1880 U.S. Census - Leelanau County, Michigan (Partial)
Source Information
Original data: Ninth Census of the United States, 1880; National Archives
Microfilm Publication M593; Records of the Bureau of the Census, National
Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. (Blank Form)
Text listing compiled by ManitouIslandArchives.Org, October 2010.
[sic] - Census taker's errors and misspellings not altered.
Corrections and Additions Solicited
Owing to the aged condition and illegibility of the original census
documents, this listing has blank entries (signified ab "add") and is
known to contain transcription errors. Your help will be appreciated.
If you have information about persons listed, please submit your
comments to gwarner@manitouislandsarchives.org
Page 1
Tuesday - June 1, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
1 1 Dunn John M 65 Farmer Ireland
1 1 Dunn Bridget R. F 63 Ireland [22][23]
1 1 Dunn James M 21 Farmer Canada
1 1 Dunn Eliza F 18 Michigan
2 2 Brooks Ann F 57 Farmer Ohio
2 2 Brooks John S. M 15 Ohio
2 2 Brooks Charles H. D. M 10 Michigan [21]
2 2 Brooks Edwin O. D. M 8 Michigan [21]
3 3 Miller Silas T. M 33 Farmer Michigan
3 3 Miller Sarah J. F 33 New York
3 3 Miller Alfred D. M 1 Michigan
4 4 Miller Daniel M 74 Farmer New York
4 4 Miller Ann F 63 New York
4 4 Miller Eddie M 21 Farmer Michigan
4 4 Tanner Cordelia F 11 Michigan [21]
5 5 Miller Wells B. M 47 Farmer New York
5 5 Miller Cynthia F 45 Ohio
5 5 Miller Mary E. F 23 Michigan
5 5 Miller George W. M 22 Farmer Michigan
5 5 Miller Wardy W. M 17 Michigan [21]
5 5 Miller John T. M 11 Michigan [21]
5 5 Miller Ann Adell F 7 Michigan [21]
6 6 Miller Marshall H. M 46 Farmer New York
6 6 Miller Caroline E. F 47 New York
6 6 Miller Ella A. F 14 Michigan [21]
6 6 Miller Charles H. M 16 Farmer Michigan [21]
6 6 Miller Ettie M. F 10 Michigan [21]
7 7 Herwood Albert W. M 28 Carpenter Michigan
7 7 Herwood Caroline F 24 New York
7 7 Herwood Alma E. F 4 Michigan
8 8 Sheriden Newton B. M 41 Carpenter New York
8 8 Sheriden Mary A. F 42 Maryland
8 8 Cuttin William W. M 19 Teamster Illinois
8 8 Sheriden Herbert N. M 16 Farmer New York
8 8 Sheriden Clara A. F 14 New York [21]
8 8 Sheriden Jane R. F 11 Michigan [21]
8 8 Sheriden Eva L. F 9 Michigan [21]
8 8 Sheriden George E. M 7 Michigan [21]
8 8 Sheriden Bessie May. F 5 Michigan
8 8 Sheriden Charles L. M 1 Michigan
8 8 Sheriden William E. M 73 Carpenter New York
9 9 Brotherton Washington M 59 Connecticut
9 9 Brotherton Debra F 59 New York
9 9 Brotherton William M 28 Farmer Michigan
9 9 Brotherton Fred M 23 Farmer Michigan
10 10 Brotherton George Henry M 33 Farmer New York
10 10 Brotherton Lizzie F 20 Canada
11 11 St. Peters Joseph M 64 Farmer Canada
11 11 St. Peters Mary F 56 Canada
11 11 St. Peters Angeline F 16 New York
Page 2
Tuesday - June 1, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
11 11 St Peters Jane F 14 New York
11 11 Williams Sophia F 24 New York
11 11 Williams Grace F 4 Michigan
11 11 Williams Carrie F 1 Michigan
12 12 Fisher Chas Andrew M 30 Farmer Wisconsin
12 12 Fisher Mary Ettie F 28 Pennsylvania
12 12 Fisher John Edward M 9 Michigan
12 12 Fisher Ettie May F 8 Michigan
12 12 Fisher Chas. Fred M 6 Michigan
12 12 Boigard Eleanor M. F 52 Virginia
13 13 Parker Daniel M 37 Farmer England
13 13 Parker Mary F 32 Michigan
13 13 Parker Allen M 17 Farmer Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker Annie F 15 Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker Helen F 13 Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker John M 11 Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker Lovicia F 9 Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker Nettie F 7 Michigan [21]
13 13 Parker Guy M 5 Michigan
13 13 Parker Burr M 4 Michigan
13 13 Parker David M 3 Michigan
13 13 Parker Dee M 9/12 Michigan
14 14 Miller Albert H. M 28 Farmer Michigan
14 14 Miller Clara J. F 24 Iowa
14 14 Miller Coral F 3 Michigan
14 14 Miller Ardilla F 10/12 Michigan
15 15 Quaife John M 51 Farmer England
15 15 Quaife Mary M. F 45 Canada
15 15 Quaife John E. M 16 Farmer Michigan [21]
15 15 Quaife Allia A. F 11 Michigan [21]
15 15 Quaife Lucy Victoria F 8 Michigan [21]
15 15 Quaife Blanch E. F 6 Michigan [21]
15 15 Quaife Rosy May F 4 Michigan
16 16 Hilton Andrew M 66 Farmer Canada
16 16 Hilton Helen F 65 New York
16 16 Hilton Andrew E. M 24 Farmer Canada
16 16 Hilton Rachel F 20 New York
16 16 Hilton Walter M 2 Michigan
16 16 Hilton John M 1 Michigan
16 16 Hilton Robert M 2/12 Michigan
17 17 Trumbull Clarence A. M 26 Farmer Michigan
17 17 Trumbull Margret A. F 16 Canada
18 18 Trumbull John M 34 Farmer New York
18 18 Trumbull Hattie F 31 England
18 18 Trumbull Minnie E. F 14 Michigan [21]
18 18 Trumbull Mary F 10 Michigan [21]
18 18 Trumbull Hattie May F 6 Michigan [21]
18 18 Trumbull Katie F 4 Michigan
19 19 Fisher Frances E. M 28 Farmer Michigan
19 19 Fisher Charlotte S. F 24 Michigan
Page 3
Wednesday - June 2, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
19 19 Marguiss E. M 4 Michigan
19 19 Fisher Pearl F 3 Michigan
19 19 Fisher Maud F 6/12 Michigan
20 20 Fisher John E. M 62 Farmer New York [20]
20 20 Fisher Hariet M. F 53 New York
21 21 Tucker Bishop W. M 63 Farmer New York [20]
21 21 Tucker Martha E. F 52 New York
21 21 Tucker Willard W. M 25 Farmer Wisconsin
22 22 Damball Charles M 52 Miller Canada
22 22 Damball Mary Jane F 42 Canada
22 22 Damball Richard Smith M 17 Grist Mill Worker Canada [21]
22 22 Damball Helen Maria F 13 Michigan [21]
22 22 Damball Thomas M. M 7 Michigan [21]
22 22 Damball Harry Charles M 2 Michigan
23 23 Beal William M 81 Gardner France
24 24 Collings Joseph M 63 Fisherman Rusia
24 24 Warring Fred M 19 Fisherman New York
25 25 Todd Louise L. F 45 Hotel Landlord New York
25 25 Todd Frank M 11 Michigan [21]
25 25 Todd Charly M 10 Michigan [21]
26 26 Rasman Eliza F 59 New York
27 27 Rasman Charles A. M 31 New York
27 27 Rasman Jessie A. F 22 New York
27 27 Pickard Nancy F 60 New York
28 28 Clark Alesandro M 39 Carpenter Maine
28 28 Clark Virginia F 39 England
28 28 Bailey Florence E. F 18 Michigan
29 29 Moore Sidney M 30 Sailor Canada
29 29 Moore Elma F 28 Michigan
30 30 Tobin John M 33 Carpenter Canada
30 30 Tobin Katie F 26 Wisconsin
30 30 Tobin Mary E. F 5 Michigan
30 30 Tobin Frances F 2 Michigan
31 31 Linsday Orange M 58 Laborer New York [20]
31 31 Linsday Jane F 53 New York
31 31 Burr Marilla F 22 New York
32 32 Bragdon Emilia F 37 Teacher New York
32 32 Bragdon Florence F 13 New York [20]
32 32 Bragdon Ernest M 10 Michigan [20]
32 32 Bragdon Everett M 8 Michigan [20]
32 32 Bragdon Nora F 6 Michigan [20]
32 32 Bragdon Grace F 4 Michigan [20]
32 33 Burdick Mellissa F 62 Germany
32 33 Burdick Fannie R. F 21 Michigan
32 33 Burdick Frank M 25 Farmer Michigan
32 33 Blanchfield John M 28 Laborer Canada
33 34 Ray George M 61 Postmaster Massachusetts
33 34 Ray Sarah Jane F 62 Massachusetts
33 34 Ray Welby C. M 25 Farmer Ohio
33 34 Brigs Addie F 15 Servant Wisconsin [20]
Page 4
Wednesday - June 2 & Thursday - June 3, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
34 35 Trumbull E. W. M 62 Farmer New York [20]
34 35 Trumbull Elizabeth F 53 England
34 35 Rabin Ella F 15 Ohio [21]
34 35 Hosie William M 14 Michigan [21]
35 36 Shanger Stephen M 42 Plasterer New Jersey
35 36 Shanger Emma F 30 Michigan
35 36 Shanger William M 11 Wisconsin [21]
35 36 Shanger James M 3 Michigan
36 37 Hill Marion H. F 47 New York
36 37 Decker Agness E. F 8 Michigan [21]
37 38 Herbaut Alex M 38 Shoe Maker Canada
37 38 Herbaut Eliza Jane F 16 Canada
37 38 Herbaut Alex M 14 Laborer Canada
37 38 Herbaut Matthew M 11 Michigan [21]
37 38 Herbaut Media F 9 Michigan [21]
37 38 Herbaut Sophia F 6 Michigan [21]
37 38 Herbaut Maggie F 4 Michigan
37 39 Brooder Sarah F 50 Ireland
37 39 Brooder Michael M 23 Laborer Canada
37 39 Brooder William M 22 Laborer Canada
37 39 Brooder Mary F 16 Canada [21]
38 40 Copeland Eichol M 33 Farmer New York
38 40 Copeland Emma F 32 Canada
38 40 Copeland Thomas M 11 Michigan
38 40 Copeland Sarah Ann F 9 Canada
39 41 Barr James M 28 Farmer Connecticut
39 41 Barr Emma F 27 Massachusetts
39 41 Barr Freeman M 3 Ohio
39 41 Barr Charles M 2 Michigan
40 42 Brotherton Dan M 26 Laborer New York
40 42 Brotherton Ellen F 24 Canada
41 43 Shepard John J. M 40 Carpenter New York
41 43 Shepard Mary Jane F 27 New York
41 43 Shepard Ella F 10/12 Michigan
41 43 Shepard Wm. J. M 14 New York
42 44 Bussard Hiram A. M 27 Farmer New York
42 44 Bussard Rhoda M. F 32 New York
43 45 Young James F 26 Farmer Canada
43 45 Young Mellie F 22 Canada
43 45 Young Maggie F 10/12 Michigan
44 46 Miller Lansing M 37 Blacksmith New York
44 46 Miller Mary F 34 Ireland
44 46 Miller Charles M 14 Wisconsin [21]
44 46 Miller Gertrude F 13 Michigan [21]
44 46 Miller E. Stella F 11 Michigan [21]
44 46 Miller Daty M 6 Michigan [21]
44 46 Miller Berney M 10/12 Michigan
45 47 Day D. H. M 28 Transportatn Agent New York
45 47 Cook Albert M 22 Clerk England
45 47 Mc Cormick James M 47 Farmer Scotland
Page 5
Friday - June 4, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
45 47 Fairaut William M 38 Hotel Keeper Canada
45 47 Fairaut Ezilda F 32 Canada
45 47 Fairaut Eva F 10 Michigan [21]
45 47 Fairaut Miner M 8 Michigan [21]
45 47 Fairaut Ida M. F 1/12 Michigan
45 47
45 47
45 47 Blanchfield Lecta F 19 Servant Wisconsin
46 48 Cummings John M 50 Farmer New York
47 49 Smith P. M 48 Farmer Ohio
47 49 Smith Fannie L. F 32 Ohio
47 49 Rhoar Katie F 20 Servant Wisconsin
48 50 Tyron James M 29 Fisherman New York
49 51 Tuttle Jessie O. M 45 Farmer Ohio
49 51 Tuttle Adaline F 41 Ohio
49 51 Tuttle Francis M. M 22 Farmer Ohio [21]
49 51 Daniels Mildid F 12 Ohio
50 52 Dugo Frederick M 64 Farmer Prussia (probably "Dago")
50 52 Dugo Rachael F 50 Prussia
50 52 Dugo Frederick M 40 Farmer Prussia
51 53 Kelderhouse Thomas P. M 59 Clerk - Grocery New York
51 53 Kelderhouse Margret F 38 Canada
51 53 Kelderhouse William M 10 Michigan [21]
51 53 Kelderhouse Mary F 9 Michigan [21]
51 53 Kelderhouse Margret F 7 Michigan [21]
51 53 Kelderhouse George T. M 3 Michigan
51 53 Kelderhouse Royal M 1/12 Michigan
51 53 Brodigan Andrew T. M 18 Clerk in Store Canada
51 53 Brodigan Helen M. F 15 Michigan [21]
51 53 Esch Libbie F 19 Servant Michigan
51 53 Esch Mary F 17 Servant Michigan [21]
52 54 Borten Sarah M. F 54 Laborer New York [22][23]
52 54 Borten Frank Clayton M 9 Michigan [21]
53 55 Helm Thomas A. M 33 Blacksmith Canada
53 55 Helm Jannett M. F 32 Canada
53 55 Helm William H. M 8 Michigan [21]
53 55 Helm Jannett M. F 6 Michigan [21]
53 55 Helm Helen Eliott F 3 Michigan
53 55 Helm Charles D. M 2/12 Michigan
53 56 Atkinson Asher M 26 Laborer Michigan
53 56 Atkinson Marilla F 19 Pennsylvania
53 56 Atkinson Blanch E. F 3 Pennsylvania
53 56 Atkinson Ralph E. M 1 Michigan
53 57 Wells E. A. M 25 Laborer Michigan
53 57 Wells Ida F 17 New York
53 57 Wells Edith M. F 10/12 Michigan
54 58 Smith William M. M 38 Carpenter Pennsylvania
54 58 Smith Mary Jane F 33 Michigan
54 58 Smith Kate F. F 12 Michigan [21]
54 58 Smith George F. M 9 Michigan [21]
Page 6
Saturday - June 5, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
55 59 Burfine Casten M 54 Farmer Prussia (probably "Burfiend")
55 59 Burfine Elizabeth F 51 France
55 59 Burfine Henry M 24 Michigan [20]
55 59 Burfine Casten M 21 Farmer Michigan [20]
55 59 Burfine Peter M 20 Farmer Michigan
55 59 Burfine William M 18 Farmer Michigan
55 59 Burfine John M 16 Farmer Michigan
55 59 Burfine Charles M 13 Farmer Michigan
55 59 Burfine Elvina F 11 Michigan [21]
56 60 Kelderhouse Frances M. F 33 Michigan
56 60 Kelderhouse Charles M 15 Farmer Michigan
56 60 Kelderhouse Jane F 12 Michigan [21]
56 60 Kelderhouse Thomas M 8 Michigan [21]
56 60 Kelderhouse Elvinea F 6 Michigan [21]
56 60 Kelderhouse Miner M 4 Michigan
56 60 Kellogg Miner M 69 Farmer Canada
56 60 Kellogg Maria F 72 New York [20]
57 60 Warner Frederick M 57 Farmer Prussia (actually "Werner")
57 60 Warner Margret F 50 Prussia
57 60 Warner Richard M 25 Farmer Michigan (a.k.a. "Dietrich")
57 60 Warner Annie F 22 Michigan
57 60 Warner Frederick A. M 20 Michigan
57 60 Warner Henry M 18 Michigan
57 60 Warner John M 14 Michigan [21]
57 60 Warner Maggie F 14 Michigan [21]
57 60 Warner Rachael F 12 Michigan [21]
57 60 Warner William M 10 Michigan [21]
57 60 Warner Martin M 7 Michigan [21]
58 61 Hoolihan John M 58 Farmer Ireland
58 61 Hoolihan Julia F 45 Ireland
58 61 Hoolihan Thomas M 15 Farmer Michigan [20]
58 61 Hoolihan Patrick M 14 Michigan [21]
58 61 Hoolihan John M 12 Michigan [21]
58 61 Hoolihan William M 10 Michigan [21]
58 61 Hoolihan James M 8 Michigan [21]
58 61 Hoolihan Mary Jane F 7 Michigan [21]
59 62 Sulivan Thomas M 38 Laborer Ireland
59 62 Sulivan Ellen F 30 Ireland
59 62 Sulivan James M 12 Michigan [21]
59 62 Sulivan Maggie F 9 Michigan [21]
59 62 Sulivan John M 2 Michigan
59 63 Robertson Henry F. M 28 Engineer New York
59 63 Robertson Emma Jane F 20 New York
59 63 Robertson Henry Arthur M 1 Michigan
59 63 Lyon Chas. M. M 46 Sawyer Michigan
59 63 Lyon Zilpha F 36 Dress Maker New York
59 63 Lyon William Henry M 6 New York
59 63 Lyon Harvey Cady M 1 New York
60 64 Bennett William H. M 26 Captain of Tug New York
60 64 Bennett Mary Jane F 22 New York
Page 7
Monday - June 7, 1880 (Glen Arbor Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
60 64 Bennett Cora F 2 Michigan
60 64 Bennett Wm Warren M 11/12 Michigan
61 65 Goffarr Alexes Joseph M 66 Farmer Belgium
61 65 Goffarr Janett C. F 64 Belgium
61 65 Goffarr Samuel M 21 Farmer Illinois
61 65 Goffarr Rachael F 17 Illinois [21]
61 65 Alsberger Hortense F 43 Belgium
61 65 Alsberger Rose F 18 Illinois
61 65 Alsberger Louisa F 12 Illinois [20]
61 65 Alsberger Charles M 5 Illinois
61 65 Alsberger Edward M 3 Illinois
62 66 Goffarr John B. M 27 Farmer Belgium
62 66 Goffarr Frances C. F 29 Michigan
62 66 Goffarr Forrest E. M 2 Michigan
63 67 Dunn Roderick M 35 Farmer Canada
63 67 Dunn Cornelia F 25 Canada
63 67 Dunn John M 6 Michigan
63 67 Dunn Jennie F 4 Michigan
63 67 Dunn Winnifred F 2 Michigan
63 67 Dunn James M 3/12 Michigan
64 68 Cummings Jane F 55 Farmer Scotland
64 68 Cummings Mary F 16 Michigan [21]
64 68 Cummings Generva F 12 Michigan [21]
65 69 Jones Rudolphus M 32 Mill Sawyer New York
65 69 Bordin Jake M 28 Laborer New York
66 70 Welsh Mary F 70 Farmer Ireland
66 70 Pratt Benjamin M 50 Farmer New York
66 70 Pratt Jane F 40 New Jersey
66 70 Pratt William M 23 Farmer New York [21]
66 70 Pratt Hosie B. M 13 Michigan [21]
66 70 Pratt Olive Gay F 7
Page 1
Wednesday - June 16, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
155 159 Boston Charles R. M 28 Farmer New York [4M][23]
155 159 Boston Mary Jane F 22 Canada
155 159 Boston Climelia F 3 Michigan
155 159 Boston Eva May F 1 Michigan
156 160 Harvey Nicholis M 47 Farmer England
156 160 Harvey Hanna M. F 39 Canada
156 160 Harvey Martha Jane F 14 Canada [21]
156 160 Harvey Osborn M 12 Farm Laborer Michigan [21]
156 160 Harvey Fannie F 9 Michigan [21]
157 161 Krietz Frances M 61 Farmer Bohemia
157 161 Krietz Antoine F 54 Bohemia
157 161 Krietz Nigel M 29 Farmer Bohemia
157 161 Krietz John M 24 Michigan [20]
157 161 Krietz Justina F 13 Michigan [21]
157 161 Krietz Mary F 18 Michigan
157 161 Krietz Frances M 1 Michigan
158 162 Blavka Jakop M 75 Farmer Bohemia
158 162 Blavka Maria F 60 Bohemia
158 162 Blavka Karel M 20 Farm Laborer Bohemia
159 163 Muril Jan M 31 Farmer Bohemia
159 163 Muril Barbara F 32 Bohemia
159 163 Muril Maria F 10 Michigan [21]
159 163 Muril Jan M 8 Michigan [21]
159 163 Muril Franc M 6 Michigan [21]
159 163 Muril Emelie F 4 Michigan
159 163 Muril Anna F 2 Michigan
159 163 Muril Johana F 3 Michigan
159 163 Muril add M 66 Bohemia
159 163 Muril Anna F 67 Bohemia
160 164 Krubner Joseph M 53 Farmer Bohemia
160 164 Krubner Mary F 33 Bohemia
160 164 Krubner Katie F 11 Michigan [21]
160 164 Krubner Frank M 8 Michigan [21]
160 164 Krubner John M 6 Michigan [21]
160 164 Krubner Polly F 4 Michigan
160 164 Krubner Annie F 1 Michigan
161 165 Nameskal Franke M 30 Farmer Bohemia
161 165 Nameskal Annie F 17 Bohemia
161 165 Nameskal Mary F 60 Bohemia
162 166 Kucera Antony M 56 Farmer Bohemia
162 166 Kucera Barbara F 51 Bohemia
162 166 Kucera Barbara F 17 Michigan [21]
162 166 Kucera Jennie F 13 Michigan [21]
162 166 Kucera John M 12 Michigan [21]
162 166 Kucera Frank M 7 Michigan [21]
163 167 Reaud Frank M 33 Farmer Bohemia
163 167 Reaud Mary F 28 Bohemia
163 167 Reaud Jake M 6 Bohemia
163 167 Reaud Mary F 5 Michigan
163 167 Reaud Katie F 4 Michigan
Page 2
Wednesday - June 16, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
163 167 Reaud Josephine F 2 Michigan
163 167 Reaud Annie F 3/12 Michigan
164 168 Flaska John M 41 Farmer Bohemia
164 168 Flaska Josephine F 42 Bohemia
164 168 Flaska Mary F 18 Illinois [21]
164 168 Flaska John M 16 Farm Laborer Michigan [21]
164 168 Flaska Frank M 14 Michigan [21]
164 168 Flaska George M 11 Michigan [21]
164 168 Flaska Antony M 7 Michigan [21]
164 168 Flaska Barbara F 5 Michigan [21]
164 168 Flaska Josephine F 3 Michigan
164 168 Flaska Rosey F 1 Michigan
165 169 Mc Donald Matthew M 74 Farmer England
165 169 Mc Donald Mary A. F 62 Ireland
165 169 Mc Donald Susan F 22 Teacher New York [21]
166 170 Matulina Wincel M 34 Farmer Bohemia
166 170 Matulina Mary F 28 Bohemia
167 171 Scott Daniel M 42 Farmer Pennsylvania
167 171 Scott Mary Annie F 28 Illinois
167 171 Scott Wm James M 8 Michigan
167 171 Scott John W. M 6 Michigan
167 171 Scott Daniel A. M 3 Michigan
168 172 Bixby Kizkew. M 47 Farmer Michigan
168 172 Bixby Louisa F 47 New York
168 172 Bixby Frank M 19 Farm Laborer Michigan
168 172 Bixby Lucia F 17 Michigan
168 172 Bixby Jay M 14 Farm Laborer Michigan
168 172 Bixby Eddie M 11 Michigan [21]
168 172 Bixby Willie M 6 Michigan [21]
168 172 Bixby Leon M 4 Michigan
169 173 Sulivan Timothy M 40 Farmer Ireland
169 173 Sulivan Mary F 29 Canada
169 173 Sulivan Jennie F 8 Michigan
169 173 Sulivan Winnifred A. F 4 Michigan
169 173 Sulivan Olive F 2 Michigan
169 173 Sulivan Carrie E. F 11/12 Michigan
170 174 Sulivan James M 45 Farmer Ireland
170 174 Sulivan Annie F 31 New York
170 174 Sulivan Katie F 6 Michigan [21]
170 174 Sulivan Elizabeth J. F 4 Michigan
170 174 Sulivan John R. M 2 Michigan
170 174 Sulivan Harriet L. F 6/12 Michigan
171 175 Amidon William M 40 Farmer Michigan
171 175 Amidon Mary F 37 Ohio
171 175 Amidon Jessie M 13 Farm Labor Michigan [21]
171 175 Amidon Alfarata F 16 Michigan [21]
171 175 Amidon Elvira F 9 Michigan [21]
171 175 Amidon Monroe M 6 Michigan [21]
171 175 Amidon George M 1 Michigan
172 176 Mahn Phillip Henry M 43 Farmer Baden
Page 3
Thursday - June 17, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
172 176 Mahn Betsy Ann F 39 New York
172 176 Mahn George M 19 Farm Laborer New York [21]
172 176 Mahn Charles H. M 16 Farm Laborer New York [21]
172 176 Mahn Lawrence M 12 Michigan [21]
172 176 Mahn Otto M 9 Michigan [21]
172 176 Mahn Martha F 7 Michigan [21]
172 176 Mahn Sarah A. F 4 Michigan
172 176 Mahn Louisa F 3 Michigan
172 176 Mahn Phillip Henry M 1 Michigan
173 177 Sbonek Joseph M 29 Farmer Prusia
173 177 Sbonek Elizabeth F 22 Prusia
173 177 Sbonek Sophia F 2 Michigan
173 177 Sbonek Martha F 3/12 Michigan
174 178 Mimcinsky Stephan M 50 Farmer Poland
174 178 Mimcinsky Gertrude F 51 Poland
174 178 Mimcinsky Mellie F 17 Prusia [21][22][23]
174 178 Mimcinsky Selia F 12 Wisconsin [21][22][23]
174 178 Mimcinsky Rosey F 9 Michigan [21]
174 178 Mimcinsky Mary F 5 Michigan [21]
175 179 Kassel Casper M 64 Farmer Dermstdt
175 179 Kassel Carolina F 37 Farmer Prusia
175 179 Kassel Emma F 15 Michigan [19]
175 179 Kassel Leona F 13 Michigan [21]
175 179 Ledka Sophia F 66 Prusia
176 180 Wyskochil Chas. R. M 62 Farmer Bohemia
176 180 Wyskochil Barbara F 54 Bohemia
176 180 Wyskochil L. M 24 Farm Laborer Michigan
176 180 Wyskochil Wiktor M 19 Farm Laborer Michigan
176 180 Wyskochil Charles M 13 Michigan [21]
177 181 Whitney Peter M 56 Farmer New York
177 181 Whitney Lucy A. F 33 Ohio
177 181 Whitney Edwin E. M 9 Ohio [21]
177 181 Whitney Paul D. M 7 Michigan [21]
177 181 Whitney Silas D. M 7 Michigan
177 181 Nye Harrison M 66 New York
177 181 Nye Mary E. F 60 New York
178 182 Fisher Henry P. M 50 Farmer Vermont
178 182 Fisher Rosila F 50 New Hampshire
178 182 Harrison George L. M 19 Farm Laborer New York
179 183 Ottie John M 55 Farmer Hanover
179 183 Ottie Mary E. F 55 Hanover
179 183 Ottie John M 16 Farm Laborer Michigan
180 184 Woock John M 45 Farmer New York
180 184 Woock Lena F 35 Prusia
180 184 Woock Joseph M 9 New York [21]
180 184 Woock Mary F 5 New York
181 185 Robinson William M 42 Sailor Maine
181 185 Robinson Mary F 40 Ireland [22][23]
181 185 Robinson Lizzie F 17 Wisconsin [21]
181 185 Robinson Margaret F 15 Wisconsin [21]
Page 4
Friday - June 18, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
181 185 Robinson Wm George M 12 Michigan [21]
181 185 Robinson James M 10 Michigan [21]
181 185 Robinson Ada E. F 8 Michigan
181 185 Robinson Charles M 5 Michigan
182 186 Kulanda John M 50 Farmer Bohemia
182 186 Kulanda Mary F 47 Bohemia
182 186 Kulanda Louis M 22 Farm Laborer Michigan
182 186 Kulanda Martin M 18 Farm Laborer Michigan
182 186 Kulanda Joseph M 14 Michigan [21]
182 186 Kulanda John M 13 Michigan [21]
183 187 Krubner John M 64 Farmer Bohemia
183 187 Krubner Catherine F 37 Bohemia
183 187 Krubner Jeanie F 9 Michigan
183 187 Krubner Rosey F 4 Ohio
183 187 Krubner Edmund M 1 Michigan
183 187 Krubner Agnes F 23 Michigan
183 187 Sobada Joseph M 23 Laborer Bohemia
184 188 Mikula John M 38 Farmer Bohemia
184 188 Mikula Mary J. F 33 Bohemia
184 188 Mikula Joseph M 10 Bohemia
184 188 Mikula John M 8 Bohemia
184 188 Mikula James M 6 Bohemia
184 188 Mikula Mary F 4 Michigan
184 188 Mikula Katie F 3 Michigan
184 188 Mikula Frank M 6/12 Michigan
185 189 Nachuzel John M 47 Farmer Bohemia
185 189 Nachuzel Mary F 42 Bohemia
185 189 Nachuzel Anthony M 17 Farm Laborer Michigan
185 189 Nachuzel John M 14 Michigan [21]
185 189 Nachuzel Julia F 12 Michigan [21]
185 189 Nachuzel Victor M 5 Michigan
185 189 Nachuzel Joseph M 3 Michigan
186 190 Hotowie Matthew M 60 Farmer Bohemia
186 190 Hotowie Josephine F 42 Bohemia
186 190 Hotowie Mary F 24 Bohemia
186 190 Hotowie Fannie F 14 Bohemia [21]
187 191 Kalena Martin M 60 Farmer Bohemia
187 191 Kalena Mary F 57 Bohemia
187 191 Kalena John M 22 Farm Laborer Bohemia
188 192 Stieger Joseph M 28 Farmer Bohemia
188 192 Stieger Barbar F 28 Bohemia
188 192 Stieger Zedona F 3 Michigan
188 192 Stieger George M 2 Michigan
188 192 Stieger Henry M 3/12 Michigan
189 193 Hlavaka Vadaer M 35 Farmer Bohemia
189 193 Hlavaka Annie F 30 Bohemia
189 193 Hlavaka John M 9 Michigan [21]
189 193 Hlavaka Emanuel M 7 Michigan [21]
189 193 Hlavaka Joseph M 5 Michigan
189 193 Hlavaka Casper M 1 Michigan
Page 5
Friday - June 18, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
190 194 Svoboda Joseph M 54 Farmer Bohemia
190 194 Svoboda Annie F 50 Bohemia
190 194 Svoboda Annie F 14 Bohemia
190 194 Svoboda Josephine F 9 Michigan
190 194 Svoboda Anthony M 7 Michigan
191 195 add add M 35 Farmer Bohemia
191 195 add Catherine F 37 Bohemia [22][23]
191 195 add Anthony M 13 Michigan [21]
191 195 add Charles M 11 Michigan [21]
191 195 add Frank M 10 Michigan [21]
191 195 add Mary F 7 Michigan
191 195 add Joseph M 5 Michigan
191 195 add Jenny F 4 Michigan
191 195 add add M 2 Michigan
191 195 add Annie F 1 Michigan
192 196 Shalda Frank M 28 Farmer Bohemia
192 196 Shalda Mary F 19 Bohemia
192 196 Shalda John M 5m Michigan
193 197 Dago John M 38 Farmer Mecklenburg
193 197 Dago Ella Nora F 32 Bohemia
193 197 Dago Annie M. F 13 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago George F. M 12 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago Mary E. F 10 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago Jennie M. F 10 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago John H. M 8 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago Ella Nora F 5 Michigan [21]
193 197 Dago Frank C. M 4 Michigan
193 197 Dago Ida S. F 2 Michigan
194 198 Oliver Henry R. M 64 Farmer Ireland
194 198 Oliver Mary C. F 50 New York
194 198 Oliver John M 27 Farm Laborer Canada
194 198 Oliver Onieda F 18 Michigan [21]
194 198 Oliver Byron M 16 Michigan [21]
194 198 Oliver Henry E. M 12 Michigan [21]
194 198 Harrington Effy May F 7 Michigan [21]
194 198 Harrington Eliza E. F 5 Michigan
195 199 Schell Gotlieb M 47 Farmer Wurtumberg
195 199 Beauerle George M 56 Farm Laborer Wurtumberg
195 199 Beauerle Mary F 46 Wurtumberg
195 199 Beauerle Emma F 17 New York
195 199 Beauerle George M 13 Farm Laborer New York [21]
195 199 Beauerle Julia F 10 New York [21]
195 199 Beauerle Katie F 6 New York [21]
196 200 Cummings Oliver M 44 Farmer Canada
196 200 Cummings Margaret F 38 Canada
196 200 Cummings John M 12 Farm Laborer Canada
196 200 Cummings Sarah F 8 Canada [21]
196 200 Cummings Jane F 6 Canada
197 201 Loucks Peter M 32 Farmer Canada
197 201 Loucks Lillian F 20 Michigan
Page 6
Saturday - June 19, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
198 202 Loucks Michael M 30 Framer Canada
198 202 Loucks Jacob M 26 Farm laborer Canada
198 202 Loucks Charlotte F 50 Canada
199 203 Boston Mary F 28 Canada
199 203 Boston Richard M 2 Michigan
199 203 Boston John M 5/12 Michigan
200 204 Green William L. M 31 Farmer Indiana
200 204 Green Elizabeth J. F 32 New York
200 204 Green William T. M 10 Michigan [21]
200 204 Green Annie E. F 7 Michigan
200 204 Green Ruby M. F 5 Michigan
200 204 Green Charles M 2 Michigan
201 205 Barnes Nicholis M 51 Farmer Hanover
201 205 Barnes Margret F 48 Hanover
201 205 Barnes Peter M 23 Farmer Michigan
201 205 Dailey Carrie F 22 Teacher Iowa
202 206 Daniels Havier H. M 38 Farmer Massachusetts
202 206 Daniels Rebeca F 76 Pennsylvania
202 206 Daniels Solana M 35 Teaching School Ohio
202 206 Daniels Mary Adeline F 9 Wisconsin
203 207 Miscner Robt. Scott M 40 Laborer Canada
203 207 Miscner Charlotte M. F 23 England
203 207 Miscner Mary M. F 4 Canada
203 207 Miscner Charles E. M 1 Canada
204 208 Bronson Frank M 50 Farmer France
204 208 Bronson Adelaide F 43 France
204 208 Bronson Victor M 19 Farm Laborer France
204 208 Bronson Joseph M 17 Farm Laborer Michigan
204 208 Bronson Mary F 14 Michigan [21]
204 208 Bronson Frank M 10 Michigan [21]
204 208 Bronson Charles M 8 Michigan [21]
204 208 Bronson Julian M 7 Michigan [21]
204 208 Bronson Joe M 4 Michigan
205 209 Rusch Nicolaus M 50 Farmer Hanover (probably "Basch")
205 209 Rusch Catherine F 46 Hanover
205 209 Rusch John M 19 Farm Laborer Michigan
205 209 Rusch Annie F 17 Michigan
205 209 Rusch Elizabeth F 14 Michigan [21]
205 209 Rusch Margret F 7 Michigan
205 209 Rusch E. F 5 Michigan
205 209 Rusch Martin M 8 Michigan
205 209 Rusch Annie F 6 Michigan
206 210 Smith George M 30 Farmer Hasse Derstard
206 210 Smith Mary F 25 New York
206 210 Smith George M 4 Michigan
206 210 Smith August M 2 Michigan
206 210 Smith Albert M 8/12 Michigan
207 211 Snow Richard M 44 Farmer Hanover
207 211 Snow Debby Daily F 39 Ireland
207 211 Snow Jane F 16 Michigan [21]
Page 7
Monday - June 21 thru Wednesday - June 23, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
207 211 Snow Richard M 14 Michigan [21]
207 211 Snow Mary Ann F 11 Michigan [21]
207 211 Snow Christopher M 8 Michigan [21]
207 211 Snow Frank M 7 Michigan [21]
207 211 Snow Lizzie F 5 Michigan
207 211 Snow William M 3 Michigan
207 211 Snow Eddie M 1 Michigan
208 212 Miller Carcen M 59 Farmer Hanover
208 212 Miller Catherine F 26 Hanover
208 212 Miller Mettie F 23 Hanover [20]
208 212 Miller Maggie F 21 Michigan [20]
208 212 Miller Mary F 19 Michigan
208 212 Miller Ellen F 16 Michigan [20]
209 213 Eckard Henry M 54 Farmer Saxomy
209 213 Eckard Catherine F 54 Saxomy
209 213 Eckard Ferdinand M 25 Farm Laborer Michigan
209 213 Eckard Daniel M 22 Farm Laborer Michigan
209 213 Eckard Augusta F 18 Michigan
209 213 Eckard Catherine F 16 Michigan
209 213 Eckard Henry M 14 Michigan [21]
209 213 Eckard George M 11 Michigan [21]
210 214 Olesen Ooleif M 24 Farmer Norway
210 214 Olesen Maybeline F 27 New York
210 214 Olesen George C. C. M 6 Michigan [21]
210 214 Olesen G. M 4 Michigan
210 214 Olesen John M 2 Michigan
210 214 Olesen Nelson W. M 8/12 Michigan
211 215 Kirchert Henry M 48 Farmer Mecklenburg
211 215 Kirchert Louisa F 42 Mecklenburg
211 215 Kuhardt Fredricka F 69 Mecklenburg
212 216 Lutsan Jacob M 72 Farmer Prusia
212 216 Lutsan Annie F 76 Prusia
213 217 Kemener Angus M 30 Farmer Prusia
213 217 Kemener Geraldiena F 35 Mecklenburg
213 217 Kemener Harieta F 13 Michigan [21]
213 217 Kemener Augusta F 11 Michigan [21]
213 217 Kemener Lydia F 9 Michigan [21]
213 217 Kemener Emma F 5 Michigan [21]
213 217 Kemener Ida F 4 Michigan
213 217 Kemener Martha F 1 Michigan
213 217 Kender Mary F 10 Meckenburg
214 218 Kemener Wilhelmia F 68 Farmer Prusia
215 219 Reynolds Harrison M 72 Maine [20](incorrectly marked [21]
216 220 Prause Julius M 43 Farmer Prusia
216 220 Prause Barbra F 43 Bohemia
216 220 Pruase Mary F 14 Michigan [21]
216 220 Prause Barbara F 12 Michigan [21]
216 220 Prause Walasky F 10 Michigan [21]
216 220 Prause Harman M 8 Michigan [21]
216 220 Prause Albert M 5 Michigan
Page 8
Wednesday - June 23 & Thursday - June 24, 1880 (Cleveland Township)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
216 220 Prause William M 4 Michigan
217 221 Eltc Fredinatt M 64 Farmer Darmstad [22][23]
217 221 Eltc Mary Ann F 72 Hanover [22][23]
218 222 Goffar Alexis J. M 41 Farmer Belgium
218 222 Goffar Catherine F 45 Ireland [22][23]
218 222 Goffar Frank M 18 Farm Laborer Illinois
218 222 Goffar Jennie F 14 Michigan [21]
218 222 Goffar Mary F 11 Michigan [21]
219 223 Riegle Frank M 64 Farmer Bavaria
219 223 Riegle Catherine F 56 Hanover [20]
219 223 Helmcst Maggie F 25 Hanover
220 224 Hasting John M 25 Farmer Illinois
220 224 Hasting Mary F 23 Hanover
220 224 Hasting Ida F 4/12 Michigan
221 225 Mikula Anthony M 52 Farmer Hanover
221 225 Mikula Katie F 50 Hanover
221 225 Mikula Fanny F 18 Maine
221 225 Sheldon Joseph M 1 Michigan
222 226 Sheldon Joseph M 64 Farmer Bohemia
222 226 Sheldon Ella Nora F 63 Bohemia
222 226 Sheldon Joseph M 20 Farm Laborer Michigan
222 226 Sheldon Anthony M 18 Farm Laborer Michigan
222 226 Ghtivan Elizabeth F 73 Michigan
223 227 Wencil Hayiel M 50 Farmer Bohemia
223 227 Wencil Mary F 40 Bohemia
224 228 Stieger Joseph M 63 Farm Laborer Bohemia
224 228 Stieger Rosey F 62 Bohemia [22][23]
225 229 Luaing John M 53 Farming & Tailoring Wurtumberg
225 229 Luaing Dortha F 45 Saxomy
225 229 Luaing Louis M 21 Farm Laborer Illinois
226 230 Pheatt Isaac T. M 36 Farmer Ohio
226 230 Pheatt Jeanie C. F 24 Illinois
226 230 Pheatt Florence F 6 Michigan
226 230 Pheatt Edwin F. M 4 Michigan
226 230 Pheatt Levi M. M 3 Michigan
227 231 Basch John M 41 Farmer Hanover
227 231 Basch Minnie F 30 Prussia
227 231 Basch Charles M 9 Michigan
227 231 Basch John M 8 Michigan
227 231 Basch Peter M 4 Michigan
227 231 Basch August M 11/12 Michigan
228 232 Kilbey Barbra F 60 Farmer Wurtumberg [22][23]
229 233 Bartling Charles M 64 Farmer Hanover
229 233 Bartling Catherine F 66 Hanover
230 234 Mintz Jacob M 72 Farmer France [22][23]
Infant Ages: "4/12" means April; "8/12" means August; etc.
[4B][4M] - Designated as "Black" or "Mulatto"
[12] - Married within the year
[16-20] - Blind, Deaf, Mentally or Physically Impared
[21] - Attended school withi the year
[22] - Cannot read
[23] - Cannot write