1900 U.S. Census - Leelanau County, Michigan (Partial)
Source Information
Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth
Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives
and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls. (Blank Form)
Text listing compiled by ManitouIslandArchives.Org, September 2010.
[sic] - Census taker's errors and misspellings not altered.
Corrections and Additions
Your assistance will be appreciated. If you have information
about persons listed, please help by submitting your comments
to gwarner@manitouislandsarchives.org
Page 1
Friday - June 1, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
1 1 Dunn Roderick M 27 Farmer Canada(En)
1 1 Dunn Cornelia F 45 Canada(En)
1 1 Dunn John M 26 Farm Laborer Michigan
1 1 Dunn James M 20 Farm Laborer Michigan
1 1 Dunn Cornelia R. F 16 Michigan
1 1 Dunn Stephen M 11 Michigan [21]
2 2 Plowman Charles M 35 Day Laborer Ohio
2 2 Plowman Sarah F 27 Michigan
2 2 Plowman Archibald M 7 Michigan [21]
2 2 Plowman Bessie F 6 Michigan [21]
2 2 Plowman Earl M 4 Michigan
2 2 Plowman Chris M 2 Michigan
3 3 Nelson A* M 30 Day Laborer Canada(En) (possibly "Alden")
3 3 Nelson Minnie F 28 Michigan
3 3 Nelson Levarest M 14 Michigan [21]
3 3 Nelson Frank M 11 Michigan [21]
3 3 Nelson Birtie L. M 10 Michigan [21]
3 3 Nelson Eva M. F 8 Michigan [21]
4 4 Smith Charles M 29 Day Laborer Michigan
4 4 Smith Lulu F 23 Michigan
4 4 Smith Clancy M 7 Michigan [21]
4 4 Smith Leland M 4 Michigan
4 4 Smith Cecil F 1 Michigan
5 5 Dorsey Henry M 42 Engineer & Mill Michigan
5 5 Dorsey Mildred F 27 Michigan
5 5 Dorsey Gertrude F 4 Michigan
5 5 Dorsey Mary F 3 Michigan
5 5 Dorsey Arnold M 16 Michigan [21]
6 6 Kilderhouse Thomas M 28 Teamster Michigan
6 6 Kilderhouse Sadie F 23 Michigan
6 6 Kilderhouse Howard M 5 Michigan
6 6 Kilderhouse Thomas M 4 Michigan
7 7 Tracy John M 31 Day Laboere Canada(En)
7 7 Tracy Nellie F 27 New York
7 7 Tracy Harold F. M 7 Canada(En) [21]
7 7 Tracy John R. M 6 New York [21]
7 7 Tracy Mary J. F 2 New York
7 7 Tracy Thomas D. M 3/12 Michigan
8 8 Totten Frank M 44 Mail Carrier New York
8 8 Totten Ann N. F 42 Ohio
8 8 Totten Mary M. F 12 Michigan [21]
9 9 Farant M* M 28 Michigan
9 9 Farant Elvina F 26 Book Keeper Michigan
9 9 Farant Jennie E. F 6 Michigan
10 10 Barr Lewis M 43 Michigan
10 10 Barr Mary F 35 Teamster Canada(En)
10 10 Barr Earnest M 15 Michigan [21]
10 10 Barr Lalah F 12 Michigan [21]
10 10 Barr Lewis M 10 Michigan [21]
10 10 La Vack Emery M 7 Michigan [21]
Page 2
Friday - June 1, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
10 10 La Vack Stella F 6 Michigan [21]
11 11 Warren William M 56 Day Laborer New York
11 11 Warren Emma F 48 Canada(En)
11 11 Warren George M 26 Day Laborer New York
11 11 Warren Edna J. F 17 New York
11 11 Warren Neil M 13 New York [21]
11 11 Griffin Clyde E. M 10 New York [21]
11 11 Griffin Lena M. F 8 New York [21]
12 12 Long Wilson M 44 Tug Captain Ohio
12 12 Long Margret A. F 38 Indiana
12 12 Long William A. M 15 Michigan [21]
12 12 Long Charles W. M 12 Michigan [21]
13 13 Allen Albert M 38 Tug Engineer Wisconsin
13 13 Allen Eliza F 39 Ohio
13 13 Allen Roy M 11 Ohio [21]
13 13 Allen Olive F 10 Ohio [21]
14 14 Miller Lansing M 56 Blacksmith New York
14 14 Miller Mary F 54 Ireland
14 14 Miller Matie F 14 Michigan
14 14 Miller Caleb M 79 Carpenter New York
15 15 Bennett William M 46 Fisherman New York
15 15 Bennett Mary F 44 New York
15 15 Bennett Carrie F 22 School Teacher Michigan
15 15 Bennett Ward M 20 Laborer - Saw Mill Michigan
15 15 Bennett Frank M 18 Day Laborer Michigan
15 15 Bennett Hazel F 6 Michigan [21]
Page 3
Saturday - June 2, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
16 16 Day David M 47 Lumberman New York
16 16 Day Eve F 30 Michigan
16 16 Day Alice F 9 Michigan [21]
16 16 Day Eve F 5 Michigan [21]
16 16 Day Margret F 3 Michigan
16 16 Day David M 1 Michigan
16 16 Hollinger Kate F 19 Servant Germany
17 17 Hunter William M 31 Farmer Scotland
17 17 Hunter Rebekah F 29 Scotland
17 17 Hunter Mabel J. F 5 Michigan [21]
17 17 Hunter Laurence W. M 3 Michigan
17 17 Hunter Jane F 73 Scotland
17 17 Inglis Jane A. F 26 Scotland
18 18 Carr Charles M 37 Farming Michigan
18 18 Carr Minnie F 36 Ohio
18 18 Carr Earnest S. M 6 Michigan [21]
18 18 Nachazel Mary F 16 Servant Illinois
19 19 Bowman Jacob M 50 Night Watchman Germany
20 20 Smith Frank M 50 Day Laborer New York
20 20 Smith Mary J. F 59 Ohio [22][23]
21 21 Harwood Albert M 49 Farmer Michigan
21 21 Harwood Caroline F 45 New York
22 22 Raimo Isaac M 62 Farmer Canada(Fr)
22 22 Raimo Isabell F 55 Canada(En)
23 23 Faraut William M 58 Dock Foreman Canada(Fr)
23 23 Faraut Egilda F 51 Canada(Fr) [22][23]
23 23 Faraut Alice F 19 Michigan
23 23 Faraut Kathrine F 17 Michigan
23 23 Faraut Bessie F 11 Michigan [21]
23 23 Lavack John M 38 Blacksmith Canada(Fr)
23 23 Angvine Curtis M 31 Day Laborer Michigan
23 23 Bexby Leon M 22 Teamster Michigan
23 23 Bexby William M 26 Teamster Michigan
23 23 Cluff William M 19 Teamster Michigan
23 23 King Harry M 25 Telegraph Operator Michigan
23 23 Hilton Walter M 22 Setter in Mill Michigan
24 24 Fortine Mary F 42 Hotel Keeper New York
24 24 Fortine Frederic M 19 Day Laborer Michigan
24 24 Fortine Archibald M 17 Day Laborer Michigan
24 24 Fortine Charles M 15 Michigan [21]
24 24 Fortine Alvina F 14 Michigan [21]
24 24 Fortine James M 6 Michigan [21]
24 24 Fortine Minnie F 22 Michigan
24 24 Mckenzie Daniel M 25 Day Laborer At Sea
24 24 Bennet Fredrick M 16 Day Laborer Michigan
24 24 Killogg Elsworth M 19 Day Laborer Michigan
24 24 Krempel Frank M 28 Butcher Michigan
24 24 Warren Lloyd M 20 Day Laborer New York
24 24 Doran Patrick M 27 Bartender Michigan
25 25 Herman John M 40 Carpenter Sweden
Page 4
Monday - June 4, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
25 25 Herman Josephine F 35 Sweden
25 25 Herman John P. M 10 Michigan [21]
25 25 Herman Elizabeth F 7 Michigan [21]
25 25 Herman Harlod M 3 Michigan
26 26 Linquist John M 39 Blacksmith Sweden
26 26 Linquist Jennie F 25 Sweden
27 27 French Elvira A. F 70 Massachusetts
28 28 Selby Homer M 32 Blacksmith Michigan
28 28 Selby Mimma F 31 Canada(Fr)
29 29 Roughton William M 39 Teamster Wisconsin
29 29 Roughton Elizabeth F 29 Michigan
29 29 Roughton Iris L. F 7 Michigan [21]
29 29 Roughton Ruth M. F 4 Michigan
30 30 Carlson Carl M 36 Day Laborer Sweden
30 30 Carlson Hannah F 35 Norway
30 30 Carlson Hilda F 8 Michigan [21]
30 30 Carlson Clara F 7 Michigan [21]
30 30 Carlson Emma F 5 Michigan [21]
30 30 Carlson Fredrick M 4 Michigan
30 30 Carlson Harold M 3 Michigan
30 30 Carlson Perry M 3/12 Michigan
31 31 Olesen Uelse M 42 Book Keeper Denmark
31 31 Olesen Jennie F 34 New York
31 31 Olesen Lena F 12 Michigan [21]
31 31 Olesen Carl M 9 Michigan [21]
32 32 Riggs Charles M 34 Day Laborer Michigan
32 32 Riggs Blanche L. F 23 Pensylvania
32 32 Riggs Ruby R. F 6 Michigan [21]
32 32 Riggs Lloyd H. M 4 Michigan
33 33 Krtchen William M 45 Day Laborer Ohio (actually "Kitchen")
33 33 Krtchen Della F 42 Iowa
33 33 Krtchen Alberta L. F 14 Michigan [21]
33 33 Krtchen Charles T. M 11 Michigan [21]
34 34 Moore Sidney L. M 49 Carpenter Canada(En)
34 34 Moore Elma O F 47 Michigan
34 34 Moore Walter E. M 16 Michigan [21]
35 35 Oliver Barney M 38 Day Laborer Michigan
35 35 Oliver Waliska F 30 Michigan
35 35 Oliver Hazel F 6 Michigan [21]
36 36 Nessen Henry T. M 35 Salesman Sweden
36 36 Nessen George M 24 Clerk Michigan
36 36 Nessen Karin F 60 Sweden
36 36 Cook Charles M 38 Book Keeper Canada(En)
36 36 Cook Lilly F 31 Canada(En)
36 36 Cook Reta F 7 Michigan [21]
36 36 Erickson Leonard M 32 Clerk Sweden
37 37 Wyse Henry M 35 Saloon Keeper Canada(En)
37 37 Wyse Nora F 26 Michigan
37 37 Wyse Otto M 5 Michigan
38 38 Clark Ellis M 59 Carpenter Maine
Page 5
Monday - June 4, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
39 39 Wylie Earnest M 67 Barber Michigan
39 39 Wylie Alva M. F 25 Michigan
39 39 Wylie Mildred L. F 4 Michigan
39 39 Wylie William M 2 Michigan
40 40 Ray Erman F. M 50 Grocer Ohio
41 41 Idle Thomas M 21 Day Laborer Michigan
41 41 Idle Isabell F 20 Michigan
42 42 Walker Carl M 42 Dealer-Real Estate Wisconsin
42 42 Walker Estella F 34 Wisconsin
42 42 Grady George M 18 Day Laborer Wisconsin
43 43 Ray Welby C. M 45 Farmer Ohio
43 43 Ray Elizabeth F 36 Michigan
44 44 Bennett Fredrick M 31 Day Laborer New York
44 44 Kelderhouse Charles M 20 Day Laborer Michigan
45 45 Nessen Jonas M 34 Day Laborer Sweden
45 45 Nessen Gustua F 37 Sweden
45 45 Nessen Ida F 11 Michigan [21]
45 45 Nessen Edward M 10 Michigan [21]
45 45 Nessen Arthur M 6 Michigan [21]
45 45 Nessen Nelse M 8/12 Michigan
45 45 Nessen Albert M 28 Night Watchman Kansas
46 46 Todd Charles M 30 Physician Michigan
46 46 Todd Louise F 65 New York
46 46 Lindstrom Lewis M 44 Book Keeper Sweden
46 46 Lindstrom Laurel F 27 Wisconsin
46 46 Lindstrom Leslie M 5 Michigan [21]
46 46 Lindstrom Lloyd M 3 Michigan
46 46 Lindstrom Elizabeth F 1 Michigan
46 46 Engwall John M 28 Railroad Laborer Sweden
46 46 Ristau William M 25 Day Laborer Germany
46 46 Kenney Orin M 23 Laborer - Mill Michigan
46 46 Smith Albert M 20 Day Laborer Michigan
46 46 Bentz Robert M 30 Day Laborer Germany
46 46 Polcin Stanley M 30 Setter in Mill Germany
46 46 Polcin Delina F 21 Canada(Fr)
46 46 Polcin Margret F 1 Michigan
46 46 Tangney John D. M 39 Sawyer in Mill Ireland
46 46 Tangney Josephine F 34 Sweden
46 46 Tangney Robert J. M 15 Michigan [21]
46 46 Tangney Olive R. F 13 Michigan [21]
46 46 Langler Tina F 26 Servant Virginia
46 46 Larsen Lotta F 20 Servant Norway
46 46 Stanwick John M 42 Night Watchman Norway
46 46 Stanwick Josephine F 32 Norway
46 46 Kenney James A. M 60 Day Laborer Michigan
47 47 Andersen Martin M 34 Farm Laborer Norway
Page 6
Tuesday - June 5, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
48 48 Lewis George M 30 Carpenter Illinois
48 48 Lewis Minnie F 23 Illinois
48 48 Lewis Harry M. M 4 Illinois
48 48 Lewis Millard H. M 2 Michigan
49 49 Shiredan Lyman M 63 Grocer New York (actually "Sheridan")
49 49 Shiredan Fredrick M 23 Day Laborer Michigan
50 50 Fisher Frank E. M 48 Lumberman Wisconsin
50 50 Fisher Latta F 41 Michigan
50 50 Fisher Clinton M 17 Teamster Michigan
50 50 Warnes Gilbert M 23 Day Laborer Michigan
50 50 Warnes Myrtie F 15 Michigan
50 50 Warnes Lewis C. M 7/12 Michigan
51 51 Hornkohl Otto M 23 Hotel Keeper Michigan
51 51 Hornkohl Jennie F 20 Michigan
51 51 Hornkohl Frank M 8/12 Michigan
51 51 Oharra Patrick M 67 Servant Ireland
51 51 Christian Martin M 30 Laborer - Mill Norway
51 51 Van Buskirk Jacob L. M 51 Edgerman Ohio
51 51 Anderson Andrew M 27 Day Laborer Michigan
51 51 Kelderhouse Thomas M 20 Day Laborer Michigan
51 51 Kelderhouse Miner M 24 Day Laborer Michigan
51 51 Forester Loren M 28 Day Laborer Canada(En)
51 51 Hansen Carl M 22 Knot Sawyer Denmark
51 51 Torsen Carl M 27 Knot Sawyer Norway
51 51 Rath Alf M 31 Scaler - Mill Norway
51 51 Ellicot Russel M 40 Engineer - Railroad New York
51 51 Burns Peter M 24 Engineer - Tug Michigan
51 51 Laprelle Herbert M 17 Flagman - Railroad Michigan
52 52 Olesen Henry P. M 44 Tug Foreman Denmark
52 52 Olesen Jacobina F 44 Michigan
52 52 Olesen Swawa A. F 4 Michigan
52 52 Larsen Alfred M 25 Blacksmith Denmark
52 52 Johnson Swan M 39 blacksmith Sweden
53 53 Taylor Nel M 44 Day Laborer Michigan
53 53 Taylor Loretta F 47 Michigan
53 53 Taylor Ida F 17 Michigan
54 54 Van Lou Frank M 40 Sawyer Michigan
54 54 Van Lou Minnie F 39 Holland
55 55 High Bradley M 30 Knot Sawyer Michigan
55 55 High Daisy E. F 28 Michigan
55 55 High Ruth M. F 3 Michigan
55 55 High Lois L. F 6/12 Michigan
56 56 Prentice Marvin M 48 Filer - Saw Mill Michigan
56 56 Prentice Maggie F 38 Canada(En)
56 56 Prentice Lilah B. F 10 Michigan [21]
57 57 Miller Charles M 34 Tug Captain Wisconsin
57 57 Miller Lydia F 24 Canada(En)
58 58 Jansen Hans M 28 Day Laborer Denmark
58 58 Jansen Kate M. F 24 Michigan
59 59 Decker John M 45 Fisherman Wisconsin
Page 7
Wednesday - June 6, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
60 60 Lundgren George M 47 Day Laborer Sweden
60 60 Lundgren Nellie H. F 47 Michigan
60 60 Lundgren Olga F 13 Michigan [21]
61 61 Ehle John W. M 50 Laborer New York
61 61 Ehle Amelia F 50 England
61 61 Ehle Charles W. M 13 Michigan [21]
62 62 Sheridan Herbert M 36 Day Laborer New York
62 62 Sheridan Mary E. F 27 Michigan
62 62 Johnson Ellen F 16 Michigan
63 63 Sheridan Newton M 61 Carpenter New York
63 63 Sheridan George E. M 26 Engineer - Tug Michigan
63 63 Ellsworth Nettie F 19 School Teacher Michigan
64 64 Outhouse (obscure) M 32 Foreman - Mill Michigan (possibly "Charles H. Outhouse)
64 64 Outhouse Maude E. F 25 Michigan
65 65 Bennett Mary E. F 24 Michigan
65 65 Bennett Mary Ellen F 5 Michigan
65 65 Bennett Merle F. M 3 Michigan
65 65 Bennett John A. M 7/12 Michigan
66 66 Burgess Henry M 55 Farmer Virginia
66 66 Burgess Mattie F 34 Scotland
66 66 Burgess George E. M 8 Wisconsin [21]
66 66 Burgess Ester M. F 4 Wisconsin
66 66 Burgess William M. M 1 Michigan
66 66 Loucks May F 18 Servant Michigan
67 67 Fisher Eugene M 24 Filer - Saw Mill Michigan
67 67 Fisher Lillian F 22 Michigan
67 67 Fisher Frank E. M 8/12 Michigan
67 67 La Graff William M 30 Sawyer Michigan
68 68 Mattson Andrew M 36 Filer - Saw Mill Finland
68 68 Mattson Hannah F 35 Michigan
68 68 Mattson James A. M 15 Michigan [21]
68 68 Mattson Victor W. M 12 Michigan [21]
68 68 Mattson Charles E. M 10 Michigan [21]
68 68 Mattson Martha K. F 8 Michigan [21]
68 68 Mattson George E. M 5 Michigan
68 68 Mattson Archie A. M 3 Michigan
68 68 Olesen Carl M 36 Day Laborer Norway
68 68 Baker Ranson J. M 27 Foreman - Mill Indiana
68 68 Mikula Frank M 32 Teamster Bohemia
69 69 Lavance Joseph N. M 53 Day Laborer Canada(Fr)
69 69 Lavance Katherine F 48 Michigan
69 69 Lavance Krank M 30 Edgerman Michigan
69 69 Lavance Fredrick M 23 Knot Sawyer Michigan
69 69 Lavance Emma F 15 Michigan [21]
69 69 Lavance Lula F 10 Michigan [21]
69 69 Lavance Florence F 5 Michigan
70 70 Johnson John M 52 Day Laborer Sweden
70 70 Johnson Bertha F 54 Sweden
70 70 Johnson Gustol M 21 Sailor Sweden
70 70 Johnson Tillie F 16 Michigan
Page 8
Thursday - June 7, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
70 70 Johnson Victor M 14 Michigan [21]
71 71 Decker Emma F 48 Dress Maker Massachusetts
71 71 Decker Lauretta F 28 Michigan
71 71 Decker James M 7 Michigan [21]
71 71 Decker Emma F 4 Michigan
71 71 Decker Charles M 22 Day Laborer Michigan
72 72 Fisher John E. M 82 New York
72 72 Fisher Hariett M. F 74 New York
73 73 Brotherton Daniel M 46 Farmer Michigan
73 73 Brotherton Ellen F 43 Canada(En)
73 73 Sheridan Nettie F 28 Michigan
73 73 Sheridan Frank M 27 Captain - Tug Michigan
73 73 Sheridan Arthur M 9/12 Michigan
74 74 Brook Edward M 27 Farmer Michigan
74 74 Brook Susan F 19 Michigan
74 74 Brook Ann B. F 11/12 Michigan
74 74 Mitchel Edward M 19 Farm laborer Denmark [22]{23]
75 75 Trumbull John M 54 Farmer New York
75 75 Trumbull Hariette F 51 England
75 75 Trumbull Fredrick W. M 17 Farm Laborer Michigan
75 75 Trumbull Beatrice F 6 Michigan [21]
75 75 Rohr Sarah F 20 School Teacher Michigan
76 76 Dumbrill Richard M 37 Farmer Canada(En)
76 76 Dumbrill Josephine F 34 Ohio
76 76 Dumbrill Harold R M 8 Michigan [21]
76 76 Dumbrill Frank M 14 Michigan [21]
76 76 Trumbull Elizabeth F 71 England
77 77 McIntire Chester M 65 Farmer New York
77 77 McIntire Mary F 61 Canada(En)
78 78 Millington Alfred M 35 Farmer England
78 78 Millington Adaline F 27 Wisconsin
78 78 Millington Alvin M 9 Michigan [21]
78 78 Millington Lilly F 6 Michigan [21]
79 79 Randall Marle M 52 Farmer Michigan
79 79 Randall Clara F. F 53 Wisconsin
79 79 Randall Bessie T. F 21 Michigan
80 80 Mitler Marshal H. M 67 Farmer New York (probably "Miller")
80 80 Mitler Caroline E. F 68 New York
80 80 Mitler Charles H. M 36 Farm Laborer Michigan
80 80 Mitler Walter M 16 Farm Laborer Michigan
80 80 Atkinson Fanny F 16 Servant Michigan
81 81 Alger Frank M 47 Farmer Michigan
81 81 Alger Matildie F 48 New York
81 81 Alger Arthur M 16 Michigan [21]
81 81 Alger Hattie B. F 18 Michigan [21]
Page 9
Friday - June 8, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
82 82 Daniels Samuel M 70 Pensioner Ohio
82 82 Daniels Eliza F 61 Massachusetts
83 83 Tuttle Francis M. M 43 Contractor Ohio
83 83 Tuttle Geneva F 29 Indiana
83 83 Tuttle Raymond M 8 Michigan [21]
84 84 Norserhoffer Charles M 56 Farmer Germany
84 84 Norserhoffer Eliza F 36 Germany
84 84 Norserhoffer Henry M 17 Farm Laborer New York
84 84 Norserhoffer William M 16 Day Laborer Wisconsin
84 84 Norserhoffer Herman M 14 Wisconsin [21]
84 84 Norserhoffer Carl M 12 Wisconsin [21]
84 84 Norserhoffer Emil M 10 Wisconsin [21]
84 84 Norserhoffer Mollie F 6 Wisconsin [21]
85 85 St Peter Joseph M 82 Farmer Canada(Fr)
85 85 St Peter Mary L. F 74 Canada(Fr)
85 85 Thornton Angeline F 37 New York
85 85 Thornton Mary M. F 3 Michigan
86 86 Daniels Hanfton M 55 Farmer Ohio
86 86 Chase Ella B. F 40 Servant Michigan
86 86 Daniels John H. M 13 Michigan [21]
86 86 Daniels Elizabeth R. F 17 Michigan
87 87 Hoolihan James M 29 Farmer Michigan
88 88 Runkle George M 54 Farmer Germany
88 88 Runkle Emma F 43 Wisconsin
88 88 Runkle Carl M 10 Wisconsin [21]
88 88 Kohm Lilly F 24 Wisconsin
88 88 Kohm William M 30 Teamster Wisconsin
88 88 Kohm Elda W M 2 Tennessee
88 88 Kohm Wilmer M 3 Tennessee
89 89 Holland Benjamin M 31 Farmer Canada(En)
89 89 Holland Kate F 34 Michigan
89 89 Holland August M 15 Farm Laborer Michigan (actually "August Warner")
89 89 Holland Rachel F 11 Michigan (actually "Rachael Warner")[21]
89 89 Holland Herman M 8 Michigan (acutally "Herman Werner")[21]
89 89 Holland Ellen F 8 Michigan (actually "Ellen Werner")[21]
89 89 Holland Mabel F 2 Michigan (actually "Mabel Werner")
90 90 Taylor Elliot J. M 46 Farmer Michigan
90 90 Taylor Mary F 43 Ohio
90 90 Taylor Lloyd E. M 14 Michigan [21]
90 90 Taylor Rose E. F 11 Michigan [21]
91 91 Haiga Charles M 43 Farmer Wisconsin
91 91 Haiga Fredericka F 66 Germany
91 91 Haiga Fredrick M 38 Farmer Germany
92 92 Donner George M 64 Farmer Canada(Fr)
92 92 Donner Margret F 58 Canada(En)
92 92 Kilderhouse George M 23 Farm Laborer Michigan
92 92 Edmonds Sidney M 18 Day Laborer Michigan
92 92 Bowers Peter M 22 Day Laborer Michigan
92 92 Edmon Harry M 21 Day Laborer Michigan
92 92 Peterson Peter M 30 Teamster Michigan [21]
Page 10
Saturday - June 9, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
93 93 Toreson John M 51 Farmer Norway
93 93 Toreson Engebor F 57 Norway
93 93 Toreson Ola M 15 Michigan [21]
93 93 Toreson Julia F 12 Michigan [21]
93 93 Toreson Fredrick M 10 Michigan
93 93 Toreson Tillie F 3 Michigan [21]
94 94 Burfiend Peter M 39 Farmer Michigan
94 94 Burfiend Jennie F 34 Michigan
94 94 Burfiend Laura F 10 Michigan [21]
94 94 Burfiend Mary F 5 Michigan
94 94 Burfiend Howard M 3 Michigan
94 94 Burfiend Lila F 8/12 Michigan
95 95 Burfiend John M 34 Farmer Michigan
95 95 Burfiend May F 25 Michigan
95 95 Burfiend Mayme F 2 Michigan
95 95 Burfiend Hazel F 6/12 Michigan
95 95 Burfiend Herbert M 10 Michigan [21]
96 96 Warner Fredrick M 77 Farmer Germany
96 96 Miller Maggie F 34 Michigan
96 96 Miller John M 40 Farm Laborer Germany
96 96 Miller Charles H. M 1 Michigan
96 96 Miller John M 9 Michigan [21]
97 97 Bronson Joseph M 37 Farmer Michigan
97 97 Bronson Margret F 27 Michigan
97 97 Bronson Leo W M 7 Michigan [21]
97 97 Bronson Joseph M 2 Michigan
97 97 Bronson Frank M 30 Day Laborer Michigan
97 97 Bronson Charles M 29 Day Laborer Michigan
98 98 Johnson Christo*** M 32 Farmer Norway
98 98 Johnson Johanna F 29 Norway
98 98 Johnson Clara F 8 Michigan [21]
98 98 Johnson Andrew M 5 Michigan
98 98 Johnson Bernhardt M 3 Michigan
98 98 Johnson Hannah F 8/12 Michigan
98 98 Anderson Elma F 15 Norway [21]
99 99 Crise John M 29 Farmer Indiana
99 99 Crise Louisa F 24 Iowa
99 99 Crise Hazel I. F 3 Indiana [21](age initially listed as "6")
99 99 Crise Elsia L. F 9/12 Illinois
100 100 Anderson John M 64 Farmer Norway
100 100 Anderson Micolina F 45 Norway
100 100 Anderson Carrie F 9 Michigan [21]
100 100 Anderson Julia F 5 Michigan [21]
100 100 Bendicson Carl M 14 Norway [21]
101 101 Fisher Charles A. M 50 Supervisor Wisconsin
101 101 Fisher Maryetta F 48 Pennsylvania
101 101 Fisher Fredrick M 26 Day Laborer Michigan
Page 11
Monday - June 11, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
102 102 Piosig Edward M 24 Barber Michigan
102 102 Piosig Pearl F 22 Michigan
102 102 Piosig Lillian P. F 1/12 Michigan
103 103 Thorin John M 63 Day Laborer Sweden
103 103 Thorin Lydia F 50 Sweden
104 104 Skinner Edward M 33 Carpenter Michigan
104 104 Skinner Harriette F 23 Michigan
104 104 Skinner William F. M 5 Michigan [21]
104 104 Skinner Albert Q. M 21 Shoe Repair Michigan
105 105 Walker William M 48 Farmer Wisconsin
105 105 Walker Minnie E. F 33 Michigan
105 105 Walker Glen M 5 Michigan
106 106 Johnson Andrew M 52 Millwright Sweden
106 106 Johnson Anna F 41 Sweden
107 107 Ankerson Christian M 53 Fisherman Denmark
108 108 Burdick Andrew M 53 Farmer New York
108 108 Burdick Ellen F 43 Michigan
108 108 Burdick James P. M 23 Farm Laborer Michigan
108 108 Burdick Anna E. F 21 Michigan
108 108 Burdick Caroline J. F 20 Michigan
108 108 Burdick William H. M 18 Farm Laborer Michigan
108 108 Burdick Andrew T. M 10 Michigan [21]
109 109 Erickson Andrew M 70 Farmer Sweden (actually "Andrew Erickson")
109 108 Erickson Ule*Ka F 74 Sweden (actually "Ulrika Erickson")
110 110 Hutzler John M 36 Farmer Michigan
110 110 Hutzler Bertha F 27 Germany
110 110 Hutzler Stanley M 10/12 Michigan
111 111 Hutzler Margret F 79 Germany
112 112 Beck August M 47 Farmer Germany
112 112 Beck Elizabeth F 44 New York
112 112 Beck Hattie F 16 Michigan [21]
112 112 Beck Ervin M 12 Michigan [21]
112 112 Beck Charles M 4 Michigan
113 113 Hutzler George M 27 Farmer Michigan (actually "George C. Hutzler")
113 113 Hutzler Josephine F 23 Michigan
113 113 Hutzler Lewis M 3 Michigan
113 113 Shank Roland M 44 Farm Laborer Pennsylvania
114 114 Price Thomas M 67 Farmer Germany
114 114 Price Mary F 76 Ireland
115 115 Haas Henry M 39 Farm Laborer Michigan
115 115 Haas Maggie F 31 Michigan
115 115 Haas Rosa F 13 Michigan [21]
115 115 Haas Hari M 10 Michigan [21]
115 115 Haas John M 45 Farm Laborer Germany
115 115 Haas William M 42 Farm Laborer Michigan
116 116 Hutzler George M 46 Farmer New York (actually "George Isaac Hutzler")
116 116 Hutzler Tama F 33 Sweden (actually "Selma")
116 116 Hultzler Earnest M 13 Michigan [21]
116 116 Hutzler Lulu F 13 Michigan [21]
116 116 Hutzler Lotta F 10 Michigan [21]
Page 12
Tuesday - June 12, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
116 116 Hutzler Blanche F 8 Michigan [21]
116 116 Hutzler Violet F 6 Michigan [21]
116 116 Hutzler Walter M 2 Michigan
117 117 Beck Theodore M 58 Farmer Germany
117 117 Beck Alvena F 30 Germany
117 117 Beck Minnie F 7 Michigan [21]
117 117 Beck William M 5 Michigan
117 117 Beck Ida F 4 Michigan
117 117 Beck Albert M 55 Farm Laborer Germany
118 118 Furst Oswald M 60 Farm Laborer Germany
118 118 Furst Dora F 49 Germany
118 118 Furst David M 15 Michigan [21]
118 118 Furst Paulina F 22 Michigan
119 119 Haas Joseph M 46 Fisherman Germany
119 119 Haas Florence F 37 Wisconsin
119 119 Haas Laurance M 14 Michigan [21]
120 120 Johnson Thomas M 21 Farmer Norway (or "Thompson")
120 120 Johnson Seynal M 13 Michigan (actually "Sigval")[21]
120 120 Johnson Gustoff M 12 Michigan (actually "Gustavia S. Johnson" - female)[21]
120 120 Johnson George M 11 Michigan [21]
120 120 Johnson Bessie F 9 Michigan [21]
120 120 Johnson Jessie F 8 Michigan [21]
121 121 McCauley Patrick M 32 Mail Carrier Michigan
121 121 McCauley Della F 26 Michigan
121 121 McCauley Peter M 6 Michigan
121 121 McCauley Rodolph M 4 Michigan
121 121 McCauley Charles M 2 Michigan
122 122 Foster Thomas M 42 Farmer Michigan
122 122 Foster Estell F 39 Wisconsin
122 122 Foster Fanny F 18 Michigan
122 122 Foster Eveline F 17 Michigan
122 122 Foster Gertie F 15 Michigan [21]
122 122 Foster Emma F 14 Michigan [21]
122 122 Foster Henry M 11 Michigan [21]
122 122 Foster Charles M 6 Michigan [21]
123 123 Armstrong Thomas M 34 Light Keeper Michigan
123 123 Armstrong Jessie F. F 29 Michigan
123 124 Green Bertrand C. M 40 U.S. Light Michigan
123 124 Green Mary F 31 Michigan
123 124 Green Lotta B. F 11 Michigan [21]
123 124 Green Jessie F 9 Michigan [21]
123 124 Stevenson Guy M 22 U.S. Light Wisconsin
Page 13
Thursday - June 14, 1900
Dwlg Fam Surname Given Sex Age Occupation Birthplace Other - (Notes)
124 125 Westcott John M 30 Sitter in Mill Michigan
124 125 Westcott May F 28 Michigan
124 125 Westcott Nellie F 7 Michigan [21]
124 125 Westcott Alvin R. M 3 Michigan
124 125 Brizard Ellen F 72 Virginia [21]
125 126 Bramer Frank M 29 Miller Germany
125 126 Bramer Matilda F 43 Germany
125 126 Bramer Louisa F 17 Michiga
125 126 Bramer Bertha F 14 Michigan [21]
125 126 Bramer Martin M 12 Michigan [21]
125 126 Bramer Bernhardt M 10 Michigan [21]
125 126 Bramer Frank M 6 Michigan [21]
125 126 Bramer August M 9 Michigan [21]
125 126 Bramer Herman M 3 Michigan
125 126 Bramer Ameil M 1 Michigan
126 127 Skimer Frank M 37 Carpenter Michigan
126 127 Skimer Eva F 23 Michigan
126 127 Skimer Roland A. M 6 Michigan [21]
126 127 Skimer Almon M 4 Michigan
126 127 Skimer Alco M 2 Michigan
127 128 Powell John W. M 32 Day Laborer Ohio
127 128 Powell Blanche F 25 Michigan
127 128 Powell Shirloh J. M 4 Michigan
127 128 Powell Theo B. F 2 Michigan
127 128 Riggs Clara A. F 62 Michigan
127 128 Kellogg Harb E. M 37 Day Laborer Michigan
128 129 Lind Charles M 65 Teamster Sweden
128 129 Lind Carrie F 36 Norway
128 129 Lind Gustoff M 11 Michigan [21]
128 129 Lind John M 9 Michigan [21]
128 129 Lind Ester F 6 Michigan [21]
128 129 Lind Ruth F 3 Michigan
129 130 Dunn James M 59 Fisherman Canada(Fr)
129 130 Dunn Kate F 34 Michigan
129 130 Dunn Sarah F 10 Michigan [21]
129 130 Dunn Maggie B. F 8 Michigan [21]
129 130 Dunn Neil M 3 Michigan
Infant Ages: "4/12" means April; "8/12" means August; etc.
[5B][5M] - Designated as "Black" or "Mulatto"
[21] - Attended school within the year
[22] - Can read (unchecked)
[23] - Can write (unchecked)
[23] - Speaks English (unchecked)