Campbell Arcable 20 M Lumber Prince Edward Island
177 180 Cole Frederick 21 M Lumber Penna.
177 180 Parker Adam 25 M Lumber Germany
Page 32
Tuesday - September 17, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
177 180 Delena Mathew 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
177 180 McKane Angus 23 M Lumber Prince Edward Island
177 180 McKay George 24 M Lumber Prince Edward Island
177 180 McKinley George 24 M Lumber Prince Edward Island
177 180 Kevor Adam 40 M Lumber Germany
177 180 McKey Hugh 25 M Blacksmith Ireland
177 180 Haff John 25 M Lumber Ireland
177 180 LaBurn John 24 M Lumber Ireland
177 180 Wood Peter 21 M Lumber N.Y.
177 180 Rutherford A. 21 M Lumber N.Y.
177 180 Gruman D.S. 26 M Lumber N.Y.
177 180 Gruman D.C. 24 M Lumber N.Y.
177 180 Robisho Joseph 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
177 180 Davis Henry 25 M Lumber England
177 180 Jinks Orin 22 M Lumber N.Y.
178 181 Clark James 34 M Lumber Ireland [12]
178 181 Clark Ann 34 F Canada
178 181 Clark Thomas 10 M Canada
178 181 Clark William 8 M Canada
178 181 Clark Ann 6 F Canada
178 181 Clark Ellen 3 F Canada
178 181 Clark James 2/12 M Michigan
178 182 Roberts Abiel L. 50 M Farmer Vermont
178 182 Roberts Elizabeth 44 F Michigan [12]
178 182 Roberts Amelia M. 8 F Michigan
178 182 Roberts Edwin 6 M Michigan
178 182 Roberts Emeline 3 F Michigan
180 183 Dener John 39 M Laborer Canada [12]
181 184 Steel Julius 28 M Lumber N.Y.
181 184 Steel Elizabeth 27 F Canada
181 184 Steel Lucy Ann 9 F Illinois
181 184 Steel Frances 3 F Illinois
181 184 Steel Emma M. 7/12 F Michigan
182 185 Adams Levi 38 M Lumber N.Y.
182 185 Adams Sarah A. 37 F Ohio
182 185 Adams George L. 7 M Ohio
182 185 Adams Catherine L. 5 F Michigan
183 186 Saunders William 33 M Farmer Michigan [12]
183 186 Saunders Ann 32 F Wales
183 186 Saunders Caroline 10 F Illinois
Page 33
Tuesday - September 17, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
183 186 Saunders Adaline 10 F Illinois
183 186 Saunders Alexander 7 M N.Y.
183 186 Saunders William A. 5 M N.Y.
184 187 Saunders Susan M. 26 F N.Y.
184 187 Saunders Abbott W. 8 M N.Y.
185 188 Dwyer Edward 42 M Lumber Ireland
185 188 Dwyer Ann 33 F Ireland
185 188 Dwyer Michael 9 M Illinois
185 188 Dwyer Thomas 7 M Wisconsin
185 188 Dwyer Edmund 5 M Michigan
185 188 Dwyer John 2 M Michigan
185 188 McCoy Angus 22 M Lumber Canada
185 188 Hays Owen 25 M Lumber Ireland
185 188 McLeod George 24 M Lumber Nova Scotia
186 189 Richards George 40 M Lumber N.Y.
186 189 Richards Bandinah 26 F Holland
186 189 Richards Amelia 1 F Michigan
186 189 Benjamin John 30 M Engineer N.Y.
186 189 James William A. 26 M Lumber Ohio
186 189 McCoy Peter 30 M Lumber Ireland
186 189 McDonald Thomas 40 M Lumber Ireland
186 189 Soucin Anthony 35 M Lumber Ireland [12]
186 189 Champion Thomas 30 M Lumber England
186 189 Austin George 16 M Lumber N.Y.
186 189 LaBute Ab. 45 M Lumber Canada
186 189 LaBute Lambat 35 M Lumber Canada [12]
186 189 LaBute Antoine 42 M Lumber Canada [12]
186 189 LaBute Peter 42 M Lumber Canada [12]
186 189 Whiteman Ward 25 M Lumber N.Y.
186 189 Hoof Mathew 18 M Lumber Germany
186 189 Daley Patrick 26 M Lumber Ireland
186 189 Hogan James 20 M Lumber Ireland
186 189 Bluker Leonard 26 M Lumber N.Y.
186 189 Sterling Peter 44 M Lumber Holland
186 189 Doyle Lawrence 25 M Lumber Ireland
187 190 Buck R. G. 42 M Sawyer Conn.
187 190 Buck Harriet 25 F Canada
187 190 Buck Henry 10 M Michigan
187 190 Buck Nancy 8 F Michigan
Page 34
Wednesday - September 18, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
187 190 Buck Emily 6 F Michigan
187 190 Buck Lansing 6/12 M Michigan
188 191 Thompson Douglass 66 M Fisherman N.Y.
188 191 Thompson Rebecca 61 F N.Y.
189 192 Ansel Edward 29 M Fisherman England
189 192 Ansel Rebecca 24 F Michigan
189 192 Ansel Douglass W. 7 M Michigan
189 192 Ansel Ann M. 4 F Michigan
189 192 Ansel Edward 2 M Michigan
190 193 Williams John 28 M Fish Ohio
190 193 Williams Margaret 25 F N.Y.
190 193 Williams Esther 5 F Michigan
190 193 Williams Lavina 3 F Michigan
190 193 Williams John Jr. 1 M Michigan
190 193 Tower Samuel 32 M Cooper N.Y.
190 193 Bread Charles 24 M Fish N.Y.
190 193 Leavitt James 23 M Fish Vermont
191 194 Thompson Phileman 35 M Fish N.Y.
191 194 Thompson Marion 42 F Ohio
191 194 Thompson Douglass 10 M Michigan
191 194 Thompson Henry 8 M Wisconsin
191 194 Thompson Marion 2 F Michigan
191 194 Thompson Eliza 3/12 F Michigan
191 194 Olmsted Stephen 24 M Fish Ohio
191 194 Thompson Douglas R. 27 M Fish Illinois
191 194 Gustio Julius 24 M Fish N.Y.
191 194 Labute Asa Jr. 11 M Michigan
192 195 Olmsted Aaron 29 M Fish Ohio
192 195 Olmsted Belsora 21 F Michigan
192 195 Olmsted Eli 3 M Wisconsin
192 195 Olmsted Aaron 1 M Michigan
192 195 Wood Nathan 27 M Fish N.Y.
192 195 Dugan Thomas 22 M Cooper Ireland
193 196 Martin William 38 M Fish Canada [12]
193 196 Martin Matilda 24 F Michigan [12]
193 196 Martin Margaret 10 F Michigan
193 196 Martin Sophia 8 F Michigan
193 196 Martin Mary 6 F Michigan
193 196 Martin Louisa 4 F Michigan
Page 35
Wednesday - September 18, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
193 196 Martin William Jr. 2 M Michigan
193 196 Olmsted Elizabeth 58 F N.Y.
193 196 Moran Edward 32 M Fish France
193 196 Woolsey Moriah 19 F Michigan
194 197 Thompson Samuel 3 M Lumber Maine
194 197 Perry Robert B. 24 M Lumber N.Y.
194 197 Perry Hannah 25 F N.Y.
194 198 Hascall Rufus 23 M Lumber N.Y. [12]
194 198 Hascall Eunice 22 F N.Y. [10]
194 198 McNall Enos 24 M Lumber Vermont
194 198 Bradley Egbert 22 M Lumber N.Y.
194 198 Thebolt Richard 18 M Lumber Michigan
194 198 McAlroy William B. 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
194 198 Layton Thomas 35 M Lumber England
194 198 McNall Jefferson B. 22 M Lumber Vermont
194 198 Thebolt Christopher 25 M Lumber Michigan
194 198 Newbury Abraham 45 M Lumber N.Y.
194 198 Boyd David 29 M Lumber Maine
194 198 Roffaro Clovis 16 M not known [12]
194 198 Johnson Henry 21 M Lumber England
195 199 Andrews Eli 25 M Lumber N.Y.
195 199 Andrews Grace 25 F Scotland
196 200 Charboneau Claude 53 M Fish Canada [12]
196 200 Charboneau Caroline 27 F England [12]
196 200 Charboneau Alex 16 M Fish Canada
196 200 Charboneau Matilda 7 F Michigan
196 200 Charboneau Eliza 5 F Michigan
196 200 Charboneau Feris 1 M Michigan
197 201 Bourassa Vidal 24 M Fish Michigan [12]
197 201 Bourassa Angelique 18 F Canada
197 201 Bourassa George 19 M Fish Michigan
197 201 Bourassa Joseph T. 1 M Michigan
198 202 Fontaine John B. 24 M Michigan [12]
198 202 Fontaine Theophile 21 M Fish Michigan [12]
198 202 LaChapelle Michel 22 M Fish Canada [12]
199 203 LaSage Louis 25 M Fish Michigan [12]
199 203 LaSage Mary 19 F Canada
199 203 LaSage Rosalie 4/12 F Michigan
199 204 LaValey Mary 32 F Canada [12]
199 204 LaValey Simon 13 M Canada
Page 36
Thursday - September 19, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
199 204 LaValey Antoine 11 M Canada
199 204 LaValey Francis 9 M Canada
199 204 LaValey Ann 7 F Canada
199 204 LaValey Rosalie 5 F Michigan
200 205 Furlan Henry 60 M Fish Canada [12]
200 205 Furlan Charlotte 50 F Minnesota [12]
200 205 Furlan Antoine 17 M Fish Canada
200 205 Furlan John 12 M Canada
200 205 Kniffin Hollis 25 M Fish Ohio
200 205 Williams Charles 21 M Fish Ohio [12]
200 205 Dow John B. 30 M Cooper France [12]
200 205 Martin Simon 55 M Fish Canada [12]
200 205 Martin Louise 15 F Canada
201 206 Bourassa Francis 30 M Fish Michigan [12]
201 206 Bourassa Margaret 3 F Michigan
201 206 Bourassa Louis 8 M Michigan
202 207 Piat Ignace 36 M Fish Canada [12]
202 207 Piat Madeline 30 F Canada [12]
202 207 Piat Margaret 15 F Canada
202 207 Piat Madeline 9 F Canada
202 207 Piat Louise 8 F Canada
202 207 Piat Josette 5 F Canada
202 207 Piat James 2 M Canada
202 207 Piat Catherine 8/12 F Michigan [12]
203 208 Bourassa Peter 26 M Fish Michigan
203 208 McGulpin David 19 M Fish Michigan
203 208 Ebare John 24 M Fish Canada [12]
203 208 Bourassa Agatha 4 F Michigan
204 209 Bourassa Peter 25 M Fish Michigan
204 209 Bourassa Nancy 22 F Michigan [12]
204 209 Bourassa Agatha 4 F Michigan
204 209 McGulpin Frederic 19 M Fish Michigan
204 209 Abur John 22 M Fish Canada [12]
204 209 Ross William 19 M Fish not known
204 209 Robior Joseph 14 M Fish Michigan
204 209 Come Noncise 16 M Fish Canada
205 210 Bourassa Charles 26 M Fish Michigan
205 210 Bourassa Therese 20 F Michigan [12]
205 210 Bourassa Pauline 3/12 F Michigan
206 211 Loss Stenlis 23 M Cooper Canada [12]
Page 37
Tuesday - September 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
206 211 Loss Delia 50 F Canada [12]
206 211 Loss Serell 25 M Lumber Canada
206 211 Loss Zoa 18 F Canada
206 211 Crevier Albert 5 M Canada
207 212 Bontan Benjamin 49 M Fish Canada [12]
207 212 Bontan Archange 46 F Canada [12]
207 212 Bontan Edward 25 M Fish Canada [12]
207 212 Bontan Narcise 20 M Fish Canada
207 212 Bontan Frank 18 M Fish Canada [12]
207 212 Bontan Clara 15 F Canada
207 212 Bontan Joseph 12 M Canada
207 212 Bontan Theophile 5 M Michigan
207 212 Bontan Adeline 8 F Michigan
207 212 Bontan Sol 4 M Michigan
208 212 McKi Alexis 26 M Fish Canada [12]
208 212 McKi Catherine 18 F Canada
208 212 McKi Mary 2 F Canada
208 212 Foster Joseph 20 M Fish Michigan
208 212 Foster Henry 22 M Fish Michigan
209 213 McKi Edward 57 M Fish Canada
209 213 McKi Mal 18 M Fish Canada
210 214 Aslan Joseph 53 M Fish Canada [12]
210 214 Aslan Mary 40 F Canada [12]
210 214 Aslan Joseph Jr. 17 M Fish Michigan
210 214 Aslan Angelique 15 F Michigan
210 214 Aslan Isabelle 13 F Michigan
210 214 Aslan Peter 11 M Michigan
210 214 Aslan Paul 9 M Michigan
210 214 Aslan Mary 7 F Michigan
210 214 Aslan Theophile 4 M Michigan
210 214 Aslan Madeline 2 F Michigan
211 215 Therrien Alex 20 M Fish Michigan [12]
211 215 Therrien Oliver 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
212 216 Rice Samuel G. 38 M Fish N.Y.
212 216 Rice Mary Kay 14 F N.Y. [12]
212 216 Rice Martha J. 12 F Ohio [12]
212 216 Rice Melissa E. 9 F Indiana
212 216 Rice Helen E. 6 F Wisconsin
212 216 Rice Ann L. 5 F Wisconsin
212 216 Dilly Calvin F. 27 M Fish Ohio
Page 38
Saturday - September 28, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
212 216 Luce James M. 19 M Fisherman N.Y.
213 270 Pelerant Eli 36 M Fisherman Canada
213 270 Bougan Henry 30 M Fisherman Canada
213 270 LaRosa Paul 38 M Fisherman Canada
214 218 Janel Joseph 23 M Fisherman Canada [12]
214 218 Janel Nicholas 21 M Fisherman Canada [12]
214 218 Janel Peter 20 M Fisherman Canada
215 219 Charboneau Paul 41 M Fisherman Canada [12]
215 219 Charboneau Josette 40 F Canada [12]
215 219 McClure Mary 19 F Michigan
215 219 McClure Isabelle 15 F Michigan
215 219 Charboneau Eliza 13 F Michigan
215 219 Charboneau Margaret 12 F Michigan
215 219 Charboneau Therese 5 F Michigan
215 219 Charboneau Louis 2 M Michigan
215 219 Lapierre Francis 40 M Fish Canada [12]
216 220 Soulier Joseph 38 M Fish N.Y. [12]
216 220 Gervair Maxim 23 M Fish Canada [12]
217 221 Frugare Narcise 20 M Fish Canada [12]
217 221 Frugare Charles 18 M Fish Canada
218 222 McGulpin Belenier 28 M Fish Michigan [12]
218 222 McGulpin Emily 25 F Canada
218 222 McGulpin William 7 M Michigan
218 222 McGulpin Archange 3 F Michigan
218 222 McGulpin Virginia 2 F Michigan
218 222 McGulpin William 25 M Fish Michigan [12]
219 223 Walkter Charles 27 M Fish Michigan
219 223 Walkter Mary 23 F Canada
219 223 Walkter James 4 M Michigan
219 223 Walkter Elizabeth 5/12 F Michigan
219 223 McKi William 24 M Fish Canada [12]
219 223 Geru Antoine 20 M Fish Canada [12]
220 223 Martin Antoine 64 M Fish Michigan [12]
220 223 Martin Joseph 8 M Michigan
221 224 Graham Francis 20 M Fish Michigan [12]
221 224 Graham Margaret 23 F Michigan [12]
222 225 Perrantt Alexis 25 M Fish Michigan
222 225 Mere John B. 21 M Fish Canada [12]
223 226 Manville William 23 M Fish Michigan [10]
223 226 Manville Catherine 16 F Michigan [10]
Page 39
Saturday - September 28, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
223 226 Miller Joseph 23 M Fisherman Canada [12]
224 227 Cadron Michel 55 M Fisherman Canada [12]
224 227 Cadron Sophie 23 F Canada [12]
224 227 Cadron Michael Jr. 3 M Canada
224 227 Cadron Joseph 7/12 M Michigan
225 228 Beaudoin Cyril 28 M Fish Canada [10][12]
225 228 Beaudoin Mary 17 F Canada [10]
225 228 Luzeness Joseph 53 M Fish Canada [12]
226 229 Walkter Henry 18 M Fish Michigan
226 229 Walkter John 16 M Fish Michigan
226 229 Richards Joseph 18 M Fish Canada
227 230 LaLonde Francis 36 M Fish Canada [12]
227 230 LaLonde Mary 30 F Michigan
227 230 LaLonde Alexander 6 M Michigan
227 230 LaLonde Samuel 5 M Michigan
227 230 LaLonde Elizabeth 3 F Michigan
227 230 LaLonde Joseph 20 M Fish Canada [12]
227 230 LaLonde Peter 22 M Fish Canada [12]
227 230 Beandom Joseph 18 M Fish Canada
227 230 Levine Francis 64 M Fish Canada [12]
228 231 Fontaine Joseph 52 M Fish Canada [12]
228 231 Fontaine Angelique 38 F Canada [12]
228 231 Fontaine Nancy 16 F Canada
228 231 Fontaine Andre 12 M Canada
228 231 Fontaine Agathe 9 F Michigan
228 231 Fontaine Joseph 6 M Michigan
228 231 Fontaine Theophile 3 M Michigan
228 231 Fontaine Mary 6/12 F Michigan
229 232 Mancier Charles 41 M Fish Canada [12]
229 232 Mancier Mary Ann 27 F Canada [12]
229 232 Mancier Mary 14 F Michigan [11]
229 232 Mancier Elizabeth 13 F Michigan
229 232 Mancier Eliza 6 F Michigan
229 232 Mancier Charles 5/12 M Michigan
229 232 Willet Peter 21 M Fish Canada
230 233 Seneschal Antoine 26 M Fish Michigan [10][12]
230 233 Seneschal Deiter 21 F Michigan [10]
230 233 Donais Michel 24 M Fish Michigan [12]
231 234 Robinson Francis 53 M Fish Canada [6m]
231 234 Robinson Joseph 22 M Fish Michigan [6m][12]
Page 40
Monday - September 30, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
231 234 Robinson Frances 20 M Fisherman Michigan [6m][12]
231 234 Robinson Madeleine 17 F Michigan [6m][11]
231 234 Robinson Margaret 12 F Michigan [6m][11]
231 234 Robinson Aygil 10 F Michigan [6m][11]
231 234 Robinson Joseph 8 F Michigan [6m][11]
231 234 Robinson David 4 M Michigan [6m][11]
232 235 Robinson Louis 26 M Fish Michigan [6m][12]
232 235 Robinson Namine 25 F Canada [12]
233 236 Paguin Joseph 47 M Fish Canada [12]
233 236 Paguin Marion 50 F Canada [12]
233 236 Paguin George 19 M Fish Michigan
233 236 Paguin Joseph Jr. 17 M Fish Michigan
233 236 Paguin Rosalie 15 F Michigan [11]
233 236 Paguin Francis 14 M Michigan [11]
233 236 Paguin Antoine 13 M Michigan [11]
233 236 Paguin Felice 11 F Michigan [11]
233 236 Paguin Julie 7 F Michigan
234 237 Pond Cyril 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
234 237 Pond Peter 16 M Fish Michigan
235 238 Obushon Joseph 41 M Fish Canada [12]
235 238 Obushon Emily 36 F Canada [12]
235 238 Obushon Cordilan 16 F Canada
235 238 Obushon Emily 15 F Canada
235 238 Obushon Josephine 11 F Canada
235 238 Obushon Louis 8 M Canada [11]
235 238 Obushon Jane 6 F Canada [11]
235 238 Obushon Eliza 4 F Canada
235 238 Obushon Mary 1/12 F Michigan
236 239 St Andre Louis 29 M Fish Canada [12]
236 239 St Andre John 19 M Fish Canada
237 240 Belote William M. 50 M Merchant Conn. (probably at Cheboygan)
237 240 Belote Eliza 53 F Mass.
237 240 Williams James 23 M Laborer Canada
237 240 Coyle William 25 M Laborer Scotland
237 240 Martin Joseph 25 M Laborer Ireland
237 240 Williams Fanny 48 F N.Y.
238 241 Martin Solomon 53 M Grocer Canada [12]
238 241 Martin Charlotte 18 F Wisconsin
238 241 Martin Mary 15 F Michigan
238 241 Martin Susan 13 F Michigan
Page 41
Tuesday - October 1, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
238 241 Martin Michael 11 M Michigan
239 242 Bereau Gideon 34 M Fisherman Canada
239 242 Bereau Sophie 29 F Canada
239 242 Bereau Emily 7 F Michigan
239 242 Bereau Angeline 5 F Michigan
239 242 Bereau Oliver 3 M Ohio
239 242 Bereau Selma 1 F Michigan
239 242 Geror Moses 27 M Fish Canada [12]
239 242 Labonta Peter 21 M Fish Canada
240 243 St Andre Charles 65 M Fish France [12]
240 243 St Andre Rachael 34 F Canada
240 243 St Andre Rachael 11 F Michigan [11]
240 243 St Andre Charles Jr. 9 M Michigan [11]
240 243 St Andre Clement 7 M Michigan [11]
240 243 St Andre Adolph 5 M Michigan
240 243 St Andre Mary 3 F Michigan
240 243 St Andre Victorie 1 F Michigan
240 243 Hill Joseph 16 M Fish Canada
241 244 Taylor James A. 40 M Grocer Mass.
241 244 Taylor Sarah 31 F N.Y.
241 244 Taylor Mary E. 9 F Michigan
241 244 Taylor William A. 6 M Michigan
242 245 Courchein Andre 48 M Fish Canada
242 245 Courchein Abigail 24 F Ohio [12]
242 245 Courchein Lucy 8 F Michigan
242 245 Courchein Emily 6 F Michigan
242 245 Courchein Margaret 4 F Michigan
242 245 Courchein Andre Jr. 2 M Michigan
242 245 Davis William 48 M Fish Ireland [12]
242 245 Williams Anna 17 F Ohio
243 246 Baker Russell 35 M Fish Vermont
243 246 Baker Janet 20 F Canada
243 246 Baker Lucy 1/12 F Michigan
244 247 Delorier John 25 M Fish Canada [12]
244 247 Delorier Mary 30 F Canada [12]
244 247 Delorier Flina 40 F Canada [12]
244 247 Delorier Elizabeth 9 F Canada
244 247 Delorier Flora 2 F Michigan
244 247 Delorier Antoine 20 M Canada [12]
244 247 Delorier John B. 2/12 M Michigan
Page 42
Wednesday - October 2, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
245 248 Abby Aaron 25 M Seaman Ohio
245 248 Abby Elizabeth 22 F Ohio
245 248 Abby Henry 6 M Ohio
245 248 Abby Albert 4 M Michigan
245 248 Abby Charles 1 M Michigan
245 248 McIntire James 24 M Seaman Ireland
245 248 Arther James 19 M Cook Ireland
246 249 Goodreau Amable 26 M Fish Canada
246 249 Goodreau Mary 24 F Canada [12]
246 249 Goodreau Mary 6 F Michigan
246 249 Goodreau Joseph 3 M Michigan
246 249 Goodreau Abraham 1 M Michigan
246 249 Taran Joseph 23 M Fish Canada [12]
247 250 Claus Louis 55 M Fish Canada [12]
247 250 Claus Catherine 47 F Canada [12]
247 250 Claus Mary 16 F Canada
247 250 Claus Peter 13 M Canada
247 250 Claus Baptiste 8 M Canada
247 250 Claus Elizabeth 7 F Michigan
247 250 Vacier William 22 M Canada [12]
248 251 Hall Richard 26 M Cooper N.Y.
248 251 Hall Lydia 18 F Canada
249 252 Vesinan Jean B. 22 M Fish Canada [12]
249 252 Vesinan Louisa 16 F Canada
249 252 Buchan Lewis 24 M Fish Canada
249 252 Ebare Francis 23 M Fish Michigan
250 253 Wagley John 23 M Fish Penna.
250 253 Wagley Margaret 20 F Canada
250 253 Wagley John Jr. 1 M Michigan
250 253 Sawyer Frank 25 M Farmer Ohio
250 253 Wiggens Hiram 22 M Fish N.Y.
250 253 Newton Obadiah 25 M Fish N.Y.
251 254 Petty Cyrenius 36 M Merchant N.Y. (St Ignace area)
251 254 Petty Susan 22 F Michigan
251 254 Petty Susan 4 F Michigan
251 254 Petty Cyrenius 1/12 M Michigan
251 254 Becker John 25 M Laborer Germany
252 255 Newton Archibald P 35 M Fish N.Y.
252 255 Newton Mary 21 F Michigan
252 255 Newton Eugene M. 2 M Michigan
Page 43
Wednesday - October 2, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
252 255 Newton Mary 1 F Michigan
253 256 Shurtleft John S. 33 M Farmer N.Y.
253 256 Shurtleft Mary 25 F Michigan
253 256 Shurtleft Nancy J. 6 F Michigan
253 256 Shurtleft Orville H. 2 M Michigan
253 256 Shurtleft Williams 40 M Fish N.Y.
254 257 Bezeau Stephen 49 M Farmer Canada
254 257 Bezeau Sophia 45 F Virginia [12]
254 257 Bezeau Andrew 9 M Michigan [11]
254 257 Bezeau Sophia 8 F Michigan [11]
254 257 Bezeau Julia 5 F Michigan
255 258 Boully Charles 40 M Farmer Canada [12]
255 258 Boully Hannah 41 F N.Y. [12]
255 258 Chase William N. 45 M Farmer N.Y.
256 259 Blanchard Isaac 64 M Farmer N.H.
256 259 Blanchard Mary 45 F Wisconsin
256 259 Blanchard James 20 M Farmer Michigan
256 259 Blanchard Isaac Jr. 13 M Michigan [11]
256 259 Blanchard John 11 M Michigan [11]
256 259 Blanchard Phebe 7 F Michigan [11]
256 259 Blanchard William H. 4 M Michigan
257 260 Blanchard Joseph 22 M Fish Michigan
257 260 Lasley William 19 M Fish Michigan
258 261 Valier Thomas L. 56 M Carpenter Canada
258 261 Valier Josette 36 F Wisconsin [12]
258 261 Valier Sophia 14 F Canada
258 261 Valier Elizabeth 17 F Canada
258 261 Valier Samual 13 M Michigan [11]
258 261 Valier Mary A. 10 F Michigan
258 261 Valier Jane 5 F Michigan
258 261 Valier Alice 3 F Michigan
258 261 Valier Thomas Jr. 2 M Michigan
259 262 Jones Samual 29 M Carpenter England
259 262 Jones Cormalia 22 F N.Y.
259 262 Jones Amelia 2 F Michigan
259 262 Jones George 1/12 M Michigan
259 262 O'Ferrall John 62 M Laborer Virginia
260 263 Newton Wilson 29 M Seaman N.Y.
260 263 McIntire James 22 M Seaman Ireland
260 263 Palmer J. E. 25 M Seaman Maine [10]
Page 44
Thursday - October 3, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
260 263 Dean John 23 M Seaman Michigan
261 264 Graham John 69 M Farmer Ireland
261 264 Preffer Nathan 78 M none Mass.
261 264 Graham John Jr. 9 M Michigan
261 264 Graham Catherine 5 F Michigan
261 264 Graham Nancy 10 F Michigan
262 265 Perrault John B. 66 M Farmer Canada [12]
262 265 Perrault Mary A. 46 F Michigan [12]
262 265 Jeandron Rosalie 15 F Michigan [11]
262 265 Jeandron Antoine 12 M Michigan [11]
262 265 Jeandron Mary Ann 9 F Michigan [11]
262 265 Jeandron Michael 7 M Michigan [11]
262 265 Jeandron John B. 6 M Michigan [11]
263 267 Hamlin James 28 M Fish Michigan
263 267 Hamlin Augustin 70 M Michigan
263 267 Hamlin Angelique 60 F Michigan [12]
263 267 Hamlin Angelique 30 F Michigan
263 267 Hamlin John B. 23 M none Michigan
263 267 Hamlin Moses 21 M Fish Michigan
263 267 Hamlin Paul 15 M Fish Michigan [11]
263 267 Hamlin Hyacinth 12 M Michigan [11]
264 268 Martin Joseph 25 M Fish Michigan [10][12]
264 268 Martin Josette 20 F Michigan [10]
264 269 Martin Antoine 23 M Fish Michigan [10][12]
264 269 Martin Louise 19 F Canada [10][12]
264 269 Martin Mary L. 4/12 F Michigan
264 269 Trembly Joseph 37 M Fish Michigan
264 269 Paquin George 18 M Fish Canada
265 270 Graverast Henry G. Jr. 34 M Fish Michigan
265 270 Graverast Sophie 40 F Michigan
265 270 Graverast Alice 14 F Michigan [11]
265 270 Graverast Garrett 10 M Michigan [11]
265 270 Graverast Rosine 8 F Michigan [11]
266 271 Drew Angelique 67 F Canada [12]
267 272 Hance Peter 37 M Fish Michigan
267 272 Hance Mary Ann 27 F Michigan [12]
267 272 Hance Mary A. 6 F Michigan [11]
267 272 Hance Amable 11 M Michigan [11]
267 272 Hance Antoine 9 M Michigan [11]
267 272 Hance Peter 2 M Michigan
Page 45
Thursday - October 3, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
268 273 Martin Lewis 53 M Farmer Michigan [12](Born at Pt. St. Ignace)
268 273 Martin Catherine 40 F Michigan [12]
268 273 Martin John B. 16 M Farmer Michigan [11]
268 273 Martin Catherine 14 F Michigan [11]
268 273 Martin Augustus 12 M Michigan [11]
268 273 Martin Peter 10 M Michigan [11]
268 273 Martin Lewis 5 M Michigan [11]
268 273 Martin Francis 19 M Fisherman Michigan [10]
268 273 Martin Margaret 21 F Michigan [10][12]
269 274 Trottier Augustin 40 M Fish Michigan [12]
269 274 Trottier Catherine 25 F Michigan [12]
269 274 Trottier Margaret 12 F Michigan [11]
269 274 Trottier Augustin 8 M Michigan [11]
269 274 Trottier Joseph 7 M Michigan
269 274 Trottier Catherine 3/12 F Michigan
269 274 Kill William 22 M Fisherman Canada [12]
270 275 Trottier Catherine 59 F Michigan [12]
270 275 Trottier Rosalie 16 F Michigan [11]
270 275 Trottier Louise 14 F Michigan [11]
271 276 LaBate Eli 36 M Fish Canada
271 276 LaBate Margaret 25 F Michigan [12]
271 276 LaBate Eli Jr. 9 M Michigan [11]
271 276 LaBate Lambert 7 M Michigan [11]
271 276 LaBate Oliver 6 M Michigan
271 276 LaBate Alexander 5 M Michigan
271 276 LaBate Julius 2 M Michigan
271 276 LaBate Catherine 2/12 F Michigan
272 277 Paquin Antoine 38 M Fish Canada [12]
272 277 Paquin Antoine Jr. 14 M Michigan
272 277 Paquin Moses 12 M Michigan
272 277 Paquin Paul 9 M Michigan
272 277 Paquin Eliza 7 F Michigan
272 277 Paquin Lenore 5 F Michigan
273 278 Trottier Peter 30 M Fish Michigan [12]
273 278 Trottier Angelique 30 F Canada [12]
273 278 Trottier Peter Jr. 7 M Michigan
273 278 Trottier Antoine 3 M Michigan
273 278 Trottier Virginia 2 F Michigan
273 278 Trottier Angel 1 F Michigan
273 278 Label Ambrose 25 M Fish Canada
Page 46
Thursday - October 3, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
274 279 Martin Charles 51 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
274 279 Martin LaRose 16 F Michigan
274 279 Martin Mary Ann 14 F Michigan
274 279 Martin Gabel 12 F Michigan
274 279 Martin Delia 5 F Michigan
275 280 Gombo Francis 41 M Fish Canada
275 280 Gombo Cecelia 24 F Michigan [12]
275 280 Gombo Charles 10 M Michigan [11]
275 280 Gombo Frederic 4 M Michigan
275 280 Gombo Joseph 2 M Michigan
275 281 Durocher Joseph 43 M Fish Canada [12]
275 281 Durocher Jeneive 28 F Michigan [12]
275 281 Durocher Margaret 10 F Michigan [11]
275 281 Durocher Joseph 9 M Michigan [11]
275 281 Durocher Sophia 7 F Michigan
275 281 Durocher Vesenie 4 F Michigan
275 281 Durocher Adeline 2 F Michigan
275 281 Delorier Peter 44 M Fisherman Canada [12]
275 281 Martin Susan 14 F Michigan
276 282 Durocher John B. 41 M Fish Canada [12]
276 282 Durocher Margaret 17 F Canada
276 282 Durocher Margaret 8/12 F Michigan
277 283 Pond Augustus 25 M Fish Michigan [12]
277 283 Pond Mary 23 F Michigan [12]
277 283 Pond Mary 3 F Michigan
277 283 Pond Arthur 2 M Michigan
277 283 Volan Nelson 20 M Fish N.Y.
277 283 Bellant Joseph 22 M Fish Canada [12]
277 283 Ponpard Edward 18 M Fish Canada
278 284 Pond Louisa 57 F Canada [12]
278 284 Cadotte Louisa 11 F Michigan
278 284 Cadotte Harriet 9 F Michigan
278 284 Cadotte Emily 7 F Michigan
278 284 Cadotte Catherine 15 F Michigan
278 284 Bouise Francis 90 M Canada [12]
279 285 Lecuyer Joseph 54 M Fish Canada
279 285 Lecuyer Louise 43 F Wisconsin [12]
279 286 Lecuyer Joseph Jr. 26 M Fish Wisconsin [12]
279 286 Lecuyer Catherine 26 F Michigan [12]
279 286 Lecuyer Margaret 23 F Wisconsin [12]
Page 47
Thursday - October 3, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
279 286 Claus Louis 2 M Wisconsin
279 286 Lecuyer Lewis 14 M Michigan
279 286 Lecuyer Bernard 11 M Michigan
279 286 Lecuyer Esther 8 F Michigan
279 286 Lecuyer Joseph A. 6 M Michigan
279 286 Lecuyer Mary Ann 3 F Michigan
279 286 Claus Frances 24 M Canada [12]
280 287 Fontaine Joseph 28 M Fish Michigan [12]
280 287 Fontaine Mary Ann 18 F Wisconsin
280 287 Fontaine Henry 3 M Michigan
280 287 Fontaine Josette 4/12 F Michigan
280 287 Garvy Newel 40 M Fish Canada
281 288 Chenier Esther 5 F Michigan
281 288 Chenier Hyacinth 35 M Boat Builder Canada (St Ignace - Orignator of the "Mackinaw Boat")
281 288 Chenier Isabel 22 F Wisconsin [12]
281 288 Chenier Leon 9 M Michigan
281 288 Chenier Hyacinth Jr. 7 M Michigan
281 288 Chenier Margaret 3 F Michigan
281 288 Chenier Ignace 4/12 M Michigan
282 289 Beaudoin Joseph 68 M Fish Canada [12]
282 289 Beaudoin Angelique 52 F Wisconsin [12]
282 289 Beaudoin Joseph 24 M Fish Wisconsin (St Ignace area)
282 289 Beaudoin Hyacinth 11 M Michigan
282 289 Lafonier Frances 26 M Canada
283 290 Champagne Simon 65 M Fish Canada [12]
283 290 Champagne F. 40 F Canada [12]
283 290 Champagne Louis 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
283 290 Champagne August 19 M Fish Michigan [12]
283 290 Champagne Moses 14 M Michigan
283 290 Champagne Susan 17 F Michigan
283 290 Champagne John B. 13 M Michigan
283 290 Champagne Simon 7 M Michigan
283 290 Trembly Joseph 48 M Fish Michigan [12]
284 291 Grondau Peter 37 M Fish Canada [12](acutally "Grondin")
284 291 Grondau Therese 33 F Canada
284 291 Grondau Mary 17 F Michigan
284 291 Grondau Peter Jr. 15 M Michigan
284 291 Grondau Louis 14 M Michigan
284 291 Grondau Charles 9 M Michigan
284 291 Grondau Therese 7 F Michigan
Page 48
Thursday - October 3, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
284 291 Grondau Catherine 3 F Michigan
284 291 Grondau Joseph 1 M Michigan
284 291 Grondau Susan 13 F Michigan
285 292 Martell Joseph 25 M Fisherman Canada [12]
285 292 Martell Jane 22 F Michigan [12]
285 292 Martell Abraham 4 M Michigan
285 292 Martell Celia 6 F Michigan
285 292 Martell Joseph 3 M Michigan
285 292 Martell Jean 1 M Michigan
286 293 Lancour William 44 M Boat Builder Canada [12]
286 293 Lancour Jane 35 F Canada [12]
286 293 Lancour Jane 16 F Michigan
286 293 Lancour Agathe 14 F Michigan
286 293 Lancour Justine 13 F Michigan
286 293 Lancour Flurie 10 F Michigan
286 293 Lancour Marcon 6 F Michigan
286 293 Lancour Paul 1 M Michigan
287 293 LaBute Susan 34 F Michigan [12]
287 293 LaBute Alexis 15 M Michigan
287 293 LaBute Agnes 12 F Michigan
287 293 LaBute Justine 10 F Michigan
287 293 LaBute Antoine 9 M Michigan
288 294 McNally Patrick 60 M Farmer Ireland [12]
288 294 McNally Nancy T. 44 F Ireland
288 294 McNally Bridget 17 F Ireland
288 294 McNally James 13 M Canada
288 294 McNally Patrick 11 M Canada
288 294 McNally Charles 9 M Canada
288 294 McNally Michael 5 M Michigan
288 294 McNally Peter 2 M Michigan
289 295 Chambers John 40 M Farmer Ireland [12]
289 295 Chambers Margaret 30 F Ireland [12]
289 295 Chambers William 10 M Ireland
289 295 Chambers Patrick 8 M Ireland
289 295 Chambers Bridget 6 F Ireland
289 295 Chambers John 4 M Ireland
290 296 Wendell Abraham 58 M Gentleman N.Y.
290 296 Wendell George 26 M Merchant Michigan
290 296 Wendell Theodore 24 M Merchant Michigan
290 296 Wendell Eliza J. 19 F Michigan
Page 49
Friday - October 4, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
290 296 Wendell William W. 16 M Clerk Michigan [11]
290 296 Wendell James H. 14 M Michigan [11]
290 296 Wendell Mary M. 12 F Michigan [11]
290 296 Wendell Josiah E. 10 M Michigan [11]
290 296 Meldrum Jane 19 F Michigan
290 296 Durks Jacob 49 M Laborer Holland
291 297 Horne Moses W. 30 M Cooper N.H. (Moses W. Horne - Village Marshal of Duncan)
291 297 Horne Sarah T. 31 F N.H.
291 297 Horne Mary S. 8/12 F Michigan
291 297 Barnes Frances 29 M Cooper N.Y.
291 297 Stuhl Charles 26 M Cooper Ohio
291 297 Stewart James M. 25 M Cooper Not Known
291 297 Lawngier Zephyr 22 M Cooper Michigan [12]
291 297 Moore Rachael 22 F Ireland
292 298 Franks Edward A 37 M Hotel Keeper N.Y. (Owner of the "Mission House" on Mackinac Island)
292 298 Franks Mary E. 27 F N.Y.
292 298 Franks Mary 12 F Michigan [11]
292 298 Franks Kate 5 F Michigan [11]
292 298 Franks Matilda 2 F Michigan
292 298 Billings John 40 M Waiter Kentucky [6m][12]
292 298 Billings Ann 40 F Kentucky [6m][12]
292 298 Smolk Charles 23 M Teamster N.Y.
292 298 Smolk Mary 20 F N.Y.
292 298 Megs Mary Ann 20 F N.Y. [6b][12]
292 298 St. Marie Rose W. 24 F Michigan [6m][12]
292 298 St. Marie Maria 25 F N.Y. [6m]
292 298 St. Marie Henry 30 M N.Y. [6b]
292 298 Not Known Cooper 30 M Kentucky [6b][12]
292 298 Dryer H. 22 M Lieut. U.S. Army N.Y.
292 298 Tidball Lorenzo 22 M Lieut. U.S. Army Ohio
292 298 Sullivan Eliza 25 F Ireland [12]
292 298 Husenberry Patrick 26 M Laborer Ireland [12]
293 299 Lozon Alexis 26 M Fish Canada [12]
293 299 Lozon Mary O. 18 F Canada
293 299 Caisse Baptiste 34 M Cooper Canada
293 299 Caisse Isidore 26 M Cooper Canada
294 300 Williams Samuel 42 M Cooper Not Known
294 300 Williams Nancy 26 F Canada [12]
294 300 Williams Isaac 8 M Michigan [11]
294 300 Williams Maynigh 6 F Michigan [11]
Page 50
Monday - October 7, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
294 300 Williams Lucy 4 F Michigan
294 300 Williams Olive 9/12 F Michigan
295 301 Ranville Joseph 56 M Blacksmith Canada [12]
295 301 Ranville Margaret 39 F Michigan [12]
295 301 Ranville Joseph Jr. 23 M Michigan
295 301 Ranville Jane 18 F Michigan
295 301 Ranville Alexis 7 M Michigan
295 301 Payant Isabelle 17 F Michigan
295 301 Payant Benjamin 12 M Michigan [11]
295 301 Ranville Harriet 18 F Canada
295 301 Ranville Harriet J. 1/12 F Michigan
296 302 Menoncon Joseph 51 M Laborer Canada [12]
296 302 Menoncon Mary 42 F Canada [12]
296 302 Menoncon Josephine 19 F Canada
296 302 Menoncon Hercule 17 M Fish Canada
297 303 Guilmette Henry 36 M Cooper Canada [12]
297 303 Guilmette Madeline 40 F Canada [12]
297 303 Guilmette Henry 10 M Canada [11]
297 303 Guilmette Mary 4 F Canada
298 304 Metivier Louis 70 M not any Canada [12]
298 304 Metivier Mary 66 F Canada [12]
298 305 Metivier Medard 35 M Cooper Canada
298 305 Metivier Rosalie 28 F Canada [12]
298 305 Metivier Julia Ann 7 F Michigan [11]
298 305 Metivier Salome C. 6 F Michigan [11]
298 305 Metivier Rosalie J 4 F Michigan [11]
298 305 Metivier Eliza A. 2 F Michigan
298 305 Metivier Louis A. 8/12 M Michigan
299 306 Metivier Gideon 30 M Fish Canada
299 306 Metivier Sophia 24 F Canada [12]
299 306 Metivier Louis 5 M Michigan
299 306 Metivier Sophia 4 F Michigan
299 306 LaBelle Xavier 40 M Fish Canada [12]
300 307 Metivier Francis 40 M Cooper Canada [12]
300 307 Metivier Lucy 32 F Canada [12]
300 307 Metivier Mary 4 F Michigan
300 307 Metivier Alfred 2 M Michigan
300 307 Metivier Virginia 6/12 F Michigan
301 308 Rapin Andre 26 M Cooper Canada
301 308 Rapin Delia 20 F Michigan [12]
Page 51
Monday - October 7, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
302 309 Sherwin Samual 53 M Cooper Mass.
304 310 Aurvale Desire 24 M Cooper Canada [12]
304 310 Aurvale Margaret 20 F Scotland [12]
304 310 Aurvale Margaret 4 F Canada
304 310 Aurvale Mary 11/12 F Michigan
305 311 Lawler William 30 M Cooper Ireland
305 311 Lawler Mary 24 F Ireland
305 311 Lawler Sarah Ann 1 F Michigan
305 311 Young Russel 24 M Cooper Michigan
305 311 Odel Byron 26 M Cooper Michigan
305 311 Cox John 20 M Cooper Ireland
305 311 Doe James 22 M Cooper Michigan
305 311 Kennedy M. E. 40 F Ireland [12]
306 312 Sasire Edward 50 M Carpenter Canada [12]
306 312 Sasire Mary L. 18 F Michigan
306 312 Sasire Julia 15 F Michigan
306 312 Sasire Angelique 11 F Michigan
306 312 Sasire Ursula 8 F Michigan [11]
307 313 Payant Joseph 38 M Day Laborer Michigan [11]
307 313 Payant Julia 32 F Canada
307 313 Payant Josephine 10 F Michigan [11]
307 313 Payant James E. 8 M Michigan [11]
307 313 Payant Peter P. 4 M Michigan
307 313 Payant Victorie 2 F Michigan
307 313 Stone Catherine 28 F Michigan
307 313 Stone Lucy L. 10 F Illinois [11]
307 313 Stone Henry J. 5 M Wisconsin
307 313 Stone George V. 1/12 M Michigan
307 313 Peltier John 70 M Calker Canada [12]
308 314 Vaillancour Henry 51 M Fish Michigan [12](probably "Vaillancourt")
308 314 Vaillancour Catherine 38 F Michigan [12]
308 314 Vaillancour Catherine 17 F Michigan
308 314 Vaillancour Henry 12 M Michigan [11]
308 314 Vaillancour Andrew 5 M Michigan [11]
308 314 Vaillancour Vincent 3 M Michigan [11]
308 314 Vaillancour Edward 1 M Michigan
309 315 Hamel Charles A. 24 M Seaman Canada (Bois Blanc Island Lightkeeper, 1866-'67)
309 315 Hamel Mary H. 24 F Canada
309 315 Hamel Louis N. A. 1 M Michigan
309 315 Holpin Anthony 21 M Seaman N.Y.
Page 52
Monday - October 7, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
309 315 Fitzgerald John 19 M Seaman Ireland [12]
309 315 Dwier John 10 M N.Y.
310 316 Paquin John 40 M Drayman Canada [12]
310 316 Paquin Lucy 40 F Canada
310 316 Paquin Sophia 12 F Michigan [11]
310 316 Paquin Peter 8 M Michigan [11]
310 317 Chanpe Peter 68 M Canada [12]
310 317 Chanpe Margaret 60 F Canada
311 318 Schindler Therese 78 F Michigan [12]
311 318 Fisher Mary Ann 56 F Michigan
311 318 Dailly Therese 7 F Michigan [11]
312 319 Beltair David 32 M Drayman Canada
312 319 Beltair Victorie 27 F Michigan
313 319 Thetro Marcel 40 M Tailor Canada
313 319 Thetro Lucy 37 F Canada
313 319 Thetro Peter W. 10 M Vermont [11]
313 319 Thetro Dominic H 7 M N.Y. [11]
313 319 Thetro Marcalin 10/12 M Michigan
313 319 LeDuc Peter 60 M Canada [12]
314 321 Lyne Charles 24 M Carpenter Michigan
314 321 Lyne Calina 17 F Canada
314 321 Lyne Charles L. 1 M Michigan
315 322 Martineau Oliver 34 M Boat Builder Canada
315 322 Martineau Mary 30 F Michigan
315 322 Martineau Alexis 10 M Michigan [11]
315 322 Martineau Mary 4 F Michigan
315 322 Martineau Narcise 2 M Michigan
315 323 Martineau Michel 31 M Boat Builder Canada [12]
315 323 Martineau Leonore 19 F Michigan
315 323 McGulpin Alexis 20 M Boat Builder Michigan
316 324 Stevens James 50 M Blacksmith Michigan
316 324 Stevens Margaret 31 F Wisconsin
316 324 Stevens Mary 13 F Michigan [11]
316 324 Stevens Sophia 11 F Michigan [11]
316 324 Stevens John 9 M Michigan [11]
316 324 Stevens Eliza 17 F Michigan
316 324 Stevens Margaret 1 F Michigan
317 325 Lapierre Theophile 37 M Fisherman Canada [12]
317 325 Lapierre Margaret 36 F Michigan
317 325 Lapierre Margaret 12 F Michigan [11]
Page 53
Tuesday - October 8, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
317 325 Lapierre Moses 10 M Michigan [11]
317 325 Lapierre Relastia 7 F Michigan
317 325 Lapierre Louisa 6 F Michigan
317 325 Lapierre Benjamin 4 M Michigan
317 325 Lapierre Joseph 7/12 M Michigan
318 326 McGulpin William 61 M not any Michigan [12](Mackinac Island - "the McGulpin House")
318 326 McGulpin Margaret 48 F Canada [12]
319 327 Pelerant Charles 25 M Carpenter Canada [12]
319 327 Pelerant Angel 32 F Canada
319 327 Pelerant Charles 2 M Canada
319 327 Pelerant Ursula 1 F Michigan
319 327 Pelerant Louis P. 1/12 M Michigan
320 328 McGulpin Gerome 25 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
320 328 McGulpin Angelia 20 F Michigan [12]
320 328 McGulpin William 6/12 M Michigan
320 328 Cucosh Henry 22 M Michigan [12]
321 329 Cushway John B 30 M Carpenter Michigan
321 329 Cushway Elizabeth 23 F Michigan
321 329 Cushway Alfred 5 M Michigan
321 329 Cushway Matilda 3 F Michigan
321 329 Burk Catherine 20 F Ireland
321 329 Cushway Matilda 24 F Michigan
321 329 Lyon Louis 22 M Carpenter Michigan
321 329 Lyon Maglois 20 M Carpenter Michigan
321 329 Gailbault Alex 22 M Carpenter Canada [12]
321 329 Kilbourn Joseph 30 M Carpenter England
321 329 Genereux Frances A. 26 M Carpenter Canada
321 329 Lore Lewis 19 M Carpenter Canada
321 329 Mozon Lewis 24 M Drayman Canada
322 330 Allard Charles 21 M Fish Michigan
322 330 McGulpin Benjamin 23 M Fish Michigan [12]
323 331 Case Joseph 28 M Fish Canada [12]
323 331 Case Sophia 28 F Canada [12]
323 331 Case Virginia 4/12 F Michigan
323 331 Jolis Louis 19 M Fish Canada
323 331 LeDuc Marcella 20 F Michigan [12]
324 332 Gailbault Edward 30 M Merchant Canada
324 332 Gailbault Elizabeth 29 F Canada
324 332 Gailbault Edward Jr. 9 M Michigan [11]
324 332 Gailbault Norman 7 M Michigan [11]
Page 54
Tuesday - October 8, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
324 332 Gailbault Julia 5 F Michigan [11]
324 332 Gailbault Octavia 3 M Michigan
324 332 O'Malley Bridget 22 F Ireland
324 332 Pellant Narcise 21 M Shoemaker Canada
325 333 Gailbault Henry 24 M Merchant Canada [10]
325 333 Gailbault Mary L. 24 F Canada [10][12]
325 333 Gailbault Eliza S. 2/12 F Michigan
326 334 Lagoie Louis 36 M Fish Canada [12]
326 334 Lagoie Mary 28 F Canada [12]
326 334 Lagoie Louis 11 M Canada
326 334 Lagoie Augustus 9 M Canada
326 334 Lagoie Christine 5 F Canada
326 334 Lagoie Josette 2 F Canada
327 335 Plante Peter 34 M Fish Canada [12]
327 335 Plante Mary 29 F Canada [12]
327 335 Plante Catherine 12 F Michigan
327 335 Plante Eliza 10 F Michigan
327 335 Plante Lucy 6 F Michigan
327 335 Plante Gamil 4 M Michigan
327 335 Plante Joseph 2/12 M Michigan
328 336 Root Edward 23 M Merchant N.Y. (on Mackinac Island)
328 336 Root Ellen 22 F Ohio
329 337 Stoddard Melvin 31 M Merchant N.Y.
329 337 Stoddard Mahulu 27 F N.H.
329 337 Stoddard John 4 M Michigan
329 337 Stoddard Esther 2 F Michigan
330 338 McCulloch Samuel 38 M Seaman Michigan [12]
330 338 McCulloch Sophia 25 F Canada [12]
330 338 McCulloch Betsy 8/12 F Michigan
330 338 McCulloch Cecelia 82 F Michigan
330 338 Chevalier Francis 8 M Michigan [11]
330 338 Delonais Antoine 14 M Michigan [11]
330 338 Delonais Elizabeth 13 F Michigan
331 339 O'Malley Charles M. 36 M Notary Ireland (State Rep from Mackinac County, 1849-'49)(Mackinac Island)
331 339 O'Malley Tally 25 M Sheriff Ireland
332 340 Millard L. B. 29 M Indian Carpenter Ohio
332 340 Millard Julia A. 25 F Canada
332 340 Millard Sarah Ann 4 F Michigan
332 340 Strang Daniel L. 40 M Indian Blacksmith N.Y.
332 340 Strang Laura 32 F Vermont
Page 55
Wednesday - October 9, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
332 340 Strang Henry 11 M Ohio [11]
332 340 Strang Polly P 10 F Ohio [11]
332 340 Strang Austin W. 8 M Ohio [11]
332 340 Straong Lorena M. 6 F Ohio [11]
332 340 Kelly Julia 16 F Ireland
334 342 Kearney Col. James 63 M Army Ireland
334 342 Kearney Louisa 42 F Virginia
334 342 Kearney Amone 18 F D.C.
334 342 Kearney Robert 14 M D.C.
334 342 Kearney Blanche 7 F D.C.
334 342 Kearney Ida 5 F D.C.
335 343 Birchard James T. 30 M Dep. Collector Vermont
335 343 Birchard Cordelia 25 F N.Y.
335 343 Birchard Mary A. 8 F Michigan [11]
335 343 McCabe Mary 22 F Canada
336 344 Avery Charles D. 40 M Collector Of Port Vermont
337 345 Gubere John 41 M Cooper Canada [12]
337 345 Gubere John Jr. 14 M N.Y. [11]
337 345 Gubere Celeste 8 F N.Y. [11]
338 346 O'Malley William 45 M Laborer Ireland [12]
338 346 O'Malley Mary 33 F Ireland
338 346 O'Malley John 15 M Cook On Vessel Ireland [11]
338 346 O'Malley Patrick 13 M Ireland [11]
338 346 O'Malley Anthony 10 M Ireland [11]
338 346 O'Malley Martin 7 M Ireland
338 346 O'Malley Sarah 2 F Canada
339 347 Mere John 38 M Soldier Germany [10]
339 347 Mere Christina 34 F Germany [10]
340 348 Pyne William 28 M Soldier England
340 348 Pyne Mary 33 F Ireland
340 348 Morgan Thomas 10 M Ireland [11]
340 348 Morgan Catherine 9 F Ireland [11]
340 348 Morgan Patrick 9 M Ireland [11]
341 349 Hudson Henry 23 M Fish Michigan [12]
341 349 Hudson Angelique 26 F Michigan [12]
341 349 Hudson Emily 6/12 F Michigan
342 350 Carron Henry 22 M Fish Canada [12]
342 350 Corron Judie 21 F Not Known [12]
342 350 Carron Mary L. 2 F Michigan
343 357 Lozon Joseph 27 M Seaman Michigan [12]
Page 56
Wednesday - October 9, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
343 357 Lozon Mary 20 F Michigan [12]
343 357 Lozon Joseph 1 M Michigan
344 357 Durkin Patrick 35 M Laborer Ireland [12]
344 357 Durkin Bridget 27 F Ireland [12]
344 357 Durkin Anthony 10 M Ireland
344 357 Durkin Robert 4 M Ireland
344 357 Moran Margaret 35 F Ireland [12]
344 357 Moran Ann 8 F Ireland
344 357 Moran Catherine 6 F Michigan
345 352 Fitzsimmons Richard 28 M Seaman Ireland [12]
345 352 Fitzsimmons Margaret 26 F Ireland [12]
345 352 Patten Laura 4 M Canada
345 352 Fitzsimmons Mary 1 F Michigan
346 353 Gray Alice 37 F Ireland [12]
346 353 Wendell John 6 M Michigan [11]
346 353 McLeod Mary 8/12 F Michigan
347 354 O'Malley Owen 45 M Laborer Ireland [12]
347 354 O'Malley Mary 35 F Ireland
347 354 O'Malley Catherine 15 F Maine [11]
347 354 O'Malley Michael 11 M Canada [11]
347 354 O'Malley Patrick 8 M Canada [11]
347 354 Dyer Catherine 6 F Canada [11]
347 354 Samael Robert 40 M Cooper Scotland
347 354 Dyer Thomas 30 M Laborer Ireland [12]
348 355 Burk Joseph 37 M Shoemaker Ireland
348 355 Burk Mary 27 F Ireland
348 355 Burk Bridget 9 F Ireland [11]
348 355 Burk John 8 M N.Y. [11]
348 355 Burk Mary 4 F Canada [11]
348 355 Burk Peter 3 M Michigan
348 355 Burk Thomas 2 M Michigan
348 355 Brockway Eliza 24 F Michigan
348 355 Bass Henry 20 M Shoemaker Holland
349 356 Lyne Edward 30 M Drayman England
349 356 Lyne Elizabeth 30 F England
349 356 Lyne Mary 3 F Michigan
349 356 Lyne Louisa 2 F Michigan
350 357 Geary Mathew 46 M Cooper Ireland
350 357 Geary Maria 40 F Ireland
350 357 Geary Maria 17 F Canada [11]
Page 57
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
350 357 Geary Margaret 15 F Canada [11]
350 357 Geary Catherine 14 F N.Y. [11]
350 357 Geary John T. 6 M Michigan [11]
350 357 McIntire Margaret 18 F Ireland
351 358 Kanter Edward 25 M Merchant Poland
351 358 Kanter Fanny 22 F N.Y.
351 358 Kanter Henry 2 M Michigan
351 358 Metzger Elizabeth 18 F Germany
351 358 Knellroitz Edmund 12 M Germany
352 359 Kronmer Michael 24 M Clerk Germany
352 359 Kronmer Agnes 20 F Germany
352 359 Kronmer Joseph 50 M not any Germany
352 359 Kronmer Joseph 9 M Germany
353 360 Birchard Lorenzo Y.B. 38 M Merchant Vermont
353 360 Birchard Amanda T. 21 F Vermont
353 360 McCabe Eliza 20 F Canada
353 360 Stoddard Joel 20 M Merchant Michigan
354 361 Murray David 40 M Mason Ireland
354 361 Murray Catherine 32 F Ireland [12]
354 361 Murray Mary 14 F Ireland
354 361 Murray Patrick 12 M Ireland
354 361 Murray Dominic 6 M Ireland [11]
354 361 Murray William 11/12 M Ireland
355 362 Geary William 50 M none Ireland
356 363 Durkin Martin 31 M Tailor Ireland
357 364 Todd AugustIn 42 M Farmer N.Y.
357 364 Todd Sophia 30 F Canada
357 364 Todd Rosalie 9 F Michigan [11]
357 364 Todd Ellen 7 F Michigan [11]
357 364 Todd Sophia 5 F Michigan [11]
357 364 Todd Julia A. 4 F Michigan
357 364 Todd Horaa An 1/12 M Michigan
357 364 Eino Alexander 20 M Painter Canada [12]
357 364 Richard Baptiste 22 M Painter Canada
358 365 Leopold Louis F. 30 M Merchant Germany
358 365 Leopold Babette 25 F Germany
358 365 Leopold Esur 5 M Michigan [11]
358 365 Leopold Isaac 3 M Michigan
358 365 Leopold Caroline 2 F Michigan
358 365 Leopold L. F. 25 M Clerk Germany
Page 58
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
358 365 Leopold Henry 29 M Clerk Germany
358 365 Leopold Aaron 27 M Clerk Germany
358 365 Rice Lewis 24 M Clerk Germany
358 365 Burk Martin 22 M Drayman Germany
358 365 Polen Susan 19 F Germany
359 366 Donsman Michael 65 M Farmer Penna.
359 366 Donsman Eliza 33 F N.Y.
359 366 Donsman Elizabeth 1 F Michigan
359 366 Donsman Laura 9 F N.Y. [11]
359 366 VanWise Francis 13 F N.Y. [11]
359 366 Chambers Amy 23 F Ireland [12]
359 366 Nesinaw Samuel 22 M not any Canada [12]
359 366 Grove Charles 20 M Clerk N.Y.
360 367 Vesinaw Francis 37 M Fish Canada [12]
360 367 Vesinaw Isabella 31 F Canada [12]
360 367 Vesinaw Mary Ann 19 F Canada
360 367 LaCroix Charles 20 M Fish Michigan [12]
361 368 Granger Henry 23 M Boarding House N.Y.
361 368 Granger Mary 22 F Michigan
361 368 Granger Fanny 2 F Michigan
361 368 Genisy Julia 21 F N.Y. [12]
361 368 Boss Cormain 17 M not any Holland
362 369 Lefevre Geoffrey 44 M Fish Canada [12]
362 369 Lefevre Mary 24 F Canada [12]
362 369 Lefevre Noel 6 M Michigan
363 370 Waite Lonerg F. 28 M Hotel Vermont
363 370 Waite Olive 35 F Vermont
363 370 Waite Helen 3 F Michigan
363 370 Waite Lonerg F. Jr. 1 M Michigan
363 370 Stuffer Mary 42 F Germany [12]
363 370 Stuffer Elizabeth 13 F Germany [11]
363 370 Baker Mary 18 F Germany
363 370 Levake John 62 M not any Vermont
363 370 Levake Lidia 57 F Vermont
364 371 Hulbert William C. 28 M Merchant N.Y.
365 372 Hamel Catherine 51 F Canada
365 372 Hamel Narcise 22 M Baker Canada [12]
365 372 Hamel Julia Ann 19 F Canada
365 372 Hamel Antoine 13 M Michigan [11]
365 372 Hamel Arcon 11 M Michigan [11]
Page 59
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
365 372 Hamel Edward 7 M Michigan [11]
365 372 Mahony Caroline 12 F Michigan [11]
365 372 David Fleury 26 M Carpenter Canada
365 372 David Theophile 18 M Carpenter Canada
366 373 Bellmore Isaac 30 M not any Canada [12]
366 373 Bellmore Adaline 22 F Canada
366 373 Bellmore Adaline 5 F Canada
366 373 Gordon William L. 23 M Seaman Canada
366 373 Bellmore Margaret 4 F Canada
366 373 Bellmore Eamere 10/12 F Michigan
367 374 Biddle Edward 68 M Merchant Penna. (built "the Biddle House" - Mackinac Island)
367 374 Biddle Agathe 47 F Michigan [12]
367 374 Biddle John 27 M Clerk Michigan
367 374 Biddle Sarah D. 16 F Michigan
367 374 Bostick David 70 M none Canada [12]
368 375 Piret Rev. A.D.J. 38 M R.C. Belgium (Mackinac Island)
369 376 Kevan Peter C. 28 M Merchant N.Y.
369 376 Kevan Lucy A. 22 F Michigan
369 376 Kevan Sarah A. 3 F Michigan
369 376 McMahon Mary 20 F Ireland
369 376 Williams Frank 27 M Clerk Canada
370 377 Abbott Samuel 68 M Indian Trader Michigan (Justice of the Peace - Mackinac Island)
370 377 Abbott Bridget 44 F Missouori
370 377 Martin Henry 25 M Laborer Canada
370 377 Martin Mary 3 F Canada
371 378 Allair Joseph 29 M Butcher Canada [12]
371 378 Allair Archange 23 F Canada
371 378 Allair Cordelia 3 F Canada
371 378 Allair Joseph 2 M Canada
371 378 Burk Zoa 19 F Canada
372 379 Waite Martin S. 34 M Wagon? Vermont
372 379 Waite Mary Ann 40 F Vermont
372 379 Waite Phebe 43 F Vermont
372 379 Waite Stephen E. 16 M Vermont [11]
372 379 Waite Dudley M. 11 M Ohio [11]
372 379 Waite Mary E. 9 F Ohio [11]
372 379 Waite Frances M. 7 M Ohio [11]
372 379 Waite Martha 2/12 F Michigan
373 380 Chevalier Francis 38 M Fish Canada [12]
373 380 Chevalier Elizabeth 40 F Wisconsin [12]
Page 60
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
373 380 Chevalier Harry 6 M Michigan [11]
374 381 Mettez John B. 50 M Cooper Michigan [12]
374 381 Mettez Mary 45 F Michigan [12]
374 381 Mettez Margaret 12 F Michigan
374 381 Mettez Jane 5 F Michigan
374 381 Mettez Lewis 18 M Fish Michigan
375 382 Mettez John 22 M Fish Michigan
375 382 Mettez Mary 17 F Michigan
375 382 Mettez Peter 17 M Fish Michigan
375 382 Martineau Felix 22 M Fish Canada [12]
375 382 Quizeno John B. 40 M Cooper Canada [12]
376 383 Cadron Narcise 22 M Fish Canada [12]
377 384 Cadron John B. 67 M Fish Canada [12]
377 384 Cadron Mary 42 F Canada [12]
377 384 Cadron Catherine F. 9 F Michigan
378 385 McIntire John 30 M Seaman Ireland [12]
378 385 McIntire Ann 22 F Ireland [12]
378 385 McIntire Sarah 5 F Canada
378 385 McIntire Michael 1 M Michigan
378 385 McIntire Mary 17 F Ireland
379 386 Perrault Julia 53 F Michigan [12]
379 386 Perrault Louis 23 M Seaman Michigan [12]
379 386 Perrault Julia 17 F Ohio
379 386 Perrault Antoine 14 M Ohio
379 387 Packard John A. 32 M Seaman Michigan [12]
379 387 Packard Polly 25 F Michigan [12]
379 387 Packard Marcus W. 7 M Michigan
379 387 Packard Elizabeth 5 F Michigan
380 388 Hudson Matilda 45 F Michigan [12]
380 388 Hudson Mary 20 F Michigan [12]
380 388 Hudson Emily 17 F Michigan
380 388 Hudson Alexander 19 M Fish Michigan
381 389 Hudson David 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
381 389 Hudson Catherine 26 F Canada [12]
381 389 Hudson Andrew 5/12 M Michigan
381 389 Hudson Henry 14 M Michigan
381 389 Launace James 17 M Fish Canada
382 390 Welch James 50 M none Ireland [12]
382 390 Welch Sarah 50 F Ireland [12]
382 390 Welch Margaret 12 F Ireland
Page 61
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
383 391 Walkter Christian 70 M Fisherman Switzerland [12]
383 391 Walkter Mary A. 49 F Canada [12]
383 391 Beandom Octavia 6 F Michigan
383 391 Beandom Josephine 2 F Michigan
384 392 Mahony John 42 M Cooper Ireland
384 392 Maltby William H. 40 M Cooper Ireland
384 392 Wilson John 22 M Cooper Ireland
384 392 Blanchard Samual 26 M Cooper N.Y.
385 393 Hobin Patrick 48 M none Ireland
385 393 Hobin Catherine 45 F Ireland [12]
385 393 Hobin John 18 M Cook On Vessel Ireland
385 393 Hobin James 16 M Porter Ireland
385 393 Hobin Michael 8 M Canada [11]
385 393 Hobin Bridget 4 F Canada
386 394 Smith Richard W. 28 M Cooper N.Y.
387 395 Moore Daniel 46 M Fisherman Michigan [6m][12]
387 395 Moore Mary L. 46 F Wisconsin [12]
387 395 Lapaune Joseph 23 M Fish Canada [12]
387 395 Lapaune Louis 18 M Fish Michigan
387 395 Lapaune Pauline 17 F Michigan
387 395 Lapaune Victorie 12 F Michigan [11]
387 395 Lapaune Isaac 10 M Michigan
387 395 Moore James 1 M Michigan
388 396 Murray Mary 60 F Ireland [12]
388 396 Murray Dominick 30 M Grocer Ireland
388 396 Murray Michael 25 M Seaman Ireland
388 396 Murray Patrick 23 M Seaman Ireland
388 397 Graham Timothy 21 M Seaman Ireland [10]
388 397 Graham Catherine 18 F Ireland [10]
389 397 Johnston William 37 M Professional Michigan
389 397 Johnston Susan 33 F Michigan
389 397 Johnston Maria 12 F Michigan [11]
389 397 Johnston William Jr. 10 M Michigan [11]
389 397 Johnston Louis 8 M Michigan [11]
389 397 Johnston Charles 6 M Michigan [11]
389 397 Johnston James 4 M Michigan
389 397 Johnston Marion 2 F Michigan
390 398 Delonier David 30 M Fish Canada [12]
390 398 Delonier Catherine 28 F Michigan [12]
390 398 Delonier Salania 7 F Michigan [11]
Page 62
Thursday - October 10, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
390 398 Delonier James 2 M Michigan
391 399 Chambers Thomas 35 M Merchant Ireland
391 399 Chambers Mary 21 F Michigan
391 399 Chambers William 3 M Michigan
391 399 Chambers John 7/12 M Michigan
391 399 Chambers William ? M Ireland
391 399 Chambers Catherine 22 F Ireland
392 400 Lozon Joseph 55 M Fish Canada [12]
392 400 Lozon Elizabeth 48 F Michigan [12]
392 400 Lozon Mary L. 20 F Michigan [12]
392 400 Lozon Elizabeth 18 F Michigan
392 400 Lozon Mary Ann 14 F Michigan [11]
392 400 Lozon Eliza 12 F Michigan [11]
392 400 Lozon Christine 10 F Michigan [11]
392 400 Lozon William 6 M Michigan [11]
392 400 Lozon Edmond 5 M Michigan
393 401 Bezeau Joseph 49 M Carpenter Canada [12]
393 401 Bezeau Victorie 47 F Canada
393 401 Bezeau Sophia 20 F Canada
393 401 Bezeau Phebe 18 F Canada
393 401 Bezeau Louise 16 F Canada
393 401 Bezeau Joseph 14 M Canada [11]
393 401 Bezeau Gaspar 12 M Canada [11]
393 401 Bezeau Angel 10 F Canada [11]
393 401 Bezeau Hermenia 8 F Canada
393 401 Bezeau Aglea 4 F Canada
394 402 Rice James C. 30 M Grocer N.Y.
394 402 Rice Elizabeth 25 F Michigan
394 402 Rice Benjamin 22 M Clerk N.Y.
395 403 Louisignon Francis 74 M none Canada [12](buried in St. Annes Cemetery, Mackinac Island)
395 403 Louisignon Agathe 68 F Michigan [12](buried in St. Annes Cemetery, Mackinac Island)
395 403 Louisignon Rosalie 40 F Michigan [12]
395 403 Louisignon Paul 34 M Fish Michigan (buried in St. Annes Cemetery, Mackinac Island)
395 403 Louisignon Joseph 31 M Drayman Michigan
395 403 Louisignon Ann 19 F N.Y.
395 403 Louisignon Charles 23 M Fish Michigan
395 403 Louisignon Ursula 18 F Michigan
396 404 Louisignon Benjamin 35 M Shoemaker Michigan
397 405 Beaubin Charles 60 M Fish Canada [12]
397 405 Lasley George 42 M Merchant Michigan
Page 63
Monday - October 14, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
397 405 Lasley Mary 28 F Michigan [12]
397 405 Lasley George Jr. 10 M Michigan [11]
397 405 Lasley Jane 10/12 F Michigan
397 405 Lonier Charles 6 M Michigan
398 406 LaBelle Mary L. 37 F Michigan [12]
398 406 LaBelle Margaret 16 F Michigan
398 406 LaBelle Mary 14 F Michigan
398 406 LaBelle Therese 11 F Michigan
398 406 LaBelle George 5 M Michigan
398 406 LaBelle Clenon 4 F Michigan
398 406 LaBelle Joseph 2 M Michigan
399 407 Cadotte Louis 33 M Fish Michigan [12]
399 407 Cadotte Louise 35 F Michigan [12]
399 407 Cadotte Peter 12 M Michigan
399 407 Cadotte Rosalie 10 F Michigan
399 407 Cadotte Mary 7 F Michigan
399 407 Cadotte Louis 3 M Michigan
400 408 Cadotte Augustus 38 M Fish Michigan [12]
400 408 Cadotte Madeline 3 F Michigan
400 408 Cadotte John B. 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
401 409 Pilotte Ignace 32 M Fish Michigan [12]
401 409 Pilotte Rosalie 32 F Wisconsin [12]
401 409 Pilotte Mary E. 14 F Michigan
401 409 Pilotte Angelique 12 F Michigan
401 409 Pilotte Harriet 10 F Michigan
401 409 Pilotte Gabriel 8 M Michigan [11]
401 409 Pilotte Rosalie 4 F Michigan
401 409 Pilotte Madeline 2 F Michigan
402 410 Pilotte Alexis 30 M Seaman Michigan
402 410 Pilotte Mary 28 F Michigan [12]
402 410 Pilotte Alexander 8 M Michigan
402 410 Pilotte Isabella 2 F Michigan
403 411 Belanger Louis 45 M Fish Canada [12]
403 411 Belanger Jane 33 F Wisconsin [12]
403 411 Belanger Mary 16 F Michigan
403 411 Belanger Elizabeth 14 F Michigan
403 411 Belanger Joseph 13 M Michigan
403 411 Belanger Louis 11 M Michigan
403 411 Belanger Jane 2 F Michigan
403 411 Belanger Antoine 3 M Michigan
Page 64
Monday - October 14, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
404 412 Dailly Joseph 56 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
404 412 Dailly Mary 42 F Michigan [12]
404 412 Dailly Margaret 5 F Michigan
404 412 Dailly Edmund 3 M Michigan
404 412 Dailly George L. 1 M Michigan
405 413 LaCroix Francis 53 M Fish Michigan [12]
405 413 LaCroix Margaret 37 F Michigan [12]
405 413 Numinville Joseph 103 M none Canada
405 413 LaCroix Louis 19 M Fish Canada
405 413 Shurtleff William 7 M Michigan
406 414 LeDuc Jeremie 58 M Carpenter Canada [12]
406 414 LeDuc Mary 45 F Canada [12]
406 414 LeDuc Jane 24 F Michigan [12]
406 414 LeDuc Catherine 12 F Michigan [11]
406 414 LeDuc Isabel 9 F Michigan [11]
406 414 LeDuc Christine 7 F Michigan
406 414 LeDuc Eliza 4 F Michigan
406 414 Plante Jane 5 F Michigan
406 414 Plante James 1 M Michigan
407 415 LeDuc Louis 29 M Fish Canada [12]
407 415 LeDuc Mary 18 F Canada
408 416 Lozon Alexander 26 M Fish Michigan [12]
408 416 Lozon Mary 26 F Michigan [12]
408 416 Stockman Isaac 25 M Fish Michigan
409 417 Belonger Paul 40 M Fish Canada [12]
409 417 Belonger Angelique 35 F Wisconsin [12]
409 417 Belonger Paul 15 M Michigan
409 417 Belonger Mary 13 F Michigan [11]
409 417 Belonger Charles 10 M Michigan [11]
409 417 Belonger Dolfril 5 F Michigan
409 417 Belonger Lezit Isabel 7/12 F Michigan
410 418 Leocille Noel 27 M Fish Canada
410 418 Leocille Madeline 24 F Michigan
410 418 Leocille Mary 2 F Michigan
410 418 Leocille Christine 4/12 F Michigan
410 418 Leocille John 17 M Michigan
410 418 Bouchard Eli 18 M Fish Michigan
411 419 Bourassa Louis 37 M Fish Michigan [12](son George born 1850 and baptized at St. Anne's on Mackinac Island)
411 419 Bourassa Angelique 37 F Michigan
411 419 Bourassa Joseph 14 M Michigan
Page 65
Monday - October 14, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
411 419 Bourassa Baptiste 12 M Michigan
411 419 Bourassa John 2 M Michigan
412 420 Davenport Ambrose 49 M Fish Inspector Michigan (son of Mackinac Island patriot)
412 420 Davenport Susan 38 F Wisconsin [12]
412 420 Davenport Joseph 16 M Fish Wisconsin
412 420 Davenport Mary 18 F Wisconsin
412 420 Davenport Betsey 14 F Wisconsin
412 420 Davenport John 12 M Michigan
412 420 Davenport Julia 9 F Michigan [11]
412 420 Davenport Jane 7 F Michigan [11]
412 420 Davenport James 5 M Michigan
412 420 Davenport Susan 3 F Michigan
413 421 Davenport William Jr. 25 M Fish Michigan [10]
413 421 Davenport Lucy 18 F Michigan [10]
413 421 Rice Owen 25 M Repacker of Fish Michigan
413 421 Lagess Cullan 20 M Fish Michigan
414 422 Davenport William 47 M Fish Michigan
414 422 Davenport Mary 32 F Wisconsin [12]
414 422 Davenport William Jr. 16 M Fish Wisconsin [11]
414 422 Davenport Robert 14 M Wisconsin [11]
415 423 Todd Henry 22 M Seaman N.Y.
415 423 Divine/Dwine John 19 M England
415 423 John 19 M Ireland (no surname)
415 423 James 23 M England (no surname)
416 424 Stevenson Horatio 22 M Seaman N.Y.
416 424 Stevenson Chauncey 18 M Seaman N.Y.
417 425 Fitzgerald Thomas 26 M Seaman Ireland [10]
417 425 Fitzgerald John 20 M Seaman Ireland
417 425 Burk Dominic 26 M Seaman Ireland [12]
417 425 Wilkins John 17 M Cook Ireland
418 426 Fontaine Theophile 62 M Fish Canada [12]
418 426 Fontaine Charles 15 M Fish Michigan
419 427 Lozon Gabriel 23 M Fish Michigan [12]
419 427 Lozon Mary Ann 18 F Michigan
419 427 LaChapelle Baptiste 18 M Fish Canada
419 427 Bourassa Madeline 6 F Michigan
420 428 Hubert Francis 50 M none Michigan [12]
420 428 Hubert Mary 40 F Wisconsin [12]
420 428 Hubert Xavier 22 M Fish Michigan [12]
420 428 Hubert Nancy 18 F Michigan
Page 66
Tuesday - October 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
420 428 Hubert Charles 15 M Fisherman Michigan
420 428 Hubert Margaret 10 F Michigan
420 428 Hubert Joseph 8 M Michigan
420 428 Hubert Peter 6 M Michigan
420 428 Cornia Francis 22 M Drayman Wisconsin [12]
421 429 Jolis Angelique 31 F Wisconsin [12](alt sp: Joli and Joiie)
421 429 Jolis Julia 18 F Wisconsin
421 429 Jolis Verinie 3 F Michigan
421 429 Jolis Lewis 23 M Fish Canada
422 430 Mirandette Antoine 32 M Fish Canada
422 430 Mirandette Margaret 28 F Canada [12]
422 430 Mirandette Theophile 6 M Canada [11]
422 430 Mirandette Launlis 4 F Canada
422 430 Mirandette Eamon 2 F Canada
422 430 Mirandette Virginia 1/12 F Michigan
423 431 Robillard Joseph 48 M Carpenter Canada
423 431 Robillard Mary 39 F Michigan [12]
423 431 Marley Charles 73 M none Canada [12]
423 431 Archambeau Ermine 9 F Michigan [11]
423 431 Lapan Joseph 24 M Fish Michigan [12]
424 432 Marley Michael 25 M Fish Michigan
424 432 Marley Sophia 19 F Michigan
425 433 Scott William 42 M Merchant Michigan
425 433 Scott Harriet P 32 F N.Y.
425 433 Scott William M. 11 M Michigan [11]
425 433 Scott Michigan C. 10 M Michigan [11]
425 433 Scott Eliza M. 8 F Michigan [11]
425 433 Scott Mackinac W. 7 M Michigan [11]
425 433 Scott Lilias 3 F Michigan
425 433 Scott Gasta J. 2 F Michigan
425 433 Letendre Lewis 45 M Servant Canada [12]
425 433 Lalonde Pascal 37 M Clerk Canada
425 433 Dosan Antoine 25 M Clerk France
425 433 Lawler Martha 20 F Ireland
425 433 Helms Mary 20 F Ireland
426 434 Child Jay J. 33 M Seaman Penna. [10]
426 434 Child Mary 27 F Ireland [10]
427 435 Allard Simon 52 M Blacksmith Canada [12]
427 435 Allard Rose 40 F Canada
427 435 Allard Madeline 11 F Michigan [11]
Page 67
Tuesday - October 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
428 436 Selly Henry 30 M Merchant Michigan
428 436 Selly? Indian 48 F Michigan
428 436 Irvine John D. 38 M Doctor Scotland
428 436 Irvine Matilda 20 F Michigan
428 436 Irvine Samuel J. 12 M Michigan [11]
428 436 Irvine William 1 M Michigan
428 436 Drew Oliver 16 M Clerk Michigan
428 436 Drew Julia Ann 7 F Michigan [11]
428 436 Lasley Louis 21 M Clerk Michigan
428 436 Lasley John 13 M Michigan [11]
428 436 Onimet Peter 25 M Servant Canada [12]
428 436 Smith Catherine 32 F Mississippi [6m][12]
428 436 Smith Jane 4 F Michigan [6b]
429 437 Rice Aaron L. 38 M Baker N.Y. [10]
429 437 Rice Mary 20 F Michigan [10]
429 437 Rice William 36 M Clerk N.Y.
429 437 Andrews Joseph 20 M Baker Michigan
429 437 Koll John S. 18 M Baker Canada
430 438 Drew William T. 24 M Clerk Michigan
430 438 Drew Caroline 21 F Wisconsin
430 438 Drew Margaret H. 3 F Michigan
430 438 Drew William L. 58 M Michigan
431 439 Mirandette Lewis 29 M Shoemaker Canada
431 439 Mirandette Julia 27 F Canada [12]
431 439 Mirandette Velona 4 F Canada
431 439 Mirandette Delia 2 F Canada
431 439 King J.P. 55 M none Vermont
432 440 Spencer John B. 42 M none N.Y. (Mackinac Island - went to Elk Rapids in 1852)
432 440 Spencer Harriet 35 F N.Y.
432 440 Spencer Sarah 12 F Michigan
432 440 Spencer Olive 10 F Michigan
432 440 Spencer James 7 M Michigan
432 440 Spencer Silas 5 M Michigan
432 440 Spencer John 2 M Michigan
433 441 Graveraet Henry G. 65 M none Michigan
433 441 Graveraet Charlotte 54 F Canada [12]
433 441 Graveraet Albert 24 M Silversmith Michigan
433 441 Graveraet John 20 M Fisherman Michigan [11]
433 441 Graveraet Anthony W. 18 M Michigan
433 441 Graveraet Mary J. 16 F Michigan
Page 68
Tuesday - October 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
433 441 Graveraet Charlotte R 12 F Michigan [11]
433 441 Graveraet George E. 10 M Michigan [11]
433 441 Graveraet Harriet 7 F Michigan [11]
433 441 Graveraet Julian A. 9 F Michigan [11]
433 441 Graveraet Madeline 14 F Michigan [11]
433 441 Disbrow Maria L. 28 F Michigan
433 441 Disbrow Rowana 7 F Wisconsin [11]
433 441 Disbrow Elizabeth 4 F Wisconsin [11]
433 441 Disbrow William A. 1 M Wisconsin
433 441 Parkingcosk John 20 M Fisherman Germany
433 441 Catherine 17 F Ireland (no given name)
434 442 Toll Alexander 35 M Grocer Canada (Mackinac Island merchant - State Rep in 1853)
435 443 Petty Mark 26 M Clerk N.Y.
435 443 Ormsby John 28 M Blacksmith N.Y.
435 443 Bolton A. 54 M Farmer N.Y.
436 444 Cadieu Felix 35 M Cooper Canada (also "Cadieux" - later Justice of the Peace at St. Ignace)
436 444 Cadieu Caroline 23 F Michigan [12]
436 444 Cadieu Felix 11 M N.Y. [11]
436 444 Cadieu George 2 M Michigan
436 444 Janel Alfred 5 M Michigan
436 444 Janel Maria 5 F Michigan
436 444 Smith William 26 M Cooper N.Y.
436 444 Ferguson John 23 M Cooper Canada
436 444 Morin Frances 31 M Cooper Canada [10][12]
436 444 Cadieu George 26 M Cooper Canada [10][12]
436 444 Cadieu Maria 36 F N.Y. [10]
437 445 Chapman Bela 57 M none N.H. (Mackinac Island - Notary Public)
437 445 Chapman Mary 40 F Wisconsin [12]
437 445 Chapman Reuben 25 M Merchant Minnesota (built Lake View Hoted on Mackinac Island in 1858)
437 445 Chapman Margaret 22 F Michigan
437 445 Chapman Lucy 19 F Michigan
437 445 Chapman John 16 M none Michigan [11]
437 445 Chapman Levi 11 M Michigan [11]
437 445 Chapman Mary 7 F Michigan
437 445 Chapman Andrew J. 4 M Michigan
438 446 Dunn Eveline 43 F Conn.
438 446 Dunn Mary 11 F N.Y. [11]
438 446 Dunn Eveline 8 F N.Y. [11]
438 446 Joe Elizabeth 30 F Germany [12]
438 446 Irish Rose 19 F Ireland
Page 69
Tuesday - October 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
438 446 Van Ostrand Peter 40 M Waiter N.Y. [6b]
438 446 Van Ostrand Sophia 30 F Mass.? [6m]
438 446 Bacon Louis 25 M Porter Germany
438 446 Faltonstall William 40 M Butcher N.Y.
439 447 McCarty John 33 M Grocer Ireland [12]
439 447 McCarty Mary 20 F Ireland
439 447 McCarty Michael 8/12 M Michigan
439 448 McCarty Michael 26 M Grocer Ireland
439 448 McCarty Catherine 29 F Ireland [12]
439 448 McCarty John 2 M Michigan
439 448 McCarty Michael 9/12 M Michigan
439 448 McCarty Bridget 50 F Ireland [12]
439 448 McCarty Sarah 21 F Ireland
439 449 Gallahan John 27 M none Ireland [12]
439 449 Gallahan Sarah 25 F Ireland
439 449 Kelly Julia 25 F Ireland
439 449 McCarty Brien 25 M Ship Carpenter Ireland
439 449 Geraty Patrick 25 M none Ireland
440 450 Haring Martha L. 36 F N.Y.
440 450 Haring Helen 19 F N.Y.
440 450 Haring James 17 M none N.Y.
440 450 Haring Leagora 15 M N.Y. [11]
440 450 Haring Samual 10 M Michigan [11]
440 450 Haring Clinton 8 M Michigan [11]
440 450 Haring Kate 5 F Michigan
440 450 Haring Emily 3 F Michigan
440 450 Haring Blanche 4/12 F Michigan
440 450 Robinson Nancy 26 F Michigan
440 450 Robinson Alexander 5 M Michigan
440 450 Pawen Mary 20 F Germany
440 450 Everet Charles 15 M Porter Ireland
441 451 Hamlin Augustus 37 M Indian Interpreter Michigan
442 452 Larnard Major C.H. 38 M Army Rhode Island (Dwlg 442 marked "Garrison" - Fort Mackinac)
442 452 Larnard Lavina C. 14 F Virginia |
442 452 Larnard Marion H. 13 F Rhode Island |
442 452 Kirkpatrick James 28 M Servant Ireland |
442 452 Gregg Theodore 26 M Soldier Penna. |
442 452 Osha Daniel 35 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Duane Morris D. 25 M Corporal N.Y. |
442 452 Moran William 25 M Corporal Ireland |
Page 70
Tuesday - October 15, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
442 452 Williams George 22 M Corporal N.Y. (Dwlg 442 marked "Garrison" - Fort Mackinac)
442 452 Ward Thomas 29 M Musician Ireland |
442 452 Olney George W. 17 M Musician Rhode Island |
442 452 Bailey Charles 34 M Soldier Denmark |
442 452 Young Blank 26 M Soldier England |
442 452 Henry Britan 25 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Brooks Young 25 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Conoly Patrick 32 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Danford William 22 M Soldier Canada |
442 452 Dats Samuel 25 M Soldier Penna. |
442 452 Fitzsimmons James 24 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Galender Daniel 31 M Soldier Switzerland |
442 452 Gillroy Peter 30 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Clitzman Ferdinand 25 M Soldier Germany |
442 452 Griffith Lucius 25 M Soldier N.Y. |
442 452 Gonner Woolf 33 M Soldier Germany |
442 452 Hine Thomas 42 M Soldier England |
442 452 Hoe John 27 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Horne Daniel 29 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Joice Michael 31 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 King Daniel 35 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Kerwin Edward 25 M Soldier N.Y. |
442 452 McGuire John 38 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Moore John 25 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Patrick Joseph 27 M Soldier Germany |
442 452 Piper Francis 35 M Soldier Germany |
442 452 Richardson Samuel 38 M Soldier Penna. |
442 452 Scott Charles M. 24 M Soldier not known |
442 452 Sexton John H. 40 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Terrill William H. 37 M Soldier Virginia |
442 452 O'Brien Rev. John M Minister -Epis Ireland (Fort Mackinac Chaplain)
442 452 O'Brien Charlotte F England |
442 452 O'Brien Lester 13 M Michigan [11]
442 452 O'Brien Allen 11 M Michigan [11]
442 452 O'Brien Noah 7 M Michigan [11]
442 452 O'Brien Herbert 4 M Michigan |
442 452 Archibold William H. 42 M Sergeant Ireland |
442 452 Archibold Margaret 42 F Ireland |
442 452 Archibold Joanna 18 F Scotland |
442 452 West Miles 36 M Soldier Kentucky |
Page 71
Wednesday - October 16, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
442 452 West Catherine 48 F Penna. [12](Dwlg 442 marked "Garrison" - Fort Mackinac)
442 452 Maguire John 46 M Soldier Ireland |
442 452 Maguire Bridget 36 F Ireland |
442 452 Maguire Caroline 10 F Minnesota Ty [11] |
442 452 Maguire Isabella 8 F Michigan [11] |
442 452 Maguire Martin 5 M Michigan [11] |
442 452 Maguire John 2 M Illinois |
442 452 Marshall William 50 M Sergeant England |
442 452 Marshall Fanny 38 F England [12] |
442 452 Marshall William 16 M none Michigan [11] |
442 452 Marshall Elizabeth Ann 14 F Michigan [11] |
442 452 Marshall Thomas 12 M Michigan [11] |
442 452 Marshall Rosa 8 F N.Y. [11] |
442 452 Marshall George W. 6 M N.Y. |
442 452 Marshall Walter 1 M Michigan |
442 452 Brown Dr. J.B. 30 M Surgeon N.Y. |
442 452 Brown Catherine 26 F N.Y. |
442 452 Crawford Louisa 20 F N.Y. ¯¯¯
443 453 Granger Lyman 58 M Lighthouse Keeper N.Y. (Bois Blanc Island Light)
443 453 Granger Achsah 54 F N.Y.
443 453 Granger Julius 24 M none N.Y.
443 453 Granger Ann 22 F N.Y.
443 453 Granger Ann E. 11 F N.Y. [11]
443 453 Ballair Alfred 2 M Michigan
444 454 Tobin William D. 33 M Seaman Ireland
444 454 Tobin Ann 40 F Ireland [12]
445 455 Loney Patrick 50 M Fish Ireland
445 455 Loney Ann 40 F Ireland
446 456 Bissell Hannibal 57 M Farmer Conn.
447 457 Frazier Thomas 40 M Fish N.Y.
448 458 McComley James 60 M Farmer Vermont
449 459 Whitney Walter 45 M Fish N.Y. (Charlevoix)
449 459 Whitney Elizabeth 45 F Michigan
449 459 Gebeau Louis 14 M Michigan [11](sometimes "Gebo")
449 459 Gebeau Antoine 10 M Michigan (sometimes "Gebo")
449 459 Gebeau Charles 9 M Michigan (sometimes "Gebo")
449 459 Whitney Elizabeth 6 F Michigan
449 459 Rildery? Patrick 28 M Fish Ireland [12]
450 460 Bennett Samual 36 M Fish Ireland [10]
450 460 Bennett Julia 19 F Ireland [10]
Page 72
Wednesday - October 16, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
450 460 Mahoney Terence 30 M Fisherman Ireland
451 461 McCarty Daniel 36 M Fish Ireland
451 461 McCarty Mary 30 F Ireland [12]
451 461 McCarty Jeremiah 1 M Mass.
451 461 Carmedy Patrick 30 M Fish Ireland [12]
452 462 Bennet Thomas 28 M Fish Ireland [12]
452 462 Bennet Isabella 25 F Michigan [12]
452 462 Bennet Mary Ann 4 F Michigan
452 462 Bennet Rebecca 2 F Michigan
452 462 Geautier Bartell 62 M Fish Canada
452 462 Whalen Thomas 27 M Fish Ireland [12]
452 462 McGill Anthony 25 M Fish Ireland [12]
452 462 Bennet Margaret 1 F Michigan
453 463 Sullivan Patrick 24 M Cooper Ireland [12]
453 463 Sullivan John 26 M Fish Ireland [12]
453 463 Sullivan Joanna 23 F Ireland
453 463 O'Donell Richard 29 M Fish Ireland [12]
454 464 Cable James 29 M Merchant N.Y.
454 464 Cable Harriet 24 F N.Y.
454 464 Cable Claude 2 M Michigan
454 464 Cable Gardner 22 M Fish N.Y.
454 464 Smith Silas K. 24 M Farmer Vermont
454 464 Vincent Joseph W. 30 M Merchant N.Y.
454 464 Vincent Jane L. 24 F N.Y.
454 464 Cable William 60 M none N.Y.
454 464 Smith Henry 29 M Fish N.Y.
454 464 Cochin John 24 M Cooper Ireland
454 464 Wright Henry 22 M Cooper N.Y.
454 464 Kingsley Calvin N. 30 M Fish Kentucky
454 464 Hubbard William R. 29 M Shoemaker Canada
455 465 Cable Alvah 56 M Fish N.Y.
455 465 Cable Martha 50 F N.Y.
456 466 Snell Norman 30 M Fish Vermont
456 466 Snell Margaret 24 F Michigan
456 466 Colby Joseph 21 M Fish Ohio
457 467 Tigert Peter C. 30 M Fish N.Y.
457 467 Tigert Margaret 26 F Ohio
457 467 Duran Edmund 4 M Ohio
457 467 Smith John 16 M Fish not known
458 468 Calet John J. 30 M Fish Ohio
Page 73
Sunday - October 20, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
458 468 Winchell Benjamin 20 M Fisherman Ohio
459 469 Calet James 25 M Fisherman Ohio
459 469 Neal Thomas 17 M Fisherman Ohio
459 469 Papineau John 18 M Fisherman Canada
460 470 Crane Thomas 50 M Fisherman Ohio
460 470 Crane William 21 M Fisherman Ohio
460 470 Crane John 23 M Fisherman Ohio
460 470 Crane Jane 18 F Ohio
460 470 Angle Charles 25 M Fish not known
461 471 Kelly Celen 23 M Fish Ohio
461 471 Perry Ashlin 24 M Fish Ohio
461 471 Buckley Lewis 18 M Fish Ohio
462 472 Lecuyer Narcise 36 M Fish Canada [12]
462 472 Lecuyer Mary 26 F Wisconsin
462 472 Lecuyer Elizabeth 5 F Michigan
462 472 Lecuyer Mary L. 2 F Michigan
462 472 Lecuyer Charles 1 M Michigan
462 472 Bouchard Rene 17 M Fish Michigan
463 473 Wright Charles 25 M Cooper N.Y.
463 473 Wright Catherine 24 F Ohio
463 473 Wright Rose 3 F Michigan
463 473 Wright Charles H. 2 M Michigan
463 473 Wright Frank 1 M Michigan
464 474 Crepeau Peter 41 M Fish Canada [12]
464 474 Crepeau Mary 16 F Canada
465 475 Varse Jacob 34 M Fish Canada [12]
465 475 Varse Mary Rose 38 F Canada [12]
465 475 Varse Leon 13 M Canada
465 475 Varse Sophia 12 F Canada
465 475 Varse Charles 10 M Canada
465 475 Varse David 8 M Canada
465 475 Varse Delenan 6 F Canada
465 475 Varse Philimon 4 M Canada
465 475 Varse Jacob Jr. 2 M Michigan
465 475 Varse Joseph 1 M Michigan
466 476 Martin William 26 M Fish N.Y.
466 476 Martin Samuel 24 M Fish N.Y.
466 476 Whitney Clark 18 M Fish Michigan
466 476 Martin Edwin R. 28 M Fish N.Y.
467 477 Morrison Donald 25 M Fish Scotland [10]
Page 74
Sunday - October 20, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
467 477 Morrison Sarah Ann 22 F Ohio [10]
468 478 Maurice Nicholas 60 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
468 478 Maurice Josette 59 F Michigan [12]
468 478 Maurice Amable 33 M Fish Michigan [12]
468 478 Maurice Nicholas Jr. 17 M Fish Michigan
469 479 Moan David M. 31 M Fish N.Y.
469 479 Moan Jane 21 F Michigan [12]
469 479 Moan Lucy Ann 2 F Michigan
469 479 Bannon Patrick 40 M Fish Ireland
469 479 McCarty Dennis 39 M none Ireland
470 480 Lore Louis 50 M Fish Canada [12]
470 480 Lore Josette 22 F Michigan [12]
470 480 Lore Joseph 17 M Fish Michigan
470 480 Lore Catherine 20 F Michigan [12]
470 480 Lore Madeline 12 F Michigan
470 480 Lore Augustus 8 M Michigan
470 480 Lore Moses 7 M Michigan
470 480 Lore Louis 2 M Michigan
471 481 Davis Mary 25 F Canada [12]
471 481 Davis John 6 M Michigan
471 481 Davis Nicholas 2 M Michigan
472 482 Jenkins Joseph 41 M Cooper Mass.
472 482 Jenkins Harriet 30 F N.Y.
472 482 Jenkins Charles 3 M Ohio
473 483 Kauffman George 38 M Trader Germany
473 483 Kauffman Mary J. 34 F Michigan
473 483 Kauffman Julia E. 4 F Michigan
473 483 Smith John 13 M Ohio
474 484 Hill William 43 M Fish N.Y.
474 484 Hill Clarisa 22 F N.Y.
474 484 Hill Ellen 2 F Ohio
475 485 Geer Amanda 32 F N.Y.
475 485 Geer Myron 15 M Fish N.Y.
475 485 Geer Maretta 12 F Michigan [11]
475 485 Geer Edmond 5 M Michigan [11]
475 485 Geer Caroline 3 F Michigan
476 486 Bonnet Samuel 40 M Thermometer B. England (Samuel C. Bennett, Mormon notable and barometer maker - Beaver Island)
476 486 Bonnet Selina 34 F England
476 486 Inskip Elizabeth 12 F Penna. [11]
476 486 Inskip Selma M. 5 F N.Y. [11]
Page 75
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
477 487 Humphrey Urmina 41 F N.Y.
477 487 Humphrey George 6 M Michigan [11]
477 487 Prendell Ansen 23 M Farmer not known
477 487 Davis Spalding D. 19 M Seaman N.Y.
478 488 Bacon Samuel 23 M Carpenter N.H.
478 488 Bacon Elizabeth 28 F N.Y.
478 488 Bacon Samuel Jr. 4 M N.Y. [11]
478 488 Bacon Mary 3 F N.Y.
478 488 Bacon Julia 6/12 F Wisconsin
479 489 Davis John A. 35 M Carpenter & Joiner Virginia
479 489 Davis Ann 34 F D.C.
479 489 Davis John F. 3 M Maryland
479 489 Davis Mary 2 F D.C.
479 490 Shaw Samuel 33 M Shipped Carpenter Maine
479 490 Shaw Mary 23 F Vermont
479 490 Shaw Jane 3 F Wisconsin
479 490 Shaw Caroline 1 F Michigan
480 491 Cheeseman Alonzo 38 M Carpenter & Joiner N.Y. (Dwlg 480 marked "Boarding House" - Beaver Island)
480 491 Cheeseman Minerva 37 F N.Y. |
480 491 Cheeseman Jeremiah 8 M N.Y. [11]
480 491 Cheeseman George 4 M N.Y. |
480 491 Cheeseman Alexander 2 M Michigan |
480 491 Cheeseman Francis E. 8/12 M Michigan |
480 491 Mills Frederic 26 M Cooper Ohio |
480 491 Adams Jane 29 F N.Y. |
480 491 Thorn Amy Ann 29 F N.Y. |
480 491 McGee Isaac 30 M Cooper not known |
480 491 Ward Peter 45 M Merchant not known ¯¯¯
481 492 Whipple David R. 36 M Lime Mass.
481 492 Whipple Martha A. 29 F Indiana
482 493 Heath David 34 M Carpenter Vermont
482 493 Heath Margaret 24 F Penna. [12]
482 493 Heath Ann Eliza 1 F Indiana
483 494 Johnson Franklin 44 M Merchant Vermont
483 494 Johnson Rishcah 37 F Hew Jersey
483 494 Johnson Phebe D. 15 F Hew Jersey
483 494 Johnson George F. 8 M Hew Jersey [11]
483 494 Johnson Joseph A. 5/12 M Missouori
483 494 Johnson Elizabeth A. 14 F Germany
483 495 McCulloch Hezeakiah D. 38 M Merchant Maryland
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Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
483 495 McCulloch Sarah Ann 32 F Missouori
483 495 McCulloch Duncan 6 M Missouori [11]
483 495 McCulloch Josiah 5 M Missouori [11]
483 495 Chase Moses 64 M Merchant N.H.
484 496 Monzon Henry 47 M Shingler N.Y.
484 496 Monzon Ruth 38 F N.Y.
484 496 Monzon George W. 13 M N.Y.
484 496 Monzon John J. 13 M N.Y.
484 496 Monzon Lydia 10 F N.Y. [11]
484 496 Monzon Alonzo 8 M Michigan [11]
484 496 Monzon Alphonso 8 M Michigan [11]
484 496 Monzon James 6 M Michigan [11]
484 496 Monzon Mary A. 6 F Michigan [11]
484 496 Buckley Lewis 18 M Fish Ohio
485 497 LeDuc Prosper 21 M Fish Canada
485 497 Chicoine John 24 M Fish Canada [12]
485 497 Miller Peter 23 M Fish Germany
486 498 McKinley Peter 39 M Merchant N.Y. (at Cheboygan)
486 498 McKinley Ellen 32 F Canada
486 498 McKinley Sarah E. 11 F Ohio [11]
486 498 McKinley Elizabeth 9 F Ohio [11]
486 498 McKinley Mary 6 F Ohio
486 498 Phelps Joseph 40 M Clerk Conn.
486 498 Bunker Peter B. 25 M Clerk N.Y.
486 498 Collins William 35 M none Ireland
486 498 McGuire Charles 30 M Cooper N.Y.
486 498 McGuire Ann 25 F N.Y.
486 498 Madis Jacob 25 M Cooper Germany
486 498 Killday Mathew 21 M Cooper Ireland
486 498 Augustine Pascal 62 M Fish Italy [12]
486 498 Wright Henry 22 M Cooper N.Y.
487 499 Young Anson 35 M Cooper N.Y.
487 499 Young Mary 30 F N.Y.
487 499 Young John F. 1 M N.Y.
488 500 Moore E.J. 33 M Warehouse N.Y.
488 500 Moore Sophia A. 21 F N.Y.
489 501 Aldrich Marvin N. 47 M Merchant N.Y.
489 501 Aldrich Temperance 39 F Canada
489 501 Aldrich Marvin A. 23 M Fish N.Y.
489 501 Aldrich Mortimer M. 16 M Fish Michigan
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Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
489 501 Aldrich Alanson G. 14 M Michigan
489 501 Aldrich Sally S. 12 F Michigan [11]
489 501 Aldrich Rachael Ann 7 F Michigan [11]
489 501 Post Warren 39 M Farmer not known
489 501 Post Lenore 35 M Farmer not known
489 501 Hickey Dow 40 M Farmer N.Y.
489 501 Coleman Eliza 18 F Ohio
489 501 Post Stephen 37 M Minister not known (Morman "Minister of the Gospel" visiting brother Warren and James Strang on Beaver Island)
490 502 Fox Francis 54 M Carpenter & Joiner Conn.
490 502 Fox Cynthia 54 F N.Y.
490 502 Fox Stephen 12 M N.Y. [11]
490 503 Fox Ralph O. 21 M Farmer N.Y. [10]
490 503 Fox Polly Ann 17 F Ohio [10]
490 504 Guthrio Simon 20 M Farmer N.Y. [10]
490 504 Guthrio Elvira 16 F N.Y. [10]
491 505 Waggoner Nathan 44 M Carpenter Ohio
491 505 Waggoner Nancy Ann 42 F Ohio [12]
491 505 Waggoner Lydia 17 F Iowa
491 505 Waggoner Mary 4 F Wisconsin
491 505 Waggoner Jane 6/12 F Michigan
491 505 Waggoner Joseph 6/12 M Michigan
492 506 Wright Phineas 39 M Cooper Canada
492 506 Wright Rebecca 19 F Iowa
492 506 Wright Zenas 11 M Ohio [11]
492 506 Wright Elizabeth 8 F Wisconsin [11]
492 507 Baxter Delano 47 F Vermont [12]
492 507 Baxter Samuel 19 M Laborer Canada
492 507 Baxter Henrietta 17 F Canada
492 507 Baxter Cornelius 15 M Fish Canada
493 508 Baxter William 28 M none Canada [12]
493 508 Baxter Harriet 27 F Penna. [12]
493 508 Baxter Eliza Ann 7 F Canada
493 508 Baxter Thomas 6 M Canada
493 508 Baxter Lavina 3 F Canada
493 508 Baxter Freeman 1 M Canada
494 509 Tucker Royal 39 M Cabinet Vermont
494 509 Tucker Catherine 39 F Vermont
494 509 Tucker Sarah 14 F Vermont
494 509 Tucker George 3/12 M Michigan
495 510 Gregg James M. 42 M Lumber N.Y.
Page 78
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
495 510 Gregg Ellen O. 43 F N.H.
495 510 Gregg Charles C. 18 M Fisherman N.Y.
495 510 Gregg Ellen B. 16 F Penna. [11]
495 510 Gregg James M. 10 M Penna. [11]
495 510 Gregg Henry A. 7 M Penna. [11]
495 510 Gregg Richard S. 3 M Penna.
495 510 Gregg Jonathan 79 M none N.H.
495 510 Gregg Sylvia 77 F Rhode Island
496 511 Smith James 50 M Lumberman England
496 511 Parnal Anna 57 F England [12]
496 511 Parnal Martha 18 F Penna.
497 512 Prince John 44 M Lumberman England
497 512 Prince Rachel 40 F England
497 512 Prince Mary T. 13 F Penna. [11]
497 512 Prince John R.J. 9 M Penna. [11]
497 512 Prince Elizabeth Jane 7 F Penna. [11]
498 513 Gregg Henry M. 33 M Farmer N.Y.
498 513 Gregg Amanda 25 F N.Y.
498 513 Gregg Sarah J. 4 F Ohio
498 513 Gregg William J. 3 M Ohio
498 513 Gregg George W. 1 M Michigan
499 514 Case Elizabeth 45 F England
499 514 Case Martin 56 M Farmer England
500 515 Miller Erastus 39 M Farmer N.Y.
500 515 Miller Ann 38 F Ireland
500 515 Miller Erastus Jr. 5 M Michigan
500 515 Miller Lucy 4 F Michigan
501 516 Potts Robert 19 M Fish Ireland
501 516 Potts Frederick 11 M Michigan [11]
501 516 Potts Edward 7 M Michigan
501 516 Kelly John 23 M Fish N.Y.
502 517 Lyon George 36 M Fish Scotland
502 517 Franklin William 17 M Fish Illinois
503 518 Cooper Richard 19 M Fish Ireland
504 519 Rogers Stratton 40 M Farmer N.Y.
504 519 Rogers Catherine 44 F Conn.
504 519 Rogers James 16 M Farmer N.Y.
504 519 Rogers Sarah E. 10 F N.Y. [11]
504 519 Rogers Violita 8 F N.Y. [11]
504 519 Rogers John 6 M N.Y. [11]
Page 79
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
505 520 Preston George 43 M Farmer Vermont
505 520 Preston Caroline 42 F N.Y.
505 520 Preston Cordelia 19 F N.Y.
505 520 Preston Benjamin 14 M N.Y.
505 520 Preston Mary 13 F Michigan
505 520 Preston Electa 11 F Michigan
505 520 Preston Orange 9 M Michigan
505 520 Preston Caroline 8 F Michigan
505 520 Preston George 6 M Michigan
505 520 Preston Enoch A. 3 M Michigan
505 520 Preston Edward 1 M Michigan
506 521 Campbell Austin 40 M Farmer N.Y.
506 521 Campbell Emily 35 F N.Y.
506 521 Campbell Orin 16 M Farmer Michigan [11]
506 521 Campbell William 12 M Michigan [11]
506 521 Campbell Austin 10 M Michigan [11]
506 521 Campbell Mary Ann 8 F Michigan
506 521 Campbell Arza 6 M Michigan
506 521 Campbell Benjamin 3 M Michigan
506 521 Campbell Emma 1 F Michigan
506 522 Campbell Merrill 28 M Farmer N.Y.
506 522 Campbell Susanna 21 F England
507 522 Steel Eli 26 M Farmer Canada
507 522 Steel Mary 18 F N.Y.
508 523 Hall Hiram G. 25 M Farmer N.Y.
508 523 Hall Sarah Ann 27 F N.Y.
508 523 Hall Havem 7/12 M Michigan
508 523 Hall Jefferson 16 M Farmer Michigan
509 524 Loomis Chauncy 28 M Farmer N.Y.
509 524 Loomis Martha 19 F N.Y.
509 524 Loomis Laura 2 F Michigan
509 524 Loomis Temperance 1 F Michigan
509 524 Green Silas 7 M Michigan
510 525 Baxter Petty 44 M Farmer Maine
510 525 Baxter Lucy 46 F Vermont
510 525 Baxter Mary 17 F Maine
510 525 Baxter Roger 14 M Maine
510 525 Baxter Elizabeth 11 F Maine
510 525 Lawrence Duane 10 M N.Y.
511 526 Tripp Charles 60 M Farmer N.Y.
Page 80
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
511 526 Tripp Rebecca 44 F Canada
511 526 Tripp Solomon 17 M Farmer Canada
511 526 Tripp Jonathan 15 M Canada
511 526 Tripp Martha A. 13 F Canada
511 526 Tripp Hannah M. 10 F Canada
511 526 Tripp Margaret E. 8 F Canada
511 526 Tripp James J. 2 M Wisconsin
511 526 Dumarce Charles M Fish Canada [12](no age given)
512 527 Lawrence Alpheus 23 M Farmer N.Y.
512 527 Lawrence Mary J. 20 F Canada
513 528 Whitlock John 39 M Farmer Conn.
513 528 Whitlock Sally 39 F Conn.
513 528 Whitlock Mary J. 13 F Conn. [11]
513 528 Whitlock Joseph S. 9 M Conn. [11]
513 528 Whitlock Nephi 7 M Conn. [11]
513 528 Whitlock Harriet B. 1 F Michigan
514 529 Ostrander Walter 38 M Farmer Vermont
514 529 Ostrander Alzina 28 F N.Y.
515 530 Hecox Daniel 60 M Farmer Conn.
515 530 Hecox Betsy 58 F Vermont
515 530 Minard Sally 38 F N.Y. [13](affliction not specified)
515 530 Hecox James 21 M Farmer N.Y.
515 530 Minard Ellen 6 F N.Y.
515 530 Minard Henry 4 M N.Y.
515 531 Nicholass Rueben 42 M Carpenter N.Y.
515 531 Nicholass Eliza 35 F N.Y.
516 532 Coltron David 40 M Carpenter & Joiner N.Y.
516 532 Coltron Anzolette 28 F Vermont
516 532 Coltron Lonette 12 F Ohio [11]
516 532 Coltron Lafayette 10 M Ohio [11]
516 532 Coltron Brian 8 M Ohio [11]
516 532 Coltron Charles H. 4 M Michigan [11]
516 532 Coltron Alice 3 F Michigan
517 533 Strang James J. 38 M Lawyer N.Y. (Morman leader - Beaver Island)
517 533 Strang Mary 32 F N.Y. [11]
517 533 Strang Ellen M. 10 F N.Y. [11]
517 533 Strang William E.J. 5 M Wisconsin
517 533 Strang Harriet 2 F Wisconsin
517 533 Hall Catherine K 36 F Maine
517 533 Hall Augusta 7 F Mass. [11]
Page 81
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
517 533 Field Elvira 20 F not known
518 534 Parish Azariah 50 M not known N.Y.
518 534 Parish Almira 50 F Conn.
518 535 Parish Andrew J. 20 M Lumberman N.Y.
519 536 Dodge Thomas E 46 M Merchant Vermont
519 536 Dodge Marcia 12 F Illinois [11]
519 536 Dodge Louisa 10 F Illinois [11]
519 536 Dodge Oscar 8 M Illinois [11]
519 537 Brown Oren 33 M N.Y.
519 537 Brown Harriet A. 13 F N.Y.
519 537 Brown Sarah K. 9 F Michigan
520 538 Bower Nicholas 40 M Merchant Canada (probably on Beaver Island - Judge of Probate of Grand Traverse Co. in 1853)
520 538 Bower Relief A. 34 F Canada
520 538 Bower George A 5 M Illinois [11]
520 538 Bower Martha R.H. 2 F Illinois
520 538 Chambers William 23 M Laborer Canada
521 539 Dorchester George R. 23 M Seaman N.Y.
521 539 Downing Perry 26 M Seaman Ohio
522 540 Page Finley 32 M Farmer Ohio
522 540 Page Sally 24 F N.Y.
522 540 Page Cerila 8 F Illinois
522 540 Page Nancy 5 F Illinois
522 540 Page Tynal F. 2 F Wisconsin
522 541 Page Seymour 30 M Farmer Ohio
522 541 Page Rachael 72 F Rhode Island
522 541 Page Orin 46 M none N.Y. [13](afflilction not specified)
523 542 Page Ebenezer 44 M Farmer N.Y.
523 542 Page Angeline 43 F N.Y.
523 542 Whitney Frances A. 16 F N.Y.
523 542 Whitney Mary S. 15 F Ohio [11]
524 543 Ketcham Joseph 50 M Tailor Mass. (Morman "Prince" - Beaver Island)
524 543 Ketcham Mercy 36 F Vermont
524 543 Hatern Ezra 14 M Vermont
524 543 Ketcham Smith 13 M Ohio
524 543 Hayden Albert 12 M Mass.
524 543 Hayden Elias 3 M Vermont
524 543 Ketcham Mary 3/12 F Michigan
525 544 Bates Abraham 29 M Farmer Penna. [11]
525 544 Bates Abigail 28 F Ohio [11]
525 544 Bates Ann E. 6 F Ohio
Page 82
Thursday - October 24, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
525 544 Bates Mary A. 5 F Ohio
525 544 Bates Nancy M. 3 F Ohio
525 544 Black William H. 11 M Ohio
525 544 Black Amanda 10 F Ohio
525 544 Black Samuel 7 M Ohio
526 545 Hopper Anderson G. 27 M Shoemaker Tenn.
526 545 Hopper Keziah 25 F Ohio
527 545 Pierce Isaac 29 M Farmer Ohio
527 545 Pierce Elizabeth 32 F Ohio
527 545 Pierce Martha A. 8 F Ohio
527 545 Pierce Zettla 6 F Ohio
527 545 Pierce George J. 1 M Wisconsin
528 546 Pierce Jonathan T. 21 M Farmer Ohio
528 546 Pierce Minerva 21 F Ohio
528 546 Pierce William O. 2 M Ohio
529 547 Savage Jehiel 43 M Minister Canada (Morman "high priest" - active on Beaver island 1848-1852)
529 547 Savage Catherine 28 F N.Y.
529 547 Savage George 6 M Michigan
530 548 Brown Gordon 40 M Shoemaker Conn.
530 548 Brown Lucretia 43 F N.Y.
530 548 Brotherton Malcolm 12 M N.Y. [11]
530 548 Brotherton Huldah 10 F N.Y. [11]
530 548 Brown Jesse H. 3 M Michigan
531 549 Whelock Lorenzo 31 M Farmer N.Y.
531 549 Whelock Ruth 25 F N.Y.
531 549 Whelock George C. 7 M N.Y. [11]
531 549 Whelock Charles 3 M N.Y.
531 549 Whelock Sarah L. 8/12 F N.Y.
531 549 Whelock Daniel 18 M Farmer N.Y.
532 550 Powers Simon 69 M Farmer N.H.
532 550 Powers Melinda 68 F N.H.
532 550 Barker Mary Ann 26 F N.Y.
532 550 Barker John N. 9 M N.Y. [11]
532 550 Barker Paulina J. 7 F N.Y. [11]
532 550 Barker Sarah M. 6 F N.Y. [11]
532 550 Barker Harriet A 5 F N.Y. [11]
532 550 Barker Middleson D. 3 M N.Y.
533 551 Austin Benjamin 45 M Farmer N.Y. (on Beaver Island)
533 551 Austin Lois 40 F Canada
533 551 Austin William 10 M N.Y. [11]
Page 83
Friday - October 25, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
533 551 Austin Uselas 7 M N.Y. [11](actually "Usellus Adelbert Austin"
534 552 Hill John C. 41 M Farmer N.Y. [12]
534 552 Hill Harriet 40 F Vermont
534 552 Hill George W. 11 M N.Y. [11]
534 552 Hill Mary L. 5 F Michigan [11]
534 552 Pierce John C. 31 M Shoemaker Mass.
535 553 Rice Elias 59 M Carpenter N.Y. (on Beaver island)
535 553 Rice Eliza 45 F Vermont
535 553 Rice Benjamin 17 M Laborer Michigan
535 553 Rice Bahama 14 F Michigan [11]
535 553 Rice Roxann 12 F Michigan [11]
535 553 Rice Rebecca 7 F Michigan
535 553 Rice Lydia 5 F Michigan
536 554 Field Rueben 49 M Farmer Mass.
536 554 Field Eliza 52 F Mass.
536 554 Field Albert 22 M Farmer Mass.
536 554 Field Elvira 20 F Ohio
537 555 Van Allen Henry 26 M Ship Carpenter N.Y. (supposedly keeper of the Head Light on Beaver Island)
537 555 Van Allen Mary 26 F N.Y.
538 556 Waite Madison 38 M Cooper N.Y.
538 556 Waite Zada 26 F Michigan
538 556 Waite Seymour 11 M Michigan
538 556 Waite Nephi 8 M Michigan
539 557 Hecox Julius A. 23 M Ship Carpenter N.Y.
539 557 Hecox Mary J. 23 F Ohio [12]
540 558 Field Asa 34 M Farmer N.Y. (Mormon - Beaver Island Constable in 1851)
540 558 Field Rhoda 33 F Penna.
540 558 Field Ann E. 12 F Ohio [12]
540 558 Field James H. 8 M Ohio [12]
540 558 Field Joel S. 4 M Ohio
540 558 Field Mary E. 1 F Wisconsin
541 558 Brown John H. 53 M Laborer N.Y. (Mormon evicted from Beaver Island in July 1856)
541 558 Brown Ruth 52 F N.Y. [12]
541 558 Brown David 21 M Seaman N.Y. [12]
541 558 Brown Ruth E. 15 F N.Y. [11]
541 558 Brown John S. 12 M N.Y. [11]
541 558 Brown Albert 10 M Illinois [11]
541 558 Brown Joseph M. 7 M Illinois [11]
542 559 Beckwith Hiram 28 M Seaman Ohio
542 559 Beckwith Martha J 18 F N.Y.
Page 84
Friday - October 25, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
542 560 Hill Orin 26 M Farmer N.Y.
542 560 Hill Susan Ann 23 F N.Y.
542 560 Hill Isabel 3 F Illinois
542 560 Hill Jefferson 16 M Farmer Illinois
543 561 Tripp William H. 24 M Farmer Canada
543 561 Tripp Deborah 23 F N.Y.
543 561 Tripp David 2 M Wisconsin
544 562 Graham Samuel 30 M Minister Mormon N.Y. (Mormon "Prime Minister" in Strang's Council on Bever Island - 1851)
544 562 Graham Leah V. 25 F Penna.
544 562 Graham Brigham 5 M Michigan [11]
544 562 Graham Mary E. 3 F Michigan
544 562 Preston Edward 22 M Mason not known
545 563 Dinsmore Randolph 57 M Merchant Michigan (non-Mormon: at Cable's Bay on Beaver Island)
546 564 Philpot Joseph 40 M Couch Maker not known
546 564 Philpot Veronica 35 F Germany
546 564 Philpot Joseph 10 M Virginia [11]
546 564 Philpot Milton 8 M Maryland [11]
546 564 Philpot Glensoy 6 M Maryland
546 564 Philpot Charles 1 M Maryland
546 564 Bouchard Helie 56 M Ship Carpenter Canada (probably Eli Bouchard Sr.)
547 565 Plante Michel 34 M Fisherman Canada [12]
547 565 Plante Mary 22 F Canada [12]
547 565 Plante Moses 14 M Michigan [11]
547 565 Plante Mary 6 F Michigan [11]
547 565 Plante Frances K. 4 M Michigan
547 565 Plante Catherine 3 F Michigan
547 565 Plante Eustache 1 M Michigan
548 566 Nichols John 28 M Seaman Michigan
548 566 Nichols Sophia 20 F Michigan [12]
548 566 Nichols Joseph 1 M Michigan
548 566 Wheeling John 44 M Ireland
548 566 Carlin Charles 28 M Cook Ireland
549 567 Faltonstall William 38 M Meat Market N.Y. (Mackinac Island - held meat contract with the Fort)
550 568 Peltier Paul 25 M Seaman Michigan
550 568 McFarlan Alexander 39 M Seaman Scotland
550 568 McDonald Ronald 38 M Seaman Scotland
550 568 McLean John 22 M Seaman Scotland
550 568 Hogan John 17 M Seaman not known
551 569 McDougall John 27 M Seaman Scotland
551 569 McDougall Duncan 23 M Seaman Scotland
Page 85
Friday - October 25, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
551 569 McDonald Arch 30 M Seaman Scotland
552 570 Young Joseph 31 M Brick Maker N.Y.
552 570 Young Roxelan 26 F Ohio
552 570 Young Lucius W. 3 M Michigan
552 570 Young Cassius H. 1 M Michigan
553 571 McDonald Peter 30 M Lumber Ireland (Cheboygan pioneer)
553 571 McDonald Mary 26 F Ireland
553 571 McDonald Patrick 1 M Ireland
553 571 Hughes Margaret 18 F Ireland
553 571 Bruno Oliver 30 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 571 Laroche Narcise 19 M Canada
553 571 Doyle Thomas 30 M Canada [12]
553 571 Watson James F. 26 M Carpenter England
553 571 Watson William 23 M Carpenter England
553 571 Watson Walter 50 M Carpenter England
553 571 Watson George 16 M Carpenter England
553 572 McLeod Ronald 40 M Lumber N.Y.
553 572 McLeod Emeline 32 F N.Y.
553 572 Toll Sherman 5 M Illinois
553 572 Toll Delphine 4 F Illinois
553 572 Labelle Peter 40 M Blacksmith Canada [12](first blacksmith in Cheboygan - 1848)
553 572 McFee Donald 32 M Sawyer Canada
553 572 Loughtry Charles 25 M Laborer N.Y. [12]
553 572 McLeod John 21 M Lumber not known
553 572 Lewis David 22 M Lumber Michigan
553 572 Manger R 25 M Lumber Ohio
553 572 Bell William 30 M Lumber not known
553 572 Harvey Charles 25 M Lumber Ohio
553 572 Ball Edward 18 M Lumber Ohio
553 572 Kilbourn Joseph M. 24 M Lumber Ireland
553 572 Martin Joseph 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Axtell Osmer 30 M Carpenter Ohio
553 572 Burton Frederic 30 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Moore Joseph 22 M Lumber Ohio
553 572 Ovil Baptiste 25 M Lumber Canada
553 572 McLeod Harriet 22 F N.Y. (first school teacher at Cheboygan)
553 572 Paquin Adolphe 25 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Modest Henry 45 M Teamster Canada [12]
553 572 Dupeal Oliver 23 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Peacha Alexander 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
Page 86
Wednesday - October 30, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
553 572 Noul S. 48 M Laborer Canada
553 572 Collins Richard 40 M Lumber Ireland
553 572 Boucha Oliver 30 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 LaPoint Francis 30 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Buckwheat Benjamin 30 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Eacha Augustus 31 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Contant Prosper 25 M Lumber Canada
553 572 Brula Francis 23 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Brula Henry 21 M Lumber Canada [12]
553 572 Mahlen Charles 28 M Lumber Canada
554 573 Pease Horatio N. 39 M Clerk Conn.
554 573 Pease Eliza 26 F Michigan
555 574 Wanzer Jerald H. 32 M Carpenter N.Y.
555 574 Wanzer Almira 30 F N.Y.
555 574 Wanzer Laura 9 F Ohio [11]
555 574 Wanzer Melicea 7 F Ohio [11]
555 574 Wanzer George 5 M Ohio
555 574 Wanzer Jasper 3 M Ohio
556 575 Ball Nelson 26 M Lumber Vermont
556 575 Ball Nancy 23 F Mass.
556 575 Ball Nelson H. 6/12 M Ohio
557 576 Vincent John 38 M Boat Builder Michigan [12](built the "Elizabeth" at Cheboygan)
557 576 Manson Sophia 26 F Canada [12]
557 576 Vincent Delia 6 F Michigan [11]
557 576 Vincent Benjamin 5 M Michigan [11]
557 576 Vincent John 2 M Michigan
557 577 McLeod Alexander 48 M Canada (built second house in Cheboygan)
557 577 McLeod Catherine 23 F Canada [12]
557 577 McLeod Mary L. 1 F Michigan
558 578 Jerket James 44 M Farmer N.Y.
558 578 Jerket Martha A. 34 F Vermont
558 578 Jerket William H. 16 M Farmer N.Y. [11]
558 578 Jerket Martha J. 14 F N.Y. [11]
558 578 Jerket Harriet E. 1 F Michigan
558 578 Lewis M. 54 M Farmer not known
559 579 Backus Lorenzo 41 M Carpenter & Joiner N.Y.
559 579 Backus Caroline O. 36 F Mass.
559 579 St. John Samantha R. 10 F Michigan [11]
559 579 St. John Zuba O. 9 F Michigan [11]
560 580 Sammons Jacob 48 M Lumber N.Y. (founder of Cheboygan)
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Wednesday - October 30, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
560 580 Sammons Gloriann 35 F N.Y.
560 580 Sammons Francis M. 16 M Lumber N.Y. [11]
560 580 Sammons Sylvester 14 M Illinois [11]
560 580 Sammons Sarah 12 F Illinois [11]
560 580 Sammons Myron 10 M Illinois [11]
560 580 Sammons Martha 2 F Michigan ("Martha Jane" = first child born in Cheboygan)
560 580 Sammons Elsa L. 1 F Michigan
561 581 Smith Nathaniel 35 M Lumber N.H.
561 581 Smith Amanda 35 F Canada
561 581 Smith Martha J. 13 F N.Y. [11]
561 581 Smith Hellen M. 10 F N.Y. [11]
561 581 Smith Oscar 8 F N.Y. [11]
561 581 Smith Orin L. 7 M N.Y. [11]
561 581 Smith George P. 2 M N.Y.
561 581 Smith Harriet E. 5/12 F Michigan
561 581 Bonna Joseph 21 M Canada [12]
561 581 Champagne Thomas 21 M Canada [12]
562 582 Flinn William W. 41 M none N.H.
562 582 Flinn Harriet 30 F Wisconsin [12]
562 582 Flinn Harriet 11 F Michigan
562 582 Flinn Maria 9 F Michigan
562 582 Flinn William W. Jr. 7 M Michigan
562 582 Flinn John 4 M Michigan
563 583 Kitchen George 43 M Seaman England [12](land patents in T37N,R1W in Charlevoix County)
563 583 Kitchen Lucy 30 F Michigan
563 583 Kitchen Joseph 9 M Michigan [11]
563 583 Kitchen Mary 7 F Michigan [11]
563 583 Kitchen William 3 M Michigan
563 583 Kitchen George Jr. 2 M Michigan
564 584 Granger Jedadiah W. 32 M Lumber N.Y. (actually "Jedediah" - owner of 40-acres in Columbus Twp., St. Clair County - 1840)
564 584 Granger Mary 30 F N.Y. (Jedediah W.Granger/Mary Baker - married in St. Clair County Feb 2, 1840)
564 584 Granger Robert 8 M Michigan [11]
564 584 Granger Collins 6 M Michigan [11]
564 584 Granger Edward 4 M Michigan
564 584 Granger Eleanor 2 F Michigan
564 584 Story Lucinda 15 F not known [11]
564 584 Barnes J.W. 32 M Lumber Michigan
564 584 McGregor James 28 M Lumber Scotland
564 584 Marshall Leander 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
564 584 Paya Joseph 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
Page 88
Wednesday - October 30, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
564 584 Forlan David 24 M Lumberman Canada
564 584 Phoenix Priest 15 M Lumber Canada
564 584 Carlisle Robert 20 M Lumber Scotland
564 584 Levine Michael 32 M Lumber Ireland
564 584 Macie Lewis 20 M Lumber Canada [12]
564 584 Ensum John 22 M Lumber Canada [12]
564 584 Phoenix John 20 M Lumber Canada [12]
565 525 Lyon Lucius 50 M Surveyor Vermont (U.S. Senator 1837-1839; Surveyor General - Detroit; died in Detroit 1851)
565 525 Strunda Leonides 28 M Surveyor N.Y.
565 525 Strunda Vilana 28 F N.Y.
565 525 Strunda Levit 1 F Michigan
565 525 Hunt Joseph 20 M Surveyor N.Y.
565 525 Hunt Robert F. 22 M Surveyor D.C.
565 525 Chovin Francis 29 M Surveyor Michigan
565 525 Long Pamela 24 M Surveyor N.Y.
565 525 Gowin Nicholas C. 23 M Surveyor Michigan
565 525 Cicotte Francis 21 M Surveyor Michigan [11]
565 525 Beaubien George 25 M Surveyor Michigan
565 525 Bosvila Peter 29 M Surveyor not known
565 525 Edmonds A.J. 19 M Surveyor N.Y.
565 525 Winfield John 19 M Surveyor N.Y.
566 586 Bellant Charles 25 M Lumber Canada [12](moved lumber operation to Charlevoix in 1852)
566 586 Bellant Peter 23 M Lumber Canada [12]
566 586 Champagne Joseph 22 M Lumber Canada [12]
566 586 Geauthier Narcise 25 M Lumber Canada [12]
566 586 Lapierre Charles 29 M Lumber Canada
566 586 Cornier Bruno 24 M Lumber Canada [12]
566 586 Onil Baptiste 57 M Lumber Canada [12]
566 586 Pagga Joseph 23 M Lumber Canada [12]
567 587 Carron Joseph 47 M Farmer Michigan [12]
567 587 Carron Mary Ann 30 F Michigan [12]
567 587 Carron Baptiste 10 M Michigan
567 587 Carron Alexis 9 M Michigan
567 587 Carron Mary Ann 6 F Michigan
567 587 Carron Joseph Jr. 3 M Michigan
567 587 Carron Margaret 3/12 F Michigan
568 588 Andrews William 34 M Fisherman Canada [12]
568 588 Andrews Josephine 25 F Wisconsin [12]
568 588 Andrews Josephine 7 F Michigan
568 588 Andrews William 4 M Michigan
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Wednesday - October 30, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
568 588 Andrews David 2 M Michigan
568 588 Andrews Margaret 60 F not known [12]
569 589 Ward Thomas 15 M Michigan
569 589 Carron William 25 M Fisherman Michigan [12]
569 589 Carron Isabel 22 F Wisconsin [12]
569 589 Carron Isabel 4 F Michigan
569 589 Carron Madeline 1 F Michigan
570 590 Jones Henry 44 M Farmer Penna.
570 590 Jones Jane 35 F Michigan
570 590 Jones Eliza J 13 F Michigan [11]
570 590 Jones Rachel 10 F Michigan [11]
570 590 Jones Henry J. 8 M Wisconsin [11]
570 590 Piquet Alair 18 F Michigan
570 590 Piquet Charles 3/12 M Michigan
570 590 Robinson Edward 10 M Michigan
570 590 Shields Delia 10 F Michigan [6m]
570 590 Williams John 37 M Farmer England
571 591 Riggs Loren P. 46 M Farmer N.Y.
571 591 Riggs John S. 20 M Farmer Michigan
572 592 Recolet Cecil 40 F Wisconsin [12]
572 592 Recolet Mary 16 F Wisconsin
572 592 Recolet Louis 10 M Michigan
572 592 Recolet Cecil 5 F Michigan
572 592 Recolet Antoine 4 M Michigan
572 592 Laarue Jean 30 M Lumber Canada [10]
572 592 Laarue Caroline 18 F Wisconsin [10]
573 593 Moran Andre 52 M Fish Canada [12]
573 593 Moran Mary Ann 45 F Michigan [12]
574 594 Therrien Peter Isaac 54 M not any Canada
574 594 Therrien Elizabeth 14 F Michigan
575 594 Trudo John 27 M Fish Canada [12]
575 594 Trudo Catherine 8 F Canada
576 595 Numinville Josette 44 F Wisconsin [12]
576 595 Numinville Peter 1 M Michigan
576 595 Dofina Thomas 23 M Fish Michigan [12]
576 595 Dofina Hyacinth 21 M Fish Michigan [12]
576 595 Dofina Alexander 15 M Fish Michigan
576 595 Dofina Agatha 12 F Michigan
576 595 Dofina Mary 10 F Michigan
576 595 Dofina Medard 8 M Michigan
Page 90
Friday - November 1, 1850
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Age Sex Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
577 596 St. Onge Louis 45 M Fisherman Canada [12]
577 596 St. Onge Catherine 35 F Michigan [12]
577 596 St. Onge Louis Jr. 19 M Fish Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Theophile 16 M Fish Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Catherine 13 F Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Edward 10 M Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Jean 7 M Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Sophia 5 F Michigan
577 596 St. Onge Rosa 3 F Michigan
578 596 Andrews John 37 M Fish Canada [12]
578 596 Andrews Catherine 27 F Michigan [12]
579 597 Wedderman Henry 24 M Seaman Germany
579 597 Chambers John 26 M Seaman Ireland
579 597 McIntire Michael 18 M Cook Ireland
580 598 McDougall Donald 40 M Farmer Scotland [12]
581 599 Bridgman Duncan 55 M Farmer Scotland
582 600 Lablon Paul 49 M Fish Canada [12]
582 600 Lablon Meral 44 F Canada
582 600 Lablon Samuel 18 M Fish Canada
583 601 McLeod William N. 33 M N.Y.
584 602 Cook James H. 44 M none Michigan (Postmaster at Mackinac City, 1849-1853)
584 602 Cook Eliza 36 F Michigan
584 602 Cook James O. 12 M Michigan [11]
584 602 Cook Mary M. 7 F Michigan [11]
584 602 Cook Amanda 5 F Michigan [11]
584 602 Cook George H. 3 M Michigan
584 602 Cook Ann J. 1 F Michigan
584 602 Ewing Catherine 14 F Norway
584 602 Kelly Helen 21 F Ireland [12]
584 602 Gray Levi 46 M Merchant Hew Jersey (possibly "Levi Gray Bailey" - per Holmes Twp, 1860 Census)
584 602 Gray Sarah 17 F N.Y. [11](possibly "Sarah Bailey" - per Holmes Twp, 1860 Census)
584 602 Paul Alex 25 M Merchant Mass. (possibly from Mission Harbor)
584 602 Child James 12 F Michigan [11]
584 602 Fowley David 24 M Clerk Canada
584 602 Fontan Solomon 8 M Canada
584 602 Waldron Albert 25 M Barber Virginia [6m]
584 602 Root Henry L. 27 M Fish N.Y.
584 602 Hobbs Joseph 77 M none Maine
[6B][6m] - Designated as "Black" or "Mulatto"
[10] - Married within the year
[11] - Attended school withi the year
[12] - Over 20 and cannot read or write
[13] - Deaf, blind, mentally impared, pauper, or convict
"Indian Farmer" - A duly appointed and qualified representative
appointed under an act of Congress and the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior, to superintend and
direct farming and stock raising among a designated Indian tribe,
to supervise the leasing of Indian lands, and to appraise their
value for sale.
Infant Ages: "4/12" means April; "8/12" means August; etc.