Source Information
Original data: In January of 1891, the Michigan State legislature took
up consideration of a petition submitted by residents of North and
South Manitou Islands, requesting that the islands be taken out of
Manitou County and annexed to Leelanau County. The petition was
apparently submitted before that session, perhaps having been circulated
and signed during the previous year. Although both journals appear to be
referencing the same petition, signers listed in the Journal of the
House of Representatives appear to all be from North Manitou Island,
while those listed in the Journal of the Senate appear to have all been
from South Manitou Island. Lacking any other census data, these names
are listed here as a resource showing at least some of the people living
on the islands in 1890.
Text listing compiled by ManitouIslandArchives.Org, January 2012.
Corrections and Additions
Your assistance will be appreciated. If you have information
about persons listed, please help by submitting your comments
to gwarner@manitouislandsarchives.org
Source Document
per c.1890 (North Manitou Island)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
Carlsen Nels
Carlsen Will
Molin J.
Anderson Gust
Anderson Walter
Buckler William
Malzske Adam (by "X" mark)
Boardman S. R.
Paetschow Carl
Pequise N.J.
Telgaard Krist
Hansen Charley
Nerland Nels
Paetschow George
Peterson John
Swenson John A.
Thompson Axel
Anderson Christian
Petarson John O.
Peter Ivenson
Nedow Napoleon
Platt L.J.
Frederiksen A.
Boardman W.P.
Lovejoy S.L.
Platt H.C.
Fredericksen John
Paetschow Andrew
Paetschow Leo
Paetschow Johan
Alstrom C.C.
Anderson A.
Olsen Peter
Bequist Oliver
Olson Georgen
Johnson Mons
Edwin Johnson Walter
Anderson Charley
Hansen Peter
Hansen Kristian Karl
Anderson A.G.
Hansen Marion
Hansen Hans
Anderson John
Firestone A.D.
Paetsihon F.
Frederiksen H.
Phonson Johan P.
Johanson Johan A.
Johanson R. W.
Hohanson G.
Alstram Ch. J. Alfred
Molin J. Job
Source Document
per c.1890 (South Manitou Island)
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
Foster Thos. J.
Mercer C.S.
Armstrong T.J.
Hutzler C.
Ankerson C.
Johnson B.G.
Ebank W.R.
Beck August
Beck Theodore
Kitchen William
Illana P.
Kitchen Thomas
West Willi
Wendling Peter
Hutzler Georg
Beck Albert
Thompson Thomas T
Knudser Nelson
Beck Christ.
Armstrong Alfred
Buckler Willie
Mercer A.R.
Enxon Andrew
Armstrong Wm. S.
1. (Blank 1890 Census Form)
2. Names are listed in the order that they appear on the source documents.
3. Source: Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, 1891, Volume I, pgs 72 and 72
4. Source: Journal of the Senate of the State of Michigan, 1891, Volume I, pgs 84 and 85